On framed simple purely real Hurwitz numbers

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We study real Hurwitz numbers enumerating real meromorphic functions of a special kind, referred to asframed purely real functions. We deduce partial differential equations of cut-and-join type for the generatingfunctions for these numbers. We also construct a topological field theory for them.

About the authors

Maxim Eduardovich Kazarian

HSE University; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

Email: kazarian@mccme.ru
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, no status

Sergei Konstantinovich Lando

HSE University; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

Email: lando@mccme.ru
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences

Sergey Mironovich Natanzon

HSE University; State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics

Email: natanzon@mccme.ru
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, no status


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Copyright (c) 2021 Kazarian M.E., Lando S.K., Natanzon S.M.

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