
Effect of poly(ethylene oxide) on the kinetics of oxidative polymerization of aniline
Mezhuev Y., Korshak Y., Shtil’man M.
Promoting non-transition metal alkylation with organic halides in the presence of binary systems based on an organometallic compound and a transition metal compound: IX. Alkylation of aluminum and concluding remarks
Eremeev I.
Promoting non-transition metal alkylation with organic halides in the presence of binary systems based on an organometallic compound and a transition metal compound: VI. Effect of various additives on the rate of the steady-state process
Eremeev I.
The effect of the medium polarity on the mechanism of the reaction of hydroxybenzenes with hydrazyl radical in aprotic solvents
Belaya N., Belyj A., Zarechnaya O., Scherbakov I., Mikhalchuk V., Doroshkevich V.
Promoting non-transition metal alkylation with organic halides in the presence of binary systems based on an organometallic compound and a transition metal compound: VIII. Selectivity of the binary systems action
Eremeev I.
Promoting non-transition metal alkylation with organic halides in the presence of binary systems based on an organometallic compound and a transition metal compound: VII. Additional details of the mechanism
Eremeev I.
Promoting nontransition metal alkylation with organic halides in the presence of binary systems based on an organometallic compound and a transition metal compound: V. Effect of the nature of the transition metal compound in the binary system on the rate of a steady-state process
Eremeev I.
Transition State Structure and Mechanism of the Reaction of Hydroxybenzenes with N-Centered Radical in Non-Ionizing Media
Belaya N., Belyi A., Zarechnaya O., Shcherbakov I., Doroshkevich V.
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