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Vol 218, No 5 (2016)


Associate Norms and Optimal Embeddings for a Class of Two-Weight Integral Quasi-Norms

Bakhtigareeva E.G., Goldman M.L.



We obtain formulas for the generalized functional norm associated with the two-weight integral quasi-norm. We describe a minimal generalized Banach function space containing a given quasi-Banach space defined by the two-weight integral quasi-norm.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):549-571
pages 549-571 views

Inverse Functions and Existence Principles

Brinkhuis J.


Each one of six general existence principles of compactness (the extreme value theorem), completeness (the Newton method or the modified Newton method), topology (Brouwer’s fixed point theorem), homotopy (on contractions of a sphere to its center), variational analysis (Ekeland’s principle), and monotonicity (the Minty–Browder theorem)) is shown to lead to the inverse function theorem, each one giving some novel insight. There are differences in assumptions and algorithmic properties; some of the propositions have been constructed specially for this paper. Simple proofs of the last two principles are included. The proof by compactness is shorter and simpler than the shortest and simplest known proof, that by completion. This gives a very short self-contained proof of the Lagrange multiplier rule, which depends only on optimization methods. The proofs are of independent interest and are intended as well to be useful in the context of the ongoing efforts to obtain new variants of methods that are based on the inverse function theorem, such as comparative statics methods.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):572-580
pages 572-580 views

On the Proof of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle by Means of Needle Variations

Dmitruk A.V., Osmolovskii N.P.


We propose a proof of the maximum principle for the general Pontryagin type optimal control problem, based on packets of needle variations. The optimal control problem is first reduced to a family of smooth finite-dimensional problems, the arguments of which are the widths of the needles in each packet, then, for each of these problems, the standard Lagrange multipliers rule is applied, and finally, the obtained family of necessary conditions is “compressed” in one universal optimality condition by using the concept of centered family of compacta.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):581-598
pages 581-598 views

On the Wiener Norm of Subsets of ℤp of Medium Size

Konyagin S.V., Shkredov I.D.


We give a lower bound for the Wiener norm of the characteristic function of a subset A from ℤp, where p is a prime number, in the case where exp((log p/log log p)1/3) ≤ |A| ≤ p/3.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):599-608
pages 599-608 views

Boolean-Valued Analysis of Order-Bounded Operators

Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S.


This is a survey of some recent applications of Boolean-valued models of set theory to the study of order-bounded operators in vector lattices.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):609-635
pages 609-635 views

The Best Approximation of a Set Whose Elements Are Known Approximately

Magaril-Il’yaev G.G., Osipenko K.Y., Sivkova E.O.


This paper is concerned with the problem of the best (in a precisely defined sense) approximation with given accuracy of periodic functions and functions on the real line from, respectively, a finite tuple of noisy Fourier coefficients or noisy Fourier transform on an arbitrary set of finite measure.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):636-646
pages 636-646 views

Asymptotic Properties of Chebyshev Splines with Fixed Number of Knots

Malykhin Y.V.


V. M. Tikhomirov expressed Kolmogorov widths of the class Wr := Wr[−1, 1] in the space C := C[1, 1] as a norm of special splines: dN(WrC) = ‖xN − r, rC, N ≥ r; these splines were named Chebyshev splines. The function xn,r is a perfect spline of order r with n knots. We study the asymptotic behavior of Chebyshev splines for r→∞and fixed n. We calculate the asymptotics of knots and the C-norm of xn,r and prove that xn,r/xn,r(1) = Tn+r+o(1). As a corollary, we obtain that dn+r(Wr, C)/dr(Wr, C) ~ Anr−n/2 as r→∞.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):647-663
pages 647-663 views

Subdifferentials for the Difference of Two Convex Functions

Polovinkin E.S.



It is shown that for some classes of functions all epiderivatives and subdifferentials of the Clarke, Michel–Penot, and other types coincide. Several rules of calculation of epiderivatives and subdifferentials for the difference of two convex functions are obtained. Some examples are considered.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):664-677
pages 664-677 views

On the Best Linear Approximation of Holomorphic Functions

Farkov Y.A.



Let Ω be an open subset of the complex plane and let E be a compact subset of Ω. The present survey is concerned with linear n-widths for the class H (Ω) in the space C(E) and some problems on the best linear approximation of classes of Hardy–Sobolev-type in Lp-spaces. It is known that the partial sums of the Faber series give the classical method for approximation of functions f ∈ H (Ω) in the metric of C(E) when E is a bounded continuum with simply connected complement and Ω is a canonical neighborhood of E. Generalizations of the Faber series are defined for the case where Ω is a multiply connected domain or a disjoint union of several such domains, while E can be split into a finite number of continua. The exact values of n-widths and asymptotic formulas for the ε-entropy of classes of holomorphic functions with bounded fractional derivatives in domains of tube type are presented. Also, some results about Faber’s approximations in connection with their applications in numerical analysis are mentioned.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(5):678-698
pages 678-698 views

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