
Hexanuclear Silver(I) Hexamethylene Dithiocarbamate Cluster [Ag6{S2CN(CH2)6}6]·2CH2Cl2: Preparation, Molecular Structure (Manifestation of Argentophilic Interaction), and Thermal Behavior
Korneeva E., Ivanov A., Gerasimenko A., Loseva O., Novikova E., Ivanov M.
Synthesis, Antibacterial and Antileishmanial Activity, Cytotoxicity, and Molecular Docking of New Heteroleptic Copper(I) Complexes with Thiourea Ligands and Triphenylphosphine
Saeed A., Larik F., Jabeen F., Mehfooz H., Ghumro S., El-Seedi H., Ali M., Channar P., Ashraf H.
Role of Neutral Fraction of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Migration of Metals in Surface Waters: II. Neutral Metal Complexes in Water Bodies of Different Types
Linnik P., Zhezherya V., Linnik R.
Oxidation of 5-aminouracil with molecular oxygen in aqueous solution in the presence of copper(II) chloride
Murinov Y., Mishinkin V., Akchurina O., Grabovskii S., Kabal’nova N.
Activation of molecular oxygen on copper(II) complexes of 5-hydroxy and 5-aminoorotic acids
Mishinkin V., Grabovskiy S., Kabal’nova N., Murinov Y.
Synthesis, acid–base and complexing properties of tripotassium tributyl [nitrilotris(methylene)]tris(phosphonate)
Garifzyanov A., Shurygin I., Cherkasov R., Ivshin K., Kataeva O.
Influence of ligand donor-acceptor properties on the structure, optical, and electrochemical characteristics of Ir(III) complexes with cyclometallated 2-phenylbenzotiazole
Katlenok E., Zolotarev A., Balashev K.
Study of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds by the Static Tensimetric Method from Mendeleev to the Present Day
Davydova E., Doinikov D., Kazakov I., Krasnova I., Sevast’yanova T., Suvorov A., Timoshkin A.
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