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Vol 240, No 5 (2019)


An Announce of Results Linking Kolmogorov Complexity to Entropy for Amenable Group Actions

Alpeev A.V.


We announce a generalization of Brudno’s results on the relation between the Kolmogorov complexity and the entropy of a subshift for actions of computable amenable groups.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):503-506
pages 503-506 views

Quantum Markov States and Quantum Hidden Markov States

Bezhaeva Z.I., Oseledets V.I.


In a previous paper (Funct. Anal. Appl., 3 (2015), 205–209), we defined quantum Markov states. Here we recall this definition and present a proof of the results from that paper (which are given there without proofs). We give a definition of a quantum hidden Markov state generated by a function of a quantum Markov process and show how it is related to other definitions of such states. Our definitions work for quantum Markov fields on ℤN and on graphs. We consider an example with the Cayley tree.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):507-514
pages 507-514 views

On a Universal Borel Adic Space

Vershik A.M., Zatitskii P.B.


We prove that the so-called uniadic graph and its adic automorphism are Borel universal, i.e., every aperiodic Borel automorphism is isomorphic to the restriction of this automorphism to a subset invariant under the adic transformation, the isomorphism being defined on a universal (with respect to the measure) set. We develop the concept of basic filtrations and combinatorial definiteness of automorphisms suggested in our previous paper.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):515-524
pages 515-524 views

Asymptotics of the Number of Geodesics in the Discrete Heisenberg Group

Vershik A.M., Malyutin A.V.


The study of the degenerate part of the absolute of the discrete Heisenberg group required solving a problem on the number of geodesics in this group and in its semigroup. Analytically, this problem reduces to the study of the asymptotic behavior of Gaussian q-binomial coefficients, and the required property is the almost multiplicativity of group characters. The problem has a natural formulation in terms of an (apparently, new) asymptotic property of Young diagrams.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):525-534
pages 525-534 views

An Explicit Formula for Witten’s 2-Correlators

Zograf P.G.


An explicit closed-form expression for the 2-correlators of Witten’s two-dimensional topological gravity is derived in arbitrary genus.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):535-538
pages 535-538 views

The Boundary of the Refined Kingman Graph

Karev M.V., Nikitin P.P.


We study the refined Kingman graph ????, first introduced by Gnedin, whose vertices are indexed by the set of compositions of positive integers and multiplicity function reflects the Pieri rule for quasisymmetric monomial functions. Gnedin identified the Martin boundary of ???? with the space Ω of sets of disjoint open subintervals of [0, 1]. We show that the minimal and Martin boundaries of ???? coincide.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):539-550
pages 539-550 views

Which Circle Bundles Can Be Triangulated Over ∂Δ3?

Mnëv N.E.


We prove that having the boundary of the standard three-dimensional simplex ∂Δ3 as the base of a triangulation, one can triangulate only trivial and Hopf circle bundles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):551-555
pages 551-555 views

The Limit Shape of a Probability Measure on a Tensor Product of Modules of the Bn Algebra

Nazarov A.A., Postnova O.V.


We study a probability measure on the integral dominant weights in the decomposition of the Nth tensor power of the spinor representation of the Lie algebra so(2n + 1). The probability of a dominant weight λ is defined as the dimension of the irreducible component of λ divided by the total dimension 2nN of the tensor power. We prove that as N →∞, the measure weakly converges to the radial part of the SO(2n+1)-invariant measure on so(2n+1) induced by the Killing form. Thus, we generalize Kerov’s theorem for su(n) to so(2n + 1).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):556-566
pages 556-566 views

A Remark on the Isomorphism Between the Bernoulli Scheme and the Plancherel Measure

Naryshkin P.E.


We formulate a theorem of Romik and Śniady that establishes an isomorphism between the Bernoulli scheme and the Plancherel measure. Then we derive several combinatorial results as corollaries. The first one is related to measurable partitions; the other two are related to the Knuth equivalence. We also give several examples and one conjecture belonging to A. Vershik.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):567-571
pages 567-571 views

On the Group of Infinite p-Adic Matrices with Integer Elements

Neretin Y.A.


Let G be an infinite-dimensional real classical group containing the complete unitary group (or the complete orthogonal group) as a subgroup. Then G generates a category of double cosets (train), and any unitary representation of G can be canonically extended to the train. We prove a technical lemma on the complete group GL of infinite p-adic matrices with integer coefficients; this lemma implies that the phenomenon of an automatic extension of unitary representations to a train is valid for infinite-dimensional p-adic groups.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):572-586
pages 572-586 views

Asymptotics of Traces of Paths in the Young and Schur Graphs

Petrov F.V.


Let G be a graded graph with levels V0, V1, . . .. Fix m and choose a vertex v in Vn where n ≥ m. Consider the uniform measure on the paths from V0 to v. Each such path has a unique vertex at the level Vm, so a measure \( {\nu}_v^m \) on Vm is induced. It is natural to expect that these measures have a limit as the vertex v goes to infinity in some “regular” way. We prove this (and compute the limit) for the Young and Schur graphs, for which regularity is understood as follows: the fraction of boxes contained in the first row and the first column goes to 0. For the Young graph, this was essentially proved by Vershik and Kerov in 1981; our proof is more straightforward and elementary.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):587-593
pages 587-593 views

Systems with Parameters, or Efficiently Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations 33 Years Later. II

Chistov A.L.


Consider a system of polynomial equations with parametric coefficients over an arbitrary ground field. We show that the variety of parameters can be represented as a union of strata. For values of the parameters from each stratum, the solutions of the system are given by algebraic formulas depending only on this stratum. Each stratum is a quasiprojective algebraic variety with degree bounded from above by a subexponential function in the size of the input data. The number of strata is also subexponential in the size of the input data. Thus, here we avoid double exponential upper bounds on the degrees and solve a long-standing problem

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):594-616
pages 594-616 views

On the Moduli Space of Wigner Quasiprobability Distributions for N-Dimensional Quantum Systems

Abgaryan V., Khvedelidze A., Torosyan A.


A mapping between operators on the Hilbert space of an N-dimensional quantum system and Wigner quasiprobability distributions defined on the symplectic flag manifold is discussed. The Wigner quasiprobability distribution is constructed as a dual pairing between the density matrix and the Stratonovich–Weyl kernel. It is shown that the moduli space of Stratonovich–Weyl kernels is given by the intersection of the coadjoint orbit space of the group SU(N) and a unit (N − 2)-dimensional sphere. The general considerations are exemplified by a detailed description of the moduli space of 2, 3, and 4-dimensional systems.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):617-633
pages 617-633 views

On Difference Schemes Approximating First-Order Differential Equations and Defining a Projective Correspondence Between Layers

Ayrjan E.A., Malykh M.D., Sevastianov L.A.


It is well known that there are remarkable differential equations that can be integrated in CAS, but admit several inequivalent approaches to their description. In the present paper, we discuss remarkable differential equations in another sense, namely, equations for which there exist finite difference schemes that preserve the algebraic properties of solutions exactly. It should be noted that this class of differential equations coincides with the class introduced by Painlevé. In terms of the Cauchy problem, a differential equation of this class defines an algebraic correspondence between the initial and final values. For example, the Riccati equation y′ = p(x)y2 + q(x)y + r(x) defines a one-to-one correspondence between the initial and final values of y on the projective line. However, the standard finite difference schemes do not preserve this algebraic property of the exact solution. Moreover, the scheme that defines a one-to-one correspondence between the layers actually describes the solution not only before moving singularities but also after them and preserves algebraic properties of equations, such as the anharmonic ratio. After a necessary introduction (Secs. 1 and 2), we describe such a one-to-one scheme for the Riccati equation and prove its properties mentioned above.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):634-645
pages 634-645 views

Relations Between Second-Order Fuchsian Equations and First-Order Fuchsian Systems

Babich M.V., Slavyanov S.Y.


Each component of any solution of a Fuchsian differential system satisfies a Fuchsian differential equation. The set of Fuchsian systems is fibered into equivalence classes. Each class consists of systems with similar sets of matrix residues, the conjugation matrix being the same for all elements of the set. We investigate the corresponding classes of scalar equations.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):646-650
pages 646-650 views

An Algorithm for Decomposing Representations of Finite Groups Using Invariant Projections

Kornyak V.V.


We describe an algorithm for decomposing permutation representations of finite groups over fields of characteristic zero into irreducible components. The algorithm is based on the fact that the components of the invariant inner product in invariant subspaces are operators of projecting to these subspaces. This allows us to reduce the problem to solving systems of quadratic equations. The current implementation of the suggested algorithm allows us to split representations with dimensions up to hundreds of thousands. Computational examples are given.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):651-664
pages 651-664 views

On the Consistency Analysis of Finite Difference Approximations

Michels D.L., Gerdt V.P., Blinkov Y.A., Lyakhov D.A.


Finite difference schemes are widely used in applied mathematics to numerically solve partial differential equations. However, for a given solution scheme, it is usually difficult to evaluate the quality of the underlying finite difference approximation with respect to the inheritance of algebraic properties of the differential problem under consideration. In this paper, we present an appropriate quality criterion of strong consistency for finite difference approximations to systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. This property strengthens the standard requirement of consistency of difference equations with differential ones. We use a verification algorithm for strong consistency, which is based on the computation of difference Gröbner bases. This allows for the evaluation and construction of solution schemes that preserve some fundamental algebraic properties of the system at the discrete level. We demonstrate the suggested approach by simulating a Kármán vortex street for the two-dimensional incompressible viscous flow described by the Navier–Stokes equations.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):665-677
pages 665-677 views

Foliation of the Space \( \mathfrak{s}{\mathfrak{l}}^{\ast}\left(n,\mathbb{R}\right) \) into Coadjoint Orbits

Palii Y.G.


We suggest a method for constructing parameters on the coadjoint orbits in \( \mathfrak{s}{\mathfrak{l}}^{\ast}\left(n,\mathbb{R}\right) \). The method is based on the fact that parameters are invariant under the action of vector fields normal to the tangent space of the orbit with respect to the Killing form. The construction reduces to solving a homogeneous system of linear equations.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):678-687
pages 678-687 views

On Some Special Functions over Finite Fields

Proskurin N.V.


Finite fields analogs of the classical error function and incomplete gamma function are defined as complex functions over finite fields.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):688-691
pages 688-691 views

Automorphisms of Types and Their Applications

Soloviev S., Malakhovski J.


We outline recent results in the theory of type isomorphisms and automorphisms and present several practical applications of these results that can be useful in the contexts of programming and data security. Bibliography: 27 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;240(5):692-706
pages 692-706 views

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