Assessment of the Impact of Technogenic Processes Occurring at the Central Concentrating Mill Tailing Dump (Komsomolsky Tin-Ore District) on the Hydrosphere in a Wide Temperature Range



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The results of physicochemical modeling of oxidation of sulfide minerals in the Central Concentrating Mill tailing dump (Komsomolsky tin-ore district) with account taken of the cementation zone in the temperature range from–25 to +45°C are given. The Eh-pH parameters for the formation of micropore solutions in technogenic systems have been determined at different host rock–sulfide ratios (95: 5, 90: 10, 80: 20, 60: 40, 40: 60, 20: 80, 10: 90, 5: 95). Crystallization of hypergene minerals from the micropore solutions have been considered, their qualitaitve and quantitative ion compositions have been determined, and their effect on the hydrosphere has been assessed.


V. Zvereva

Far East Geological Institute, Far East Branch; Far East Federal University; Pacific National University

俄罗斯联邦, pr. 100-letiya Vladivostoka 159, Vladivostok, 690022; ul. Sukhanova 8, Vladivostok, 600091; ul. Tikhookeanskaya 136, Khabarovsk, 680035

K. Frolov

Far East Federal University

俄罗斯联邦, ul. Sukhanova 8, Vladivostok, 600091

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