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Том 215, № 6 (2016)


Calculation of Pfaffians by a Chip Removal

Aksenov V., Kokhas K.


We describe a new combinatorial-algebraic transformation on graphs which we call “chip removal.” It generalizes the well-known Urban Renewal trick of Propp and Kuperberg. The chip removal is useful in calculations of determinants of adjacency matrices and matching numbers of graphs. A beautiful example of this technique is a theorem on removing four-contact chips, which generalizes Kuo’s graphical condensation method. Numerous examples are given. Bibliography: 10 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):631-648
pages 631-648 views

The Entropy of Gibbs Measures on Sofic Groups

Alpeev A.


We show that for every local potential on a sofic group there exists a shift-invariant Gibbs measure. Under some conditions we show that the sofic entropy of the corresponding shift action does not depend on a sofic approximation. Bibliography: 12 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):649-658
pages 649-658 views

On the Noncommutative Deformation of the Operator Graph Corresponding to the Klein Group

Amosov G., Zhdanovskiy I.


We study the noncommutative operator graph ℒθdepending on a complex parameter θ recently introduced by M. E. Shirokov to construct channels with positive quantum zero-error capacity having vanishing n-shot capacity. We define a noncommutative group G and an algebra Aθwhich is the quotient of ℂG by a special algebraic relation depending on θ such that the matrix representation ϕ of Aθresults in the algebra ℳθgenerated by ℒθ. In the case of θ = ±1, the representation ϕ degenerates into a faithful representation of ℂK4, where K4is the Klein group. Thus, ℒθcan be regarded as a noncommutative deformation of the graph associated with the Klein group. Bibliography: 16 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):659-676
pages 659-676 views

To the History of the Appearance of the Notion of the ε-Entropy of an Authomorphism of a Lebesgue Space and (ε,T)-Entropy of a Dynamical System with Continuous Time

Arov D.


The paper is devoted to the master thesis on “information theory” which was written by the author in 1956–57. The topic was suggested by his advisor A. A. Bobrov (a student of A. Ya. Khinchin and A. N. Kolmogorov), and the thesis was written under the influence of lectures by N. I. Gavrilov (a student of I. G. Petrovskii) on the qualitative theory of differential equations, which included the statement of Birkhoff’s theorem for ergodic dynamical systems. In the thesis, the author used the concept of Shannon entropy in the study of ergodic dynamical systems f(p, t) in a separable compact metric space R with an invariant measure μ (where μ(R) = 1) and introduced the notion of the (ϵ, T)-entropy of a system as a quantitative characteristic of the degree of mixing. In the work, not only partitions of R were considered, but also partitions of the interval (−∞,∞) into subintervals of length T > 0. In particular, f(p, T) was regarded as an automorphism S of X = R, and the (ϵ, T)-entropy is essentially the ε-entropy of S. But, despite some “oversights” in the definition of the (ϵ, T)-entropy and many years that have passed, the author decided to publish the corresponding chapter of the thesis in connection with the following: 1) There is a number of papers that refer to this work in the explanation of the history of the concept of Kolmogorov’s entropy. 2) Recently, B. M. Gurevich obtained new results on the ϵ-entropy hϵ(S), which show that for two ergodic automorphisms with equal finite entropies their ϵ-entropies also coincide for all ϵ, but, on the other hand, there are unexpected nonergodic automorphisms with equal finite entropies, but different ϵ-entropies for some ϵ. This shows that the concept of ϵ-entropy is of scientific value.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):677-692
pages 677-692 views

Toward the History of Dynamical Entropy: Comparing Two Definitions

Gurevich B.


We prove that for ergodic automorphisms of a Lebesgue space, the definition of the measure-theoretic entropy suggested in the master thesis by D. Arov (1957) and remained unpublished and the well-known definition of Sinai (1959) reduce to each other, while in general this is not the case.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):693-699
pages 693-699 views

Cohomology of the Iwasawa Subgroup of the Group U(p,p) in Nonunitary Representations

Vershik A., Graev M.


We construct a special injective nonunitary bounded irreducible representation for the Iwasawa subgroup of the semisimple Lie group U(p, p) with p > 1. Bibliography: 1 title.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):700-705
pages 700-705 views

On a Class of Optimization Problems with No “Efficiently Computable” Solution

Gavrilovich M., Kreps V.


It is well known that large random structures may have nonrandom macroscopic properties. We give an example of nonrandom properties for a class of large optimization problems related to the computational problem MAXFLS= of calculating the maximum number of consistent equations in a given overdetermined system of linear equations. A problem of this kind is faced by a decision maker (an Agent) choosing means to protect a house from natural disasters. For this class we establish the following. There is no “efficiently computable” optimal strategy of the Agent. As the size of a random instance of the optimization problem goes to infinity, the probability that the uniform mixed strategy of the Agent is ε-optimal goes to one. Moreover, there is no “efficiently computable” strategy of the Agent that is substantially better for each instance of the optimization problem. Bibliography: 13 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):706-714
pages 706-714 views

On The Possible Growth Rate of a Scaling Entropy Sequence

Zatitskiy P.


We define a scaling entropy sequence of a group action and give a family of examples that exhaust all possible growth rates of entropy scaling sequences for actions of the groups ℤ and 2.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):715-733
pages 715-733 views

On the Subadditivity of a Scaling Entropy Sequence

Zatitskiy P., Petrov F.


We prove that if a measure-preserving automorphism has a scaling entropy sequence, then this sequence can be chosen nondecreasing and subadditive.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):734-737
pages 734-737 views

A Higher Order Asymptotic Expansion of the Krawtchouk Polynomials

Minabutdinov A.


The paper extends a classical result on the convergence of the Krawtchouk polynomials to the Hermite polynomials. We provide a uniform asymptotic expansion in terms of Hermite polynomials and obtain explicit expressions for a few first terms of this expansion. The research is motivated by the study of ergodic sums of the Pascal adic transformation. Bibliography: 10 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):738-747
pages 738-747 views

Several Remarks on Groups of Automorphisms of Free Groups

Neretin Y.


Let \( \mathbb{G} \) be the group of automorphisms of a free group F of infinite order. Let ℍ be the stabilizer of the first m generators of F. We show that the double cosets Γm = ℍ \ \( \mathbb{G} \)/ℍ admit a natural semigroup structure. For any compact group K, the semigroup Γm acts in the space L on the product of m copies of K. Bibliography: 20 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):748-754
pages 748-754 views

Multivariate Jacobi Polynomials and the Selberg Integral. II

Olshansk G., Osinenko A.


The problem of harmonic analysis for infinite-dimensional classical groups and symmetric spaces leads to a family of probability measures with infinite-dimensional support. In the present paper, we construct these measures in a different way, which makes it possible to substantially extend the range of the parameters. The measures that we obtain can be interpreted as the result of a formal analytic continuation of the N-dimensional beta distributions which appear in the Selberg integral. Our procedure of analytic continuation, based on Carlson’s theorem, turns N into a complex parameter. Bibliography: 20 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):755-768
pages 755-768 views

Computations with Parameters: A Theoretical Background

Chistov A.


Consider a computational algebraic problem with inputs depending on parameters. The aim of the computation is to stratify the variety of parameters so that for each stratum \( {\mathcal{W}}_{\alpha } \), for arbitrary values of the parameters from \( {\mathcal{W}}_{\alpha } \), the solution of the problem as a function of the parameters is computed by the same algebraic formulas depending only on the stratum \( {\mathcal{W}}_{\alpha } \). We suggest a model for computations with parameters which is convenient for practical purposes and prove a fundamental result for it.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;215(6):769-781
pages 769-781 views

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