
Half-Century Epoch of Domestic Quartz Ceramic Development. Part 31
Pivinskii Y.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 13. Effect of Firing Temperature on Phase Composition, Structure, and Some Properties of Materials Based on Composite Composition HCBS (Bauxite, Electrocorundum, Quartz Glass)1
Pivinskii Y., Perepelitsyn V., Dyakin P., Kolobov A., Prokhorenkov D.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 11. Composite Composition HCBS (Fuzed Corundum-Bauxite, Sintered Bauxite, Quartz Glass) and Some Properties of Materials Based Upon Them1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Ostryakov L.
Preparation of Highly Concentrated Binder Suspensions Based on Magnesium Aluminum Silicate Glass
Suzdal’tsev E., Zaichuk T., Ustinova Y., Vandrai S.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 11. Composite Composition HCBS (Bauxite Electrocorundum, Quartz Glass) and some Properties of Materials Based Upon Them1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Ostryakov L.
Research in the Area of Preparing Materials Based on Fuzed Quartz HCBS. Part 11. Tests for Implementing New Unfired Quartz Refractory Technology1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Buravov A., Gorokhovskii A., Karpets L., Gusev N., Khabarova V., Karataev D.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 2. Properties of Starting Components and Castings Based on Composite Composition HCBS. Study of the Initial Stage of Sintering and Mullitization1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 6. Mullitization and Thermal Expansion of Materials Based on Compound Composition HCBS1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Kolobov A.
Research in the Area of Preparing Materials Based on Fuzed Quartz HCBS. Part 7. Study of Centrifugally Molded Refractory Sintering and Cristobalitization1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P.
Half-Century Epoch of Domestic Quartz Ceramic Development. Part 1
Pivinskii Y.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 5. Effect of Firing Temperature on Properties of Materials Prepared From Composite HCBS With Addition of Refractory Clay1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Ostryakov L.
Research in the Field of Composite Materials Based on HCBS and Refractory Materials Based on the System Al2O3–SiO2–SiC. Part 31
Dyakin P., Pivinskii Y., Kolobov A.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 10. Effect of Firing Temperature on Properties of Materials Prepared Based on Mixed Composition HCBS from Fuzed Bauxite-Corundum, Quartz Glass, and Reactive Alumina1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Gorokhovskii A., Ostryakov L.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 4. Effect of Refractory Clay Additions on Properties of Compound Composition HCBS, Castings, and Materials Based on Them
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P.
Research in the Field of Composite Materials Based on HCBS and Refractory Materials Based on the System Al2O3–SiO2–SiC. Part 2
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 9. Preparation and Properties of Mixed HCBS Composition: Fuzed Bauxite-Corundum, Quartz Glass, Reactive Alumina. Dilatometric Study of Materials Based on Them
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Kolobov A.
Study of the Effect of pH Regulators and Polyelectrolytes on Lithium-Aluminum Silicate Glass Aqueous Suspension Parameters and Casting Properties
Suzdal’tsev E., Zaichuk T., Ustinova Y., Vandrai S.
Research in the Field of Composite Materials Based on HCBS and Refractory Materials Based on the System Al2O3–SiO2–SiC. Part 1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 8. Effect of Firing Temperature on Properties of Materials Based on Mixed HCBS Composition: Bauxite, Quartz Glass, and Reactive Alumina1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Kolobov A.
Research in the Area of Preparing Materials Based on Fuzed Quartz HCBS. Part 8. Effect of Alkali Additions on Ceramic Sintering and Cristobalitization in a Nonisothermal Heating Regime1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Kolobov A.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 14. Composition and Some Properties of Composite Composition Ceramic Concretes in the System Al2O3–SiO2–SiC–C1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Ostryakov L.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 7. Sintering and Secondary Mullite Formation of Materials Based on Composite Composition HCBS During Nonisothermal Heating and Isothermal Firing1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P.
Research in the Field of Preparing Molded and Unmolded Refractories Based on High-Alumina HCBS. Part 3. Effect of Firing Temperature on Sintering and Mullitization of Materials Prepared on the Basis of Composite Composition HCBS1
Pivinskii Y., Dyakin P., Ostryakov L.
1 - 23 из 23 результатов
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