Author Details

Zvereva, V. P.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 86, No 13 (2016) Article Modeling the compositions of slime waters in the tailing dumps of the Central and Krasnorechensk concentrating mills at the Dal’negorsk district in the positive temperature range
Vol 86, No 13 (2016) Article Using an comprehensive method for evaluation of environment state in a zone of influence of a tailing dam
Vol 87, No 13 (2017) Article Assessment of the Impact of Technogenic Processes Occurring at the Central Concentrating Mill Tailing Dump (Komsomolsky Tin-Ore District) on the Hydrosphere in a Wide Temperature Range
Vol 87, No 13 (2017) Article Physicochemical Modeling of Sulfide Oxidation Processes in Tailing Dumps of the Kavalerovsky District and Their Impact on the Hydrosphere (Primorsky Krai)
Vol 87, No 13 (2017) Article Hypergene and Technogenic Formation of Minerals Depending on the Sulfur Content of Tailings in the Tailing Dump of the Krasnorechensk Concentrating Mill (Dalnegorsk District, Primorsky Krai)
Vol 88, No 13 (2018) Article Modeling Sulfide Oxidation Processes in the Vysokogorsky Tailing Dam in the Temperature Range from –25 to 0°С (Kavalerovsky District, Primorsky Krai)
Vol 88, No 13 (2018) Article Behavior of Sulfide Ore Elements in the Oxidation of Concentration Tailings under Cryogenic Conditions (Dalnegorsk District, Far East)
Vol 89, No 13 (2019) Article Impact of Technogenic Wastewaters of Kavalerovskii and Dalnegorskii Mining Districts on the Hydrosphere of Primorsky Krai

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