Quantum Chemistry, NMR Spectroscopy, and Single-Crystal Diffractometry Methods in the Analysis of Protonation Pathways of 2-Amino-4-benzylsulfanyl-6-methylpyrimidines



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Protonation pathways of 2-amino-4-benzylsulfanyl-6-methylpyrimidines have been investigated by means of semiempirical PM3 quantum-chemical simulation, 13C NMR spectroscopy, and single-crystal diffractometry methods. In the gas phase and in the bipolar aprotic solvent, the protonation involves the N1 atom. The protonation in the crystalline state is characterized by the formation of a branched system of H-bonds, involving the protons of the amino group besides the mentioned nitrogen atom.


A. Erkin

St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)

Email: kruerk@yandex.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moskovskii pr. 26, St. Petersburg, 190013

V. Gurzhiy

St. Petersburg State University

Email: kruerk@yandex.ru
俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg

V. Krutikov

St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)

Email: kruerk@yandex.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moskovskii pr. 26, St. Petersburg, 190013

O. Neporozhneva

St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)

Email: kruerk@yandex.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moskovskii pr. 26, St. Petersburg, 190013

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