On improved bounds and conditions for the convergence of Markov chains




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We continue the work of improving the rate of convergence of ergodic homogeneousMarkov chains. The setting is more general than in previous papers: we are able to get ridof the assumption about a common dominating measure and consider the case of inhomogeneousMarkov chains as well as more general state spaces. We give examples where the new boundfor the rate of convergence is the same as (resp. better than) the classical Markov–Dobrushininequality.


Alexander Veretennikov

Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute); HSE University

Email: ayv@iitp.ru
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor

Mariya Veretennikova

University of Warwick, Mathematics Institute


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版权所有 © Веретенников А.Y., Веретенникова М.A., 2022
