
Filtration, Pore Pressure, and Settling From Consolidation of an Ultra-High Dam
Aniskin N., Rasskazov L., Yadgorov E.
Investigation of Relationship Between Vibration State of Core and Frame of Stator in Turbogenerators with Tangential Construction of Elastic Suspension
Kuznetsov D., Polyakov F., Shandybin M.
Research of Sphero-Formation over Pores with Contact Uplift of Clay Soils
Burenkova V., Burenkov P.
Instrumental Inspection of the Repair Quality of Stator Core Suspension in Turbogenerators
Kuznetsov D.
Use of Vibration for Monitoring the Condition of Turbogenerator Stators
Grigor’ev A.
Determination of the Time-to-Saturation of Current Transformers in Short-Circuit Transient Regimes
Kuzhekov S., Degtyarev A., Vorob’ev V., Moskalenko V.
On the Requirements of Current Transformers in Differential Protection of Transformers at Electric Power Stations
Dmitrenko A., Zhuravlev D.
Analysis of Causes, Experience in Monitoring, and Reduction of Increased Stator Vibration of Turbogenerators with Tangential Elastic Core Suspension Designs
Kuznetsov D., Polyakov F., Shandybin M., Syromyatnikov A., Galkin A., Debrinov G.
Vibration Control of the Stator Core and Frame of TGV-300 Turbogenerator and Experience of Reducing 100 HZ Vibration
Matyushin A., Syromyatnikov A., Derbinov G., Perpeta T.
Design Gradient on the Interfacial Heaving of Clay Soils of Seepage-Control Structures of Dams
Burenkova V., Burenkov P.
Features of Measuring the Windings Resistance of Power Transformers to Direct Current
Shinkarenko G.
Method of Numerical Simulation of the Vibrations of a Stator Core
Petrenya Y., Gaev A., Shevchuk R.
Analysis and Prediction of Asphalt-Concrete Core Wall Settlement of the Boguchany HPP Rockfill Dam During the Period of Construction Completion
Uspenskii V., Kuznetsov E.
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