
Characteristics of Flow in Scrolls of Hydraulic Turbines Calculated by the Equations of the Flow Induced by a Vortex Sink Cylinder of Finite Length Located on an Impermeable Cylinder of Infinite Length
Mikhailov I.
Quality Control of the Stacking of Coarse Fragmental Soil in Test Pits of Reduced Size in the Construction of Dams
Aripov N., Kiselev N., Lyudva S., Piotrovskii A.
Assigning the Packing Density of Skeletal Clay Soil in the Dam Core
Rasskazov L., Zagidulina A., Yadgorov E.
Distribution Function of Maximum Discharge: Accounting for Probable Maximum Flood
Bolgov M., Korobkina E., Filippova I., Osipova N.
Evaluation of the Effect of the Duration of the Repair Status of the Electrical Network on an Increase in Electric Power Losses1
Gerasimenko A., Puzyrev E.
Application of Phase-Shifting Transformer in the Volga Hydroelectric Station Power Distribution System
Kritskii V., Evdokunin G., Brilinskii A., Smirnova L.
Algorithms and Experience with Prediction of Technical Operating Failures in Nuclear Power Plant Equipment
Adamenkov A., Salnykov A., Beketov V., Ryasnyi S.
Modeling and Design Improvement of a Scrubber for Cooling of Flue Gas During Combustion of Fuel Oil and Petroleum Coke at Thermal Power Plants
Bragina O., Bulysova L., Volodin A., Epikhin A.
Use of Proluvial Deposits for Constructing Earth Dams
Bortkevich S.
Optimization of Quality Control of Gravel-Pebble Soil Placement During Dam Construction
Bortkevich S.
Features of Noise Emission from Gas Distribution Stations and Gas Pipelines
Tupov V., Tupov B., Skvortsov V.
Determining the Equivalent Sand Roughness of a Surface by Measuring the Hydraulic Resistance of an Annular Channel
Korsun A., Pisarevskii M., Fedoseev V., Delov M.
The Effect of the Structural Model on Estimating the Bearing Capacity of the Ground Base
Bukhartsev V., Pham N.
Usage Optimization of Automatic Points of Sectionalizing to Increase Grid Reliability and Electricity Service
Andrikeeva S., Gel’fand A., Dubonos V., Narovlyanskii V., Pshenichnikova O., Tolmachev A.
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