The influence of therapeutic physical factors on the dynamics of the clinical condition and quality of life of patients with peri-implantitis




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BACKGROUND: The use of dental implants, being the gold standard in the dental rehabilitation of edentulous patients, is often accompanied by the development of inflammatory complications leading to loss of the implant. Common methods in dental practice for the prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis based on local antiseptic and antibacterial drugs and periodic measures of professional oral hygiene are limited and do not contribute to solving the existing problem.

AIM: Assessment of the clinical effectiveness and dynamics of the quality of life of patients with peri-implantitis during complex therapy using mesodiencephalic modulation, ozone therapy and their combination.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: the study was carried out with the participation of 116 patients with peri-implantitis of classes I and II according to S.A. Jovanovic. All patients were divided into 4 groups using simple fixed randomization. The first group (control; n=28) received standard dental therapy, including professional oral hygiene and local use of antiseptics. In the second group (comparison group 1; n=29), in addition to standard therapy, a course of ozone therapy was performed, for which the peri-implant area was irrigated with ozonated saline solution with an ozone concentration of 2.5–5.5 μg/ml for 15 minutes. In the third group (comparison group 2; n=30), standard treatment was supplemented with a course of MDM therapy. Patients of the fourth group (main group; n=29), along with standard treatment, received complex treatment, including a course of ozone therapy and MDM therapy. The results were assessed after the end of therapy based on the dynamics of dental indices, the osseointegration parameter of the implant and the level of quality of life of the patients.

RESULTS: A course of use of various treatment regimens was accompanied by a significant improvement in the clinical and dental status of patients, but the severity of the effect was different in the groups. To a lesser extent, positive changes were identified in the control group. Additional course use of therapeutic physical factors (ozone and MDM therapy) was accompanied by a significant increase in regression of complaints and improvement in objective indicators of dental status. Achieving the maximum positive result was clearly evident in the main group with the complex use of the studied physiotherapeutic factors. The use of the correlation adaptometry method to assess the clinical effectiveness of various treatment regimens for peri-implantitis made it possible to establish that under the influence of the integrated use of ozone and MDM therapy, the most pronounced decrease in mutual correlations between the studied parameters is observed. This indicates an increase in functional reserves and adaptive capabilities of patients in the main group.

CONCLUSION: the results obtained convincingly prove the high effectiveness of the complex use of therapeutic physical factors in the implementation of a therapeutic strategy aimed at eliminating inflammatory manifestations in the area of dental implants and improving the quality of life of patients.


Madina Balayeva

North-Ossetian State Medical Academy

ORCID iD: 0009-0003-9507-8459
俄罗斯联邦, Vladikavkaz

Anna Remizova

North-Ossetian State Medical Academy

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5951-9454

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Vladikavkaz

Sergey Nagornev

Central State Medical Academy of Department of Presidential Affairs

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1190-1440

MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. The magnitude of the correlation graph during different therapy regimens for peri-implantitis patients.

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