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Vol 226, No 5 (2017)


Proceedings of the Conference “Embedded Graphs”

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):547-547
pages 547-547 views

Primitive Monodromy Groups of Rational Functions with One Multiple Pole

Adrianov N.


Primitive monodromy groups of rational functions P/Q, where Q is a polynomial with no multiple roots and deg P > deg Q+1 are classified. There are 17 families of such functions which are not Belyi functions. Only one family from the list contains functions that have five critical values. All the remaining families consist of functions with at most four critical values and constitute one-dimensional strata in the Hurwitz space. The action of the braid group on generators of their monodromy groups is computed and the corresponding megamaps are drawn.

The result extends the classification of primitive edge rotation groups of weighted trees obtained by the author and Zvonkin and is also a generalization of the classification of primitive monodromy groups of polynomials obtained by P. Müller.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):548-560
pages 548-560 views

On the Enumeration of Hypermaps Which are Self-Equivalent with Respect to Reversing the Colors of Vertices

Deryagina M.


A map (S,G) is a closed Riemann surface S with embedded graph G such that S \G is the disjoint union of connected components, called faces, each of which is homeomorphic to an open disk. Tutte began a systematic study of maps in the 1960s and contemporary authors are actively developing it. In the present paper, after recalling the concept of a circular map introduced by the author and Mednykh, a relationship between bipartite maps and circular maps is demonstrated via the concept of the duality of maps. In this way an enumeration formula for the number of bipartite maps with a given number of edges is obtained. A hypermap is a map whose vertices are colored black and white in such a way that every edge connects vertices of different colors. The hypermaps are also known as dessins d’enfants (or Grothendieck’s dessins).

A hypermap is self-equivalent with respect to reversing the colors of vertices if it is equivalent to the hypermap obtained by reversing the colors of its vertices.

The main result of the present paper is an enumeration formula for the number of unrooted hypermaps, regardless of genus, which have n edges and are self-equivalent with respect to reversing the colors of vertices. Bibliography: 13 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):561-567
pages 561-567 views

Monotone Orbifold Hurwitz Numbers

Do N., Karev M.


In general, the Hurwitz numbers count the branched covers of the Riemann sphere with prescribed ramification data or, equivalently, the factorizations of a permutation with prescribed cycle structure data. In the present paper, the study of monotone orbifold Hurwitz numbers is initiated. These numbers are both variations of the orbifold case and generalizations of the monotone case. These two cases have previously been studied in the literature. We derive a cut-and-join recursion for monotone orbifold Hurwitz numbers, determine a quantum curve governing their wave function, and state an explicit conjecture relating them to topological recursion. Bibliography: 27 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):568-587
pages 568-587 views

Conjugacy Classes of Reflections of Maps

Jones G.A.


The paper considers how many conjugacy classes of reflections a map can have under various transitivity conditions. It is shown that for vertex- and for face-transitive maps there is no restriction on their number or size, whereas edge-transitive maps can have at most four classes of reflections. Examples are constructed, using topology, covering spaces, and group theory, to show that various distributions of reflections can be achieved. Connections with real forms of algebraic curves are also discussed. Bibliography: 30 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):588-607
pages 588-607 views

Highly Symmetric Maps on Surfaces with Boundary

Jones G.A.


The regular maps and the arc-transitive maps on surfaces with nonempty boundary are classified. It is shown that it is unrealistic to expect a similar classification of edge-transitive maps on such surfaces.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):608-622
pages 608-622 views

Calculation of Belyi Functions for Trees with Weighted Edges

Matiyasevich Y.


The paper presents a technique for the automatic calculation of Belyi functions for trees with weighted edges. Bibliography: 20 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):623-634
pages 623-634 views

Recent Progress in Enumeration of Hypermaps

Mednykh A., Nedela R.


The isomorphism classes of hypermaps of a given genus g ≤ 6 and a given number d of darts are enumerated. The hypermaps of a given genus g are distinguished up to orientation preserving isomorphisms. The obtained results depend on recent progress in counting rooted hypermaps, in particular, by P. Zograf, M. Kazarian, A. Giorgetti, and T. Walsh. These results can be interpreted as an enumeration of conjugacy classes of subgroups in a free Fuchsian group of rank two with a genus restriction. Bibliography: 36 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):635-654
pages 635-654 views

Abel Pairs and Modular Curves

Oganesyan D.


Rational functions on algebraic curves, which have a single zero and a single pole, are considered. A pair consisting of such a function and a curve is called an Abel pair; a special case of an Abel pair is a Belyi pair. In the present paper, moduli spaces of Abel pairs for curves of genus one are studied. In particular, a number of Belyi pairs over the fields ℂ and \( \overline{{\mathbb{F}}_p} \) is computed. This approach could be fruitfully used in studying Hurwitz spaces and modular curves for fields of finite characteristics.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):655-666
pages 655-666 views

Calculating and Drawing Belyi Pairs

Shabat G.


The paper contains a survey of the current state of a constructive part in dessin d’enfants theory. Namely, it is devoted to actual establishing the correspondence between the Belyi pairs and their combinatorial-topological representations. This correspondence is established in terms of equivalence of categories, and all relevant categories are introduced. Several connections with arithmetic are discussed. One of the sections presents a possible generalization of the theory, in which three branch points, allowed for the Belyi functions, are replaced by four. Several directions for further research are presented. Bibliography: 80 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(5):667-693
pages 667-693 views

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