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Vol 213, No 5 (2016)


Representations of Quantum Conjugacy Classes of Orthosymplectic Groups

Ashton T., Mudrov A.


Let G be the complex symplectic or special orthogonal group and let ɡ be its Lie algebra. With every point x of the maximal torus T ⊂ G we associate a highest weight module Mx over the Drinfeld–Jimbo quantum group Uq(ɡ) and a quantization of the conjugacy class of x by operators in End(Mx). These quantizations are isomorphic for x lying on the same orbit of the Weyl group, and Mx supports different representations of the same quantum conjugacy class. Bibliography: 25 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):637-650
pages 637-650 views

Young Tableaux and Stratification of the Space of Square Complex Matrices

Babich M.V.


A stratification of the manifold of all square matrices is considered. One equivalence class consists of the matrices with the same sets of values of rank(A − λiI)j . The stratification is consistent with a fibration on submanifolds of matrices similar to each other, i.e., with the adjoint orbits fibration. Internal structures of matrices from one equivalence class are very similar; among other factors, their (co)adjoint orbits are birationally symplectomorphic. The Young tableaux technique developed in the paper describes this stratification and the fibration of the strata on (co)adjoint orbits.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):651-661
pages 651-661 views

Time-Dependent Correlation Functions for the Bimodal Bose–Hubbard Model

Bogoliubov N.M.


The bimodal Bose–Hubbard model is studied. The application of the Quantum Inverse Method allows us to calculate the time-dependent correlation functions of the model. Form-factors of the bosonic creation and annihilation operators in the wells are expressed in the determinantal form.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):662-670
pages 662-670 views

Extensions of the Quadratic Form of the Transverse Laplace Operator

Bolokhov T.A.


We study the quadratic form of the Laplace operator in 3 dimensions written in spherical coordinates and acting on transverse components of vector-functions. Operators which act on parametrizing functions of one of the transverse components with angular momentum 1 and 2 appear to be fourth-order symmetric operators with deficiency indices (1, 1). We consider self-adjoint extensions of these operators and propose the corresponding extensions for the initial quadratic form. The relevant scalar product for angular momentum 2 differs from the original product in the space of vector-functions, but, nevertheless, it is still local in radial variable. Eigenfunctions of the operator extensions in question can be treated as stable soliton-like solutions of the corresponding dynamical system whose quadratic form is a functional of the potential energy.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):671-693
pages 671-693 views

Discrete Spectrum of the Jacobi Matrix Related to Recurrence Relations with Periodic Coefficients

Borzov V.V., Damaskinsky E.V.


In this note, we study the discrete spectrum of the Jacobi matrix corresponding to polynomials defined by recurrence relations with periodic coefficients. As examples, we consider

(a) the case where the period N of coefficients of recurrence relations equals 3 (as a particular case, we consider “parametric” Chebyshev polynomials introduced by the authors earlier);

(b) elementary N-symmetric Chebyshev polynomials (N = 3, 4, 5), which were introduced by the authors in the study of the “composite model of a generalized oscillator.”

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):694-705
pages 694-705 views

Computation of RS-Pullback Transformations for Algebraic Painlevé VI Solutions

Vidunas R., Kitaev A.V.


Algebraic solutions of the sixth Painlevé equation can be constructed with the help of RS-transformations of hypergeometric equations. Construction of these transformations includes specially ramified rational coverings of the Riemann sphere and the corresponding Schlesinger transformations (S-transformations). Some algebraic solutions can be constructed from rational coverings alone, without obtaining the corresponding pullbacked isomonodromy Fuchsian system, i.e., without the S part of the RS transformations. At the same time, one and the same covering can be used to pullback different hypergeometric equations, resulting in different algebraic Painlevé VI solutions. In the case of high degree coverings, construction of the S parts of the RS-transformations may represent some computational difficulties. This paper presents computation of explicit RS pullback transformations and derivation of algebraic Painlevé VI solutions from them. As an example, we present a computation of all seed solutions for pullbacks of hyperbolic hypergeometric equations. Bibliography: 26 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):706-722
pages 706-722 views

Matrix Factorization for Solutions of the Yang–Baxter Equation

Derkachov S.E., Chicherin D.


We study solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation on the tensor product of an arbitrary finite-dimensional and an arbitrary infinite-dimensional representations of rank 1 symmetry algebra. We consider the cases of the Lie algebra sℓ2, the modular double (trigonometric deformation), and the Sklyanin algebra (elliptic deformation). The solutions are matrices with operator entries. The matrix elements are differential operators in the case of sℓ2, finite-difference operators with trigonometric coefficients in the case of the modular double, or finite-difference operators with coefficients constructed of the Jacobi theta functions in the case of the Sklyanin algebra. We find a new factorized form of the rational, trigonometric, and elliptic solutions, which drastically simplifies them. We show that they are products of several simply organized matrices and obtain for them explicit formulas. Bibliography: 44 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):723-742
pages 723-742 views

Quantum Groups: From the Kulish–Reshetikhin Discovery to Classification

Kadets B., Karolinsky E., Pop I., Stolin A.


The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of results about classification of quantum groups which were obtained by the authors. Bibliography: 17 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):743-749
pages 743-749 views

The Einstein-Like Field Theory and Renormalization of the Shear Modulus

Malyshev C.


The Einstein-like field theory is developed to describe an elastic solid containing distribution of screw dislocations with finite-sized core. The core self-energy is given by a gauge-translational Lagrangian that is quadratic in torsion tensor and corresponding to the three-dimensional Riemann–Cartan geometry. The Hilbert–Einstein gauge equation plays the role of unconventional incompatibility law. The stress tensor of the modified screw dislocations is smoothed within the core. The renormalization of the shear modulus caused by proliferation of dipoles of nonsingular screw dislocations is studied. Bibliography: 23 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):750-755
pages 750-755 views

The Five-Vertex Model and Enumerations of Plane Partitions

Pronko A.G.


We consider the five-vertex model on an M ×2N lattice with fixed boundary conditions of special type. We discuss a determinantal formula for the partition function in application to description of various enumerations of N × N × (M − N) boxed plane partitions. It is shown that at the free-fermion point of the model, this formula reproduces the MacMahon formula for the number of boxed plane partitions, while for generic weights (outside the free-fermion point), it describes enumerations with the weight depending on the cumulative number of jumps along vertical (or horizontal) rows. Various representations for the partition function which describes such enumerations are obtained.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):756-768
pages 756-768 views

Degenerately Integrable Systems

Reshetikhin N.


The subject of this paper is degenerate integrability in Hamiltonian mechanics. We start with a short survey of degenerate integrability. The first section contains basic notions. It is followed by a number of examples which include the Kepler system, Casimir models, spin Calogero models, spin Ruijsenaars models, and integrable models on symplectic leaves of Poisson Lie groups. The new results are degenerate integrability of relativistic spin Ruijsenaars and Calogero–Moser systems and the duality between them. Bibliography: 30 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):769-785
pages 769-785 views

Generating Functions of Chebyshev Polynomials in Three Variables

Sokolov M.A.


In this paper, we obtain generating functions of three-variable Chebyshev polynomials (of the first as well as of the second type) associated with the root system of the A3 Lie algebra. Bibliography: 21 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(5):786-794
pages 786-794 views

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