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卷 89, 编号 13 (2019)


Estimation of the Soil Toxicity Level in the Areas of Anthropogenic Mineral Deposits by Means of Quantitative Parameters and Biotesting

Makarova V., Yarusova S.


The level of soil pollution in the areas of manganese slug dumps from ferroalloy production has been estimated on the basis of heavy metal content of soils and response of test plants. The concentrations of heavy metals in soils have been determined, the corresponding hazard factors have been calculated, and the toxicity level of soils has been assessed. Such studies make it possible to simultaneously judge the amount of toxicants (namely heavy metals) in soils and evaluate the level of soil toxicity by the response of biological species used in biotesting.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2741-2745
pages 2741-2745 views

Prediction of Metal Ion Toxicity Using Ion Characteristics

Frumin G., Bolotova N.


Mathematical models have been proposed to relate median lethal concentrations of metal cations with respect to daphnia and nematodes to their physicochemical characteristics (descriptors). The most informative descriptors quantitatively related to the toxicity of metal cations for Daphnia magna and Caenorhabditis elegans have been found to be the negative logarithm of the first hydrolysis constant, negative logarithm of the solubility product of the corresponding sulfides, and stability constant of the metal complex with ethylenediamine. The linear regression equations for the median lethal concentrations of metal ions for Daphnia magna and Caenorhabditis elegans can be used as predictive correlations due to their significant predictive ability.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2746-2750
pages 2746-2750 views

Comparative Study of Plant Drought with Account Taken of Biochemical Mobility of Heavy Metals

Sukiasyan A.


The impact of water deficit in the soil on the growth of Armenian semi-tooth-shaped sweet corn under various soil and climatic conditions was assessed. The plant drought response was studied by kinematic growth profiles with account taken of contrast sensitivity to stress factors depending on the soil and climatic conditions, as well as of background concentrations of some heavy metals. The drought effect is reflected in changes of the physiological growth parameters of the fifth leaf of corn. The plant drought tolerance was assessed at the seedling stage by measuring the total length of the plant and accumulation coefficients of heavy metals.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2751-2755
pages 2751-2755 views

Prospects for Development of an Eco-Friendly Nanocarbon Matrix for Combined Immobilized Microbial Preparations

Voznyakovskii A., Shugalei I., Voznyakovskii A., Tselinskii I., Krupskaya L.


A new method for graphene preparation by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis process was proposed. The effect of the resulting material on various microorganisms and the process of graphene nanoparticles conjugation with microbial cells were discussed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2756-2762
pages 2756-2762 views

Effect of Plasma Surface Modification of Mixed Leaf Litter on the Mechanism of Oil Film Removal from Water Bodies

Alekseeva A., Stepanova S.


The effect of the plasma modification of mixed leaf litter on the mechanism of oil removal from water surface was studied. It was found that that the sorption isotherm of a plasma-modified mixed leaf litter is described with high reliability by the Langmuir, Freundlich, and Dubinin–Radushkevich equations. A kinetic study revealed a diffusion-kinetic sorption mode, and the calculated Gibbs energy it allowed a conclusion that the process of oil adsorption by a plasma-modified leaf litter involves no chemisorption. The modification of the proposed material in a plasma flow of the litter forms charged particles on the surface, thereby ensuring specific adsorption and the presence of electrostatic (Coulomb) forces that causing orientational and inductive interactions.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2763-2768
pages 2763-2768 views

Processing Hard Coal Mining Wastes of the Luhansk Region as Man-Made Metal Deposits

Verekh-Belousova E.


Coal mining waste rock dumps contain a lot of rare and precious microelements and are a single complex mechanism of the chemical and biochemical transformations of substances, and the key role in such transformations belongs to sulfuric acid formed as a result of the vital functions of thionic bacteria Th. Ferrooxidans. The aim of the present work was to develop an environmentally friendly biotechnology for processing coal mining waste rock dumps of the Luhansk Region as man-made metal deposits. The spectral analysis of the waste rocks of the Luhansk Region revealed high concentrations of precious, rare-earth, and trace elements. A high prevalence of gallium and germanium clarkes was found, and their actual concentration in the waste was close to the minimum industrial concentration. The results of chemical analysis of the waste rock for Al2O3 showed that its concentration was close to that in poor bauxites, a traditional raw material for alumina. A method and technology of the biochemical leaching of aluminum, gallium, and germanium, which make use of the natural processes of sulfuric acid formation in waste rock were proposed, and their efficiency was experimentally confirmed. The proposed biochemical technology for the processing of coal mining waste rocks can serve as the basic method for diminishing their environmental impact and rational use of natural resources.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2769-2773
pages 2769-2773 views

Levoristatin, Non-Medical Application Antibiotic: Preparation, Physicochemical Properties, Structure, and Directions of Practical Usage (Review)

Belakhov V., Boikova I., Yakovleva E., Kolodyaznaya V.


Published data on the preparation, physicochemical properties, and structure of levoristatin, an anti-fungal antibiotic of non-medical application, were systematically reviewed. The directions of practical usage of levoristatin were summarized.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2774-2785
pages 2774-2785 views

Effect of Modification on the Toxicity of Sorption Materials Intended for Wastewater Treatment

Tatarintseva E., Dolbnya I., Bukharova E., Ol’shanskaya L., Lazareva E.


The results of an experimental study of chemical and thermal modification of galvanic sludge which is the basis of composite sorption materials intended for wastewater treatment were presented. It was shown that the sorption material based on ferritized galvanic sludge possesses magnetic properties, which allows its extraction from water by magnetic separation. The specific surface area, particle size distribution, and bulk density of the sorption material were determined. Bioassay testing was performed to assess the material toxicity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2786-2790
pages 2786-2790 views

Persistent Organic Pollutants in Baikal Seal (Pusa sibirica) Blubber

Mamontov A., Mamontova E., Tarasova E.


The concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in the blubber of Baikal seal were determined. The data obtained over the period from 1997 to 2017 are considered. The revealed changes in the concentrations of PCBs and DDT and its metabolites demonstrate the complexity of the redistribution processes of these compounds. The total concentration of POPs in Baikal seal blubber has not diminished over the past 20 years (1997–2017) and is close to the levels in 1993 and 1981.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2791-2797
pages 2791-2797 views

Hydrochemical Regime of the Kiliya Delta of the Danube River in Retrospective and Modern Conditions: I. Main Indicators of Water Chemical Composition

Linnik P., Zhezherya V., Linnik R.


—The article focuses on the changes in the hydrochemical regime of the Kiliya delta of the Danube River, which have occurred during many years of research. It is established that after damming of the Danube River, supersaturation of the river water with dissolved oxygen is observed in the upper and middle river course, which results from an increase in the photosynthetic activity of the algae, a reduction in the content of suspended solids, and pollution of the water with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. It is shown that since the 1970s the water mineralization level has increased by approximately 30%. The concentration of Na+, K+, SO42–, and Cl ions has increased. Cases of saltwater penetration into the waters of the Prorva, the Gneushev, and the Bystryi branches have been observed. In modern conditions, the concentrations of nitrate ions and inorganic phosphorus remain high, whereas the concentration of ammonium nitrogen, on the contrary, has decreased almost thrice. It is found that there is an increase in the concentration of dissolved organic substances, especially in spring and summer, which is due to the intensification of bioproduction processes. Among dissolved organic substances in the water of the Kiliya delta of the Danube River, the dominating position is occupied by humic substances, the relative content of which reaches 54.8–85.6%.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2798-2807
pages 2798-2807 views

Impact of Technogenic Wastewaters of Kavalerovskii and Dalnegorskii Mining Districts on the Hydrosphere of Primorsky Krai

Zvereva V.


Continuous development of the mining industry at Primorsky Krai has led to formation of the technogenic mining systems in the Kavalerovskii and Dalnegorskii districts. These systems cause pronounced negative effect on the ecosphere. Discharge of the technogenic wastewaters with metals is potentially high and depends on the ore composition, and mineralization of the circum-ore envelope as well as hypergene and technogenic processes yielding the interstitial solutions, pit, slime, and drainage waters. Consequently, surface and underground waters get polluted by the toxic elements of the sulfide ores such as Cu, Zn, Pb, As, B, Fe, etc., their concentration in the technogenic waters often exceeding the background values and fishery threshold limit values. Sometimes this excess is up to hundreds of thousand times which indicates steady acceleration of hypergene and technogenic processes. Such effect of the mining technogenic systems caused environmental condition of the considered districts to be evaluated as strained and critical.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2808-2817
pages 2808-2817 views

On the Functional Biospheric Role of Living and Biogenic Matter: The Fourth Biogeochemical Principle

Ostroumov S.


V.I. Vernadsky (1863‒1945) formulated three biogeochemical principles. These principles were set forth, e.g., in his monograph ‟The Chemical Structure of the Biosphere of the Earth and Its Environment” (the first biogeochemical principle was given in Paragraph 95 of that his monograph, the second biogeochemical principle, in Paragraph 198, and the third biogeochemical principle, in Paragraph 208). In addition to those fundamental principles, the author attempted formulating an additional, fourth (4th) principle, consistent with Vernadsky’s ideas on the important role of organisms in modification of the chemical parameters of the biosphere. The new principle highlights additional aspects of the vital role of living organisms in conditioning the geochemical environment. The fourth principle emphasizes a regulatory role of organisms in abiogenic migration of chemical elements in the biosphere.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2818-2820
pages 2818-2820 views

The Content of High-Molecular Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Air During FIFA World Cup 2018

Khalikov I., Korunov A.


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including benzo(a)pyrene have been determined on aerosol particles in air sampled in several cities of the European part of Russia hosting FIFA World Cup 2018. The average monthly concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) in none of the samples in June–July 2018 exceeded the maximum permitted concentration. The maximum average monthly concentration of BaP during the observation period has been found in Kazan (station no 8, July–0.83 ng/m3). The average concentration of BaP in the considered cities decreased along the series: Kazan (0.45 ng/m3), Kaliningrad (0.38 ng/m3), Moscow (0.35 ng/m3), Saransk (0.32 ng/m3), Nizhny Novgorod (0.31 ng/m3), Samara (0.31 ng/m3), Rostov-on-Don (0.26 ng/m3), St. Petersburg (0.22 ng/m3), Volgograd (0.16 ng/m3), Sochi (0.01 ng/m3).

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2821-2826
pages 2821-2826 views

Study of the Plant Growth-Regulating Activity of Non-Medical Application Antibiotics with the Aim of Finding Eco-Friendly Plant Growth Regulators

Boikova I., Kolodyaznaya V., Belakhov V.


Biological experiments with non-medical application antibiotics lucensomycin, tetramycins A and B, aureofungins A and B, and antimycin A were carried out. It was revealed that these antibiotics exhibit growth-promoting activities and may be considered as eco-friendly biopreparations. Prospects of their application for increasing the agricultural crop yields were shown.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2827-2834
pages 2827-2834 views

Toxicity of Metal Cations for Daphnia

Frumin G., Malysheva N.


A statistically significant relationship was established between the median lethal concentrations of metal cations for daphnia and the maximum permissible concentrations of metals for fishery water bodies. A new eco-toxicological approach to the integrated assessment of the surface water contamination by metals, based on the combined risk concept, was developed. This approach can be used for assessment of the metal contamination of water bodies in various climatic zones and for analysis of the inter- and intra-annual trends of water body contamination.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2835-2839
pages 2835-2839 views

Suppression of Cyanobacterial Blooms by Zooplankton: Experiments in Natural Water Bodies with the Use of Flow-Through Ecosystems

Gerasimova T., Pogozhev P., Sadchikov A.


—In a pond, the trophic press of fish suppresses the development of large-size filter-feeders (Daphnia longispina and Simocephalus vetulus). Large-size cladoceran species are replaced by smaller species. The Micro-cystis aeruginosa blooms and the trophic press of fish are accompanied by a loss of the species diversity of filter-ing zooplankton and by a drop in its biomass to minimal levels. Flow-through experimental ecosystems separate zooplankton-consuming fish, thereby causing abrupt increases in zooplankton abundance and biomass. Water flow in the experimental ecosystem destroys cyanobacterial colonies and increases the proportion of their fractions with a size making them edible. This favors increases in zooplankton abundance, size, and fertility.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2840-2844
pages 2840-2844 views

Biosorption of Toxic Elements from Multicomponent Solutions by Microfungal Biomass

Pavlova L., Radomskaya V., Shumilova L., Kezina T., Ivanov V.


The results of experiments on sorption of toxic elements from multicomponent solutions by microfungal biomass are presented. In the elements group extraction processes the species and strain specificity of micromycetes manifests itself. Talaromyces funiculosus biomass possesses the highest (1.5–3 times higher) sorption indicators compared to Cladosporium cladosporioides and Trichoderma aureoviride. Within each species, the strains, isolated from technogenic substrates, are also characterized by higher sorption indicators. The affinity of chemical elements to fungal biomass as a sorbent corresponds to the following series: Bi ≈ Sn ≈ Pb ≈ Fe > Hg ≈ (Sb) ≥ Cr ≥ Cd > Cu ≈ Se > Zn ≈ V ≥ Co ≈ Mn ≈ As ≈ Ni ≈ Sr ≈ (Sb). The use of the analytical scanning electron microscopy has made it possible to detect particles of various composition and morphology on fungal biomass. The mechanism of their formation is proposed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2845-2857
pages 2845-2857 views

Additions to Some Concepts Presented in V.I. Vernadsky’s Works on the Biosphere

Ostroumov S.


Four innovations added to the V.I. Vernadsky’s concepts on the biosphere in recent author’s publications were summarized. These innovations are as follows: (a) a new typology of the matter in the biosphere; (b) modernization of the concept of the biogenic migration of chemical elements; (c) a new, fourth, biogeochemical principle; and (d) a more detailed presentation of the concept of a substantial influence of organisms on physical and chemical parameters of the biosphere: namely, the development of a new theory of the multifunctional role of the biota in water self-purification in the hydrosphere.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2858-2859
pages 2858-2859 views

Epilimnion, Metalimnion, and Hypolimnion of a Mesotrophic Aquatic Ecosystem: Functional Role of the Vertical Structure of the Reservoir Ecosystem in Terms of Hydrochemical and Biological Parameters

Sadchikov A., Ostroumov S.


—Studies of epilimnion, metalimnion, and hypolimnion are of great importance for understanding the vertical structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The present article reports new facts related to the stratification of freshwater ecosystems. In particular, the concentration of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and hydrobiological parameters at depths from 0 to 30 m of Glubokoe Lake (Moscow oblast) were determined. The metalimnion (thermocline) which is characterized by a high vertical temperature gradient was found to accumulate a large amount of detritus and contain increased amounts of bacteria and algae cells (phytoplankton). The increased content of organic matter and aquatic organisms is responsible for intense degradation processes which lead to depletion of oxygen.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2860-2864
pages 2860-2864 views

Hydrochemical Regime of the Kiliya Delta of the Danube River in Retrospective and Modern Conditions: II. Metal Content and Speciation

Linnik P., Zhezherya V., Linnik R.


Past and present data on the concentration and speciation of metals (Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd, Mo, Ni) in the Kiliya Danube delta have been generalized, and variations in their concentrations have been compared. It has been shown that the highest pollution of the Danube lower reach has occurred from the second half of 1980s to the first half of 1990s due to intensive anthropogenic impact on the river delta ecosystem. Subsequently, decrease of the metal concentration was observed as a result of industrial crisis in the late 1990s–early 2000s. The major part of metals is transferred by water flow in the form of suspended solids, which is related to their relatively high content in water of the Kiliya part of the Danube delta. The results of studying dissolved metal species, in particular the ratio of the labile fraction that is potentially toxic to hydrobionts and complexes with dissolved organic matter, have been discussed. Data on the distribution of metals among complexes with dissolved organic substances of different chemical natures and molecular weights are given. Humic substances have been shown to contribute most to the complexation. Compounds with molecular weights of 1 to 5 and less than 1 kDa constitute the major part of anionic metal complexes with humic substances.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(13):2865-2874
pages 2865-2874 views