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Chronic actinic dermatitis (CAD) is characterized by itchy eczematous lesions on areas of skin exposed to sunlight. The disease affects men middle-aged and elderly. Three criteria was taken into account to diagnose CAD: the effects of the minimum erythemal doses of UVA and UVB, a persistent eczematous lesions in areas exposed to radiation and sometimes non-irradiated sites, and histopathological changes resembling chronic eczema. The eczematous process of the skin develops as a result of a number of factors that lead to sensitization of the organism, including in the pathology of the digestive tract and the hepatobiliary system. A correlation was found between the severity of eczematous skin lesions and the severity of the digestive tract disease. Material and methods. Under the care of the Department of dermatology and venereology Clinics of the Samara state medical University of Minzdrav of Russia were 65 men with CAD, among them 61 (93.9%) patients are over 40 years old. The pathology of the digestive tract and the hepatobiliary system was detected in 51 (78.6%) patients. Concomitant diseases of the digestive tract and the hepatobiliary system had a latent period and were identified for the first time due to a comprehensive survey in 37 (57%) patients. Results. In most cases, CAD on the background of the digestive system disease, there was a moderate and severe course of the eczematous process. The frequency of occurrence of reflux esophagitis, superficial and atrophic gastritis, duodenogastric reflux, as well as the combined pathology of the hepatobiliary system was maximal in patients with the most severe course of the eczematous process. The majority of patients without pathology of the digestive tract and hepatobiliary system had minimal skin manifestations of eczema.

About the authors

Pavel E. Konnov

Samara State Medical University

MD, PhD, docent, Department of skin and venereal diseases, head of Department of Dermatovenereology Clinics Samara State Medical University, Samara, 443099, Russian Federation. Samara, 443099, Russian Federation

E. V Orlov

Samara State Medical University

Samara, 443099, Russian Federation


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