$\theta$-metric function in the problem of minimization of functionals



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We study approximative properties of setsas a function of the rate of variation of the distance function defined in terms of some continuous functional(in lieu of a metric).As an application, we prove non-uniqueness of approximation by non-convex subsets of Hilbert spaceswith respect to special continuous functionals.Results of this kind are capable of proving non-uniqueness solvability for gradient-type equations.

Sobre autores

Igor' Tsar'kov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics; Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics

Email: tsar@mech.math.msu.su
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5943-3711
Scopus Author ID: 6602443197
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Царьков И.G., 2024

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