
Phosphorylation of Acetylaminophenols with Secondary Phosphine Chalcogenides: Synthesis of O-(Acetylamino)phenyl Chalcogenophosphinates
Volkov P., Ivanova N., Telezhkin A., Khrapova K., Larina L., Gusarova N., Trofimov B.
Addition of Diphenylphosphine to Two Molecules of 1,4-Naphthoquinone
Khasyatullina N., Vazykhova A., Mironov V.
Chemoselective Cross-Coupling of Secondary Phosphine Chalcogenides with Aminophenols: Synthesis of Aminophenylchalcogenophosphinic Acids O-Esters
Khrapova K., Volkov P., Ivanova N., Telezhkin A., Gusarova N., Trofimov B.
Steric control of regiodirectivity of reductive N-vinylation–C-phosphorylation of pyridines with the system alkyl propiolate–secondary phosphine oxide
Gusarova N., Volkov P., Ivanova N., Khrapova K., Albanov A., Trofimov B.
Three-Component Reaction of 4-Methylpyridine with Alkyl Propiolates and Secondary Phosphine Chalcogenides
Volkov P., Telezhkin A., Ivanova N., Khrapova K., Albanov A., Gusarova N., Trofimov B.
Unexpected Reaction of Secondary Phosphine Chalcogenides with Acridine
Volkov P., Telezhkin A., Ivanova N., Khrapova K., Gusarova N., Trofimov B.
Unexpected Carbon–Selenium Bond Formation in the Reaction of Secondary Phosphine Selenides with Benzoylphenylacetylene
Volkov P., Telezhkin A., Khrapova K., Ivanova N., Albanov A., Apartsin K., Gusarova N., Trofimov B.
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