
The Secondary Sea Level Maximum during Floods in Saint Petersburg and Its Simulation with Numerical Models
Popov S., Gusev A., Fomin V.
Spatial and Temporal Features of Synoptic and Mesoscale Variability of the Baltic Sea Level
Medvedev I.
Regional variability of Antarctic sea ice extent
Bukatov A., Bukatov A., Babii M.
Satellite Monitoring of Sea Ice Cover and Water Parameters for the Caspian Sea
Asmus V., Vasilenko E., Zatyagalova V., Ivanova N., Krovotyntsev V., Maksimov A., Trenina I.
Numerical Modeling of Sea Level Oscillations in the Caspian Sea
Medvedev I., Kulikov E., Fine I., Kulikov A.
Spatiotemporal variability of the flow in the deep part of the Central Caspian Sea
Ambrosimov A.
Using δ18O as a Tracer of the Formation of Water Masses in the Laptev Sea. Part 2. Quantification of the Volume of Atlantic, River, and Melt Water as well as Water Withdrawn for Ice Formation
Namyatov A., Semeryuk I.
The influence of the North Atlantic on climate variations in the Barents Sea and their predictability
Alekseev G., Glok N., Smirnov A., Vyazilova A.
Climatic Changes in Thermal Conditions of Sea Areas in the Eastern Arctic at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Rostov I., Dmitrieva E., Vorontsov A.
Wave interpretation of major Baltic inflows
Tikhonova N., Sukhachev V.
Seasonal Variability of Temperature Fronts on the Barents Sea Surface
Artamonov Y., Skripaleva E., Fedirko A.
Diagnosis and forecast of the Caspian Sea level with the operational hydrodynamic model
Popov S., Lobov A.
A link between winter precipitation in Europe and the Arctic Sea ice, sea surface temperature, and atmospheric circulation
Cherenkova E., Semenov V.
Dredging Influence on Methane Concentration in the Taganrog Bay
Gar’kusha D., Fedorov Y., Tambieva N.
Snow Cover Influence on Sea Ice in the Taganrog Bay
Zav’yalov D., Solomakha T.
Trends in Hazardous Phenomena over the Far Eastern Seas Caused by Tropical Cyclones
Mezentseva L., Evdokimova L., Vrazhkin A.
Regional features of long-term variability of the Black Sea surface temperature
Artamonov Y., Skripaleva E., Fedirko A.
Estimation of Sea Ice Drift on the Sea of Okhotsk Shelves Based on Satellite Data
Plotnikov V., Dubina V., Vakul’skaya N.
Satellite Monitoring of Icebergs in the Arctic Seas
Smirnov V., Bychkova I., Mikhal’tseva S., Platonova E.
Secular Variability of the Caspian Sea Level
Kislov A.
Specific features of heat exchange between the Black Sea and the atmosphere in winter in 1971–1991
Ratner Y., Korotaev G.
Distribution of methane content and methane fluxes in the Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, and near-Kuril Pacific
Obzhirov A., Pestrikova N., Mishukova G., Mishukov V., Okulov A.
Simulation and Analysis of Sea Floods in the Don River Delta
Fomin V., Alekseev D., Lemeshko E., Lazorenko D.
Wind Waves in the Northwestern Black Sea
Garmashov A.
Summer Wind-driven Upwelling and Tidal Mixing on the Western Kamchatka Shelf in the Sea of Okhotsk
Zhabin I., Vanin N., Dmitrieva E.
1 - 25 的 76 信息 1 2 3 4 > >> 


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