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卷 232, 编号 6 (2018)


Temporal Components of a Semigroup of Nonnegative Matrices. A Generalization of Minc’s Theorem on the Structure of an Irreducible Matrix

Al’pin Y., Al’pina V.


The notion of a temporal component of a semigroup of block-monomial nonnegative matrices is introduced. For such semigroups, a generalization of Minc’s theorem on the structure of an

irreducible matrix is proved.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):747-751
pages 747-751 views

The Number of Matrices with Nonzero Permanent Over a Finite Field

Budrevich M.


A new method for obtaining lower bounds on the number of matrices over a finite field with nonzero permanent is developed. Some earlier results are improved.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):752-759
pages 752-759 views

On the Kräuter–Seifter Theorem on Permanent Divisibility

Budrevich M., Guterman A., Taranin K.


The paper investigates the divisibility of the permanent function of (1,−1)-matrices by different powers of 2. It is shown that the Kräuter–Seifter bound is the best possible one for generic


Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):760-767
pages 760-767 views

On the Mutual Change of the Coefficients and Values of the Derivative in a Class of Regular Functions

Goluzina E.


Let T be the class of functions \( f(z)=z+\sum \limits_{n=2}^{\infty }{c}_n{z}^n \) regular and typically real in the disk |z| < 1. Sharp estimates for the coefficients c4 and c5 in terms of f′(r) are obtained.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):768-773
pages 768-773 views

On Coarse Grid Correction Methods in Krylov Subspaces

Gurieva Y., Il’in V.


Two approaches using coarse grid correction in the course of a certain Krylov iterative process are presented. The aim of the correction is to accelerate the iterations. These approaches are based on an approximation of the function sought for by simple basis functions having finite supports. Additional acceleration can be achieved if the iterative process is restarted and the approximate solution is refined. In this case, the resulting process turns out to be a two-level preconditioned method. The influence of different parameters of the iterative process on its convergence is demonstrated by numerical results.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):774-782
pages 774-782 views

Partial Orders Based on Inverses Along Elements

Guterman A., Mary X., Shteyner P.


The paper introduces and investigates partial orders that are finer than the minus partial order and are based on inverses along an element and other specific outer inverses. It turns out that in this way a number of classical partial orders can be equivalently defined.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):783-796
pages 783-796 views

Orthogonality Graphs of Matrices Over Skew Fields

Guterman A., Markova O.


The paper is devoted to studying the orthogonality graph of the matrix ring over a skew field. It is shown that for n ≥ 3 and an arbitrary skew field ????, the orthogonality graph of the ring Mn(????) of n × n matrices over a skew field ???? is connected and has diameter 4. If n = 2, then the graph of the ring Mn(????) is a disjoint union of connected components of diameters 1 and 2. As a corollary, the corresponding results on the orthogonality graphs of simple Artinian rings are obtained.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):797-804
pages 797-804 views

On the Determinantal Range of Matrix Products

Guterman A., Soares G.


Let matrices A,CMn have eigenvalues α1, . . ., αn and γ1, . . . , γn, respectively. The set of complex numbers DC(A) = {det(AUCU*) : UMn, U*U = In} is called the C-determinantal range of A. The paper studies various conditions under which the relation DC(R S) = DC(S R) holds for some matrices R and S.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):805-815
pages 805-815 views

Adaptive Wavelet Decomposition of Matrix Flows

Dem’yanovich Y., Degtyarev V., Lebedinskaya N.


Adaptive algorithms for constructing spline-wavelet decompositions of matrix flows from a linear space of matrices over a normed field are presented. The algorithms suggested provides for an a priori prescribed estimate of the deviation of the basic flow from the initial one. Comparative bounds of the volumes of data in the basic flow for various irregularity characteristics of the initial flow are obtained in the cases of pseudo-equidistant and adaptive grids. Limit characteristics of the above-mentioned volumes are given in the cases where the initial flow is generated by differentiable functions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):816-829
pages 816-829 views

Binormal Matrices

Ikramov K.


A square complex matrix A is said to be binormal if the associated matrices A*A and AA* commute. This matrix class yields a meaningful finite-dimensional extension of the concept of normality. The paper can be regarded as a survey of properties of binormal matrices.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):830-836
pages 830-836 views

The CMV Matrix and the Generalized Lanczos Process

Ikramov K.


The CMV matrix is the five-diagonal matrix that represents the operator of multiplication by the independent variable in a special basis formed of Laurent polynomials orthogonal on the unit circle C. The article by Cantero, Moral, and Velázquez, published in 2003 and describing this matrix, has attracted much attention because it implies that the conventional orthogonal polynomials on C can be interpreted as the characteristic polynomials of the leading principal submatrices of a certain five-diagonal matrix. The present paper recalls that finite-dimensional sections of the CMV matrix appeared in papers on the unitary eigenvalue problem long before the article by Cantero et al. was published. Moreover, band forms were also found for a number of other situations in the normal eigenvalue problem.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):837-843
pages 837-843 views

The Minimal and Characteristic Polyanalytic Polynomials of a Normal Matrix

Ikramov K.


The concept of the minimal polyanalytic polynomial was introduced by M. Huhtanen in connection with the generalized Lanczos process as applied to a normal matrix. The paper discusses the possibility of finding an equivalent of the characteristic polynomial in the set of polyanalytic polynomials.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):844-847
pages 844-847 views

Description of Pairs of Anti-Commuting Toeplitz and Hankel Matrices

Ikramov K., Chugunov V.


A complete description of the sets of pairs of anti-commuting Toeplitz and Hankel matrices is given.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):848-891
pages 848-891 views

Two-Level Least Squares Methods in Krylov Subspaces

Il’in V.


Two-level least squares acceleration approaches are applied to the Chebyshev acceleration method and the restarted conjugate residual method in solving systems of linear algebraic equations with sparse unsymmetric coefficient matrices arising from finite volume or finite element approximations of boundary-value problems on irregular grids. Application of the proposed idea to other iterative restarted processes also is considered. The efficiency of the algorithms suggested is investigated numerically on a set of model Dirichlet problems for the convection-diffusion equation.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):892-902
pages 892-902 views

An Approach to Bounding the Spectral Radius of a Weighted Digraph

Kolotilina L.


The paper suggests a general approach to deriving upper bounds for the spectral radii of weighted digraphs. The approach is based on the generalized Wielandt lemma (GWL), which reduces the problem of bounding the spectral radius of a given block matrix to bounding the Perron root of the matrix composed of the norms of the blocks. In the case of the adjacency matrix of weighted graphs and digraphs where all the blocks are square positive (semi)definite matrices of the same order, the GWL takes an especially nice simple form. The second component of the approach consists in applying known upper bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix. It is shown that the approach suggested covers, in particular, the known upper bounds of the spectral radius and allows one to describe the equality cases.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):903-916
pages 903-916 views

An Upper Bound for the Largest Eigenvalue of a Positive Semidefinite Block Banded Matrix

Kolotilina L.


The new upper bound

\( {\uplambda}_{\mathrm{max}}(A)\le \sum \limits_{k=1}^{p+1}i\equiv {k}_{\left(\operatorname{mod}p+1\right)}^{\mathrm{max}}{\uplambda}_{\mathrm{max}}\left({A}_{ii}\right) \)

for the largest eigenvalue of a Hermitian positive semidefinite block banded matrix A = (Aij ) of block semibandwidth p is suggested. In the special case where the diagonal blocks of A are identity matrices, the latter bound reduces to the bound

\( {\uplambda}_{\mathrm{max}}(A)\le p+1, \)

depending on p only, which improves the bounds established for such matrices earlier and extends the bound

\( {\uplambda}_{\mathrm{max}}(A)\le 2, \)

old known for p = 1, i.e., for block tridiagonal matrices, to the general case p ≥ 1.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):917-920
pages 917-920 views

A Generalization of the Theorem on Forming a Matroid from Parts

Lebedinskaya N., Lebedinskiǐ D., Smirnov A.


The following generalization of the theorem on forming a matroid from parts is proved: If a finite set is subdivided into some blocks, each of which is supplied with a matroid structure, and the ranks of every union of certain blocks are prescribed and satisfy the conditions on the rank function of a matroid, then the rank function can be extended to all the subsets of the original set in such a way that the latter becomes a matroid.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):921-925
pages 921-925 views

On Two Algorithms of Wavelet Decomposition for Spaces of Linear Splines

Makarov A.


The purpose of this paper is to construct new types of wavelets for minimal splines on an irregular grid. The approach applied to construct spline-wavelet decompositions uses approximation relations as an initial structure for constructing the spaces of minimal splines. The advantages of this approach are the possibilities of using irregular grids and sufficiently arbitrary nonpolynomial spline-wavelets.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;232(6):926-937
pages 926-937 views