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卷 225, 编号 6 (2017)


Interaction of the Hecke–Shimura Rings and Zeta Functions

Andrianov A.


An automorphic structure on a Lie group consists of the Hecke–Shimura ring of an arithmetic discrete subgroup and a linear representation of the ring on an invariant space of automorphic forms given by Hecke operators. The paper is devoted to interactions (transfer homomorphisms) of the Hecke–Shimura rings of integral symplectic groups and integral orthogonal groups of integral positive definite quadratic forms. Bibliography: 10 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):841-847
pages 841-847 views

Two-Sided Estimates for Some Functionals in Terms of the Best Approximations

Babushkin M., Zhuk V.


Let C be the space of continuous 2π-periodic functions. For some integrals of the form

\( \underset{0}{\overset{\pi }{\int }}{\omega}_r\left(f,t\right)\Phi (t) dt, \)

where ωr(f, t) is the modulus of continuity of order r of a function f in C, two-sided bounds in terms of the best approximations by trigonometric polynomials are established.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):848-858
pages 848-858 views

On the Strong form of Asymptotic Formulas of the Voronovskaya–Bernstein Type with a Pointwise Estimate of the Remainder Term

Babushkin M., Zhuk V.


A number of general results concerning the strong form of asymptotic formulas of Voronovskaya–Bernstein type is established. Several examples of their application to some approximation methods are provided.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):859-876
pages 859-876 views

Critical Values and Moduli of the Derivative of a Complex Polynomial at its Zeros

Dubinin V.


Under some constraints on the critical values of an algebraic polynomial with complex coefficients, a sharp inequality for the product of certain powers of moduli of its derivative at its zeros is established. The equality is attained for a suitable Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):877-882
pages 877-882 views

Equality of the Capacity and Module of a Condenser on a Sub-Finsler Space

Dymchenko Y.


In this paper, the capacity and module of a condenser, and also some functional classes on a sub-Finsler space are defined. Their general properties are studied, and the equality of the capacity and module of a condenser is proved.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):883-892
pages 883-892 views

Periodic Karyon Expansions of Algebraic Units in Multidimensional Continued Fractions

Zhuravlev V.


Periodic expansions of algebraic numbers in multidimensional continued fractions are obtained by using multidimensional backward maps and a method for differentiating induced toric tilings.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):893-923
pages 893-923 views

Simplex-Module Algorithm for Expansion of Algebraic Numbers in Multidimensional Continued Fractions

Zhuravlev V.


The simplex-module algorithm for expansion of algebraic numbers α = (α1, . . . , αd) in multidimensional continued fractions is suggested. The method is based on minimal rational simplices s, where αs, and Pisot matrices Pα, for which \( \widehat{\alpha} \) = (α1, . . . , αd, 1) is an eigenvector. A multidimensional generalization of the Lagrange theorem is proved.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):924-949
pages 924-949 views

Karyon Expansions of Pisot Numbers in Multidimensional Continued Fractions

Zhuravlev V.


Best simultaneous Diophantine approximations of Pisot numbers are obtained. To this end, the karyon approximation method is used. Approximation of Littlewood–Pisot numbers is investigated in detail.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):950-968
pages 950-968 views

ON the p-Harmonic Robin Radius in the Euclidean Space

Kalmykov S., Prilepkina E.


For p > 1, the notion of the p-harmonic Robin radius of a domain in the space n, n ≥ 2, is introduced. In the case where the corresponding part of the boundary degenerates, the Robin–Neumann radius is considered. The monotonicity of the p-harmonic Robin radius under some deformations of a domain is proved. Some extremal decomposition problems in the Euclidean space are solved. The definitions and proofs are based on the technique of moduli of curve families. Bibliography: 23 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):969-979
pages 969-979 views

On an Extremal Metric Approach to Extremal Decomposition Problems

Kuz’mina G.


Applications of the method of modules of curve families to extremal problems of geometric function theory are presented. For these problems, the associated quadratic differentials have a large number of free poles. Bibliography: 13 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):980-990
pages 980-990 views

Zeta Function of the Category of Finite Abelian Groups

Proskurin N.


The zeta function associated with the category of finite Abelian groups is defined and studied. This zeta function is expressed in terms of the Riemann zeta function.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):991-993
pages 991-993 views

Condensers and Equivalent Open Sets on a Riemann Surface

Pugach P., Shlyk V.


Condensers on the compact closure of an open set on a Riemann surface are studied. The equality of the condenser capacity and module is proved. The definition of NED-sets on a Riemann surface is given, and it is proved that the NED-sets do not affect the condenser module. Also a criterion of equivalence of open sets on a Riemann surface is established.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):994-1011
pages 994-1011 views

Lattice Points in Many-Dimensional Balls

Fomenko O.


Let Pk(n) be the difference between the number of points of the integer lattice contained in the ball \( {y}_1^2+\cdots {y}_k^2\le n \) and the volume of this ball. The paper investigates the asymptotic behavior of

the sums

\( \sum_{n\le x}{P}_k(n)\kern0.5em \left(k\ge 4\right),\kern0.5em \sum_{n\le x}{P}_3^2(n),\kern0.5em \sum_{n\le x}{P}_4^2(n)\kern1em as\kern0.5em x\to +\infty . \)

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):1012-1021
pages 1012-1021 views

Modules of Space Configurations and Removable Sets

Shlyk V., Yakovlev A.


The sufficiency of the family of broken lines in computing the module of a configuration is established. Also it is proved that the sets that are removable for the condenser module are also removable for the configuration module.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(6):1022-1031
pages 1022-1031 views