
Increasing the Efficiency of Forming Coatings on the Working Rotor Blades of Steam Turbines1
Gorbachev A., Belyakov A., Fokin A., Malakhov E.
Assessing the Characteristics of a New Hydraulic Turbine for the Verkhnyaya Tuloma HPP
Ivanchenko I., Prokopenko A., Stankevich V.
Modern Methods for Constructing and Modernizing Flow-Through Parts of Steam Turbines
Petrenya Y., Gaev V.
Contemporary Methods for Restoring Steam Turbine Blades
Lebedeva A., Nasteka D.
Problems of Manufacture and Operation of First-Stage Blades and Vanes of Gas Turbines
Kazanskii D.
Restoration of Steam Turbine Last Stage Rotor Blades by Laser Surfacing
Nasteka D., Grachev O., Silevich V., Lebedeva A.
On the Study of Resonance Phenomena in the Design of a Vertical Hydroelectric Generating Unit
Konakov A.
Evaluation of Residual Stresses in the Impeller Blades of Hydraulic Units
Aniskovich E., Moskvichev V., Makhutov N., Razumovskii I., Odintsev I., Apal’kov A., Plugatar’ T.
Electric-Spark Alloying Technology for Improving the Working Life of Steam Turbine Rotor Blades and Equipment for its Implementation1
Belyakov A., Sarantsev V., Gorbachev A., Panteleenko F., Azarenko E., Reutov B.
Improving Overall Performance of Propeller-Type Hydroturbines with the Use of Variable Rotational Speed
Ivanchenko I., Kostruba A., Topazh G.
Vibrations at Blade Frequency of the Support System of the Hydraulic Units at the Volgograd and Zhiguli HPPs
Ivanchenko I., Prokopenko A., Konakov A.
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