Efficient Arrangement of Blanks Made of Oxide Ceramics in the Course of Jet-Abrasive Machining


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We perform the experimental investigation of the influence of arrangement of blanks made of oxide ceramics in the chambers of sandblasting installations on the morphology of processed surfaces. Based on the results of mathematical modeling, we propose a mechanism that describes the formation of the surface morphology of ceramic blanks with regard for the angle of its inclination relative to the abrasive sprayer.

Об авторах

V. Kuzin

FGBOU VO “STANKIN” Moscow State Technological University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: kuzena@post.ru
Россия, Moscow

S. Grigor’ev

FGBOU VO “STANKIN” Moscow State Technological University

Email: kuzena@post.ru
Россия, Moscow

M. Volosova

FGBOU VO “STANKIN” Moscow State Technological University

Email: kuzena@post.ru
Россия, Moscow

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature, 2019

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