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Vol 41, No 8 (2016)


The aerosol module in the INM RAS climate model

Volodin E.M., Kostrykin S.V.


The aerosol module is included into the INM RAS climate model. The module computes the evolution of main aerosols: sea salt, mineral dust, sulfate aerosol, and black and organic carbon. Aerosol surface fluxes, advection, gravitational sedimentation, surface absorption, and scavenging by precipitation are taken into account to compute aerosol concentration variations. Model aerosol distribution is used to compute radiation fluxes. The ten-year run of the climate model is performed. The climatology of model aerosol is considered. The aerosol mass, integral source values, optical thickness, and radiative forcing are presented. The results are compared with the data of other models and observations.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):519-528
pages 519-528 views

Interannual and intraannual variations in total precipitable water over the North Atlantic from satellite microwave measurements

Milshin A.A., Shelobanova N.K., Grankov A.G.


Based on the long-term data of satellite microwave radiometers, the estimates are obtained of interannual and intraannual variations in monthly mean values of total precipitable water in the atmosphere over the North Atlantic from 1988 to 2011, in particular, in the regions characterized by the maximum rate of heat and moisture exchange between the ocean and atmosphere such as the Gulf Stream, Newfoundland, and Norway-Greenland energy-active zones. Long-term trends in total precipitable water in the atmosphere over these regions are estimated. The variations in total precipitable water in the atmosphere in 2010 are noted which were caused by oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico (the spring of 2010) and by the severe drought in the European part of Russia (the summer of 2010).

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):529-534
pages 529-534 views

Intense mesocyclones in the Black Sea region

Yarovaya D.A.


The statistical study of intense mesoscale cyclones formed in the Black Sea region in 1979-2013 is carried out using the surface wind data of the RegCM climate model. Such cyclone parameters as intensity, lifetime, area, height, and trajectories over the sea as well as the place and time of origin are considered. The distribution of mesocyclones by months and times of day is considered. The obtained results are compared with the results of a statistical study on the Black Sea mesocyclones based on the PRECIS climate model. Possible causes for differences in data on the intensity and number of mesocyclones simulated by RegCM and PRECIS models are considered.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):535-543
pages 535-543 views

The influence of the North Atlantic on climate variations in the Barents Sea and their predictability

Alekseev G.V., Glok N.I., Smirnov A.V., Vyazilova A.E.


The effects of Atlantic water inflow on the climate variability in the Barents Sea are studied. Initial data are the series of water temperature at the Kola meridian cross-section, monthly values of ice extent, air temperature at the stations, sea level pressure from the reanalysis data, and sea surface temperature. The methods of multivariate correlation, spectral, and factor analysis and EOF decomposition are used. It was found that variations in the Atlantic water inflow define the main part of interannual variability of sea ice extent, water temperature, and air temperature in the Barents Sea in the cold season. The influence of regional atmospheric circulation on the interannual variability of these parameters is small. The effects that water temperature anomalies in the area of Newfoundland and in the equatorial part of the North Atlantic have on climate parameters in the Barents Sea are discovered. The response of these parameters lags behind the respective anomalies by 9-58 months. The high correlation between them makes it possible to develop the method of statistical forecasting of sea ice extent and water temperature in the Barents Sea with the lead time up to 4 years.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):544-558
pages 544-558 views

Free oscillations of water level in the Posyet Gulf bays (the Sea of Japan)

Dolgikh G.I., Budrin S.S., Dolgikh S.G., Plotnikov A.A., Chupin V.A., Shvets V.A., Yakovenko S.V.


The results of the experiments on the registration of hydrosphere pressure variations are analyzed. The experiments were conducted in 2011, 2012, and 2014 using the laser meter ofhydrosphere pressure variations and the laser hydrophone in some bays of the Posyet Gulf in the Sea of Japan. Basic attention is given to the wind waves and fundamental modes of free oscillations in the bays.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):559-563
pages 559-563 views

Internal tides in the coastal zone of the Sea of Japan in autumn

Novotryasov V.V., Zakharkov S.P., Stepanov D.V.


The results are presented of hydrological studies in the coastal zone of the Sea of Japan in autumn in different years. It is revealed that the typical density stratification of water is formed there in autumn. The amplitudes are estimated of regular (with the periodicity of tidal harmonic M2) vertical displacements of isotherms in the intermediate layer and maximum values of flow velocity in the surface and bottom layers. It is demonstrated that temperature perturbations are induced at the shelf edge and propagate to the coastal zone with the velocity that is close to the velocity of the first mode of internal gravity waves with the frequency of the tidal harmonic M2.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):564-568
pages 564-568 views

Assessment of the role of reservoir morphology in parameterizing its ecological regime under extreme hydrological conditions

Puklakov V.V., Edelshtein K.K., Datsenko Y.S.


The results are presented of scenario calculations of water quality parameters and biological productivity in three areas of morphologically different types of reservoirs in the years with extreme water conditions. Three models of reservoirs with the same size and flowage are used: river-, lake-, and mixed-type reservoirs. The study is based on the morphometric parameters and bathygraphical curves from 18 stretches of the Mozhaisk Reservoir. The revealed differences in the intensity of algae bloom and anoxia in hypolimnion in the simulated reservoirs are compared with the criteria of the norm and risk of the ecological regime of the reservoirs being the sources of municipal water supply.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):569-576
pages 569-576 views

The analysis of long-term variability and estimation of the maximum water levels under conditions of high anthropogenic impact for the Amur River

Bolgov M.V., Korobkina E.A., Osipova N.V., Filippova I.A.


The series of the maximum annual water level in the Amur River are long enough but non-uniform. The need is substantiated in dividing the series of the maximum water level into two uniform periods and in using the certain period (with the duration of more than 35 years) for the subsequent statistical analysis. This is the period which indicates the formation conditions of runoff and maximum water levels including the anthropogenic load (runoff control).

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):577-584
pages 577-584 views

Transformation of chemical composition of snow in the impact areas of the first stage of the expandable launch system Proton in Central Kazakhstan

Koroleva T.V., Krechetov P.P., Semenkov I.N., Sharapova A.V., Kondrat’ev A.D.


Snow cover contamination is assessed in the impact areas of the first stage of the expandable launch system Proton in Central Kazakhstan. It was revealed that the chemical effect ofpropellants on the snow cover is local. The increase in the content of the following high-toxic substances in the snow was registered: unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, nitrosodimethylamine, and nitrate and nitrite ions. The most part of the pollutants is localized in the upper 5-cm snow layer. Nitrogen tetroxide decreases the value of pH, and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine increases it. The inflow of calcareous soil particles to the atmosphere and their subsequent fallout result in the alkalization of snow and in the neutralization of acidification by nitrogen tetroxide accompanied by the formation ofthe salts of nitric acid and nitrous acid.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2016;41(8):585-591
pages 585-591 views

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