
Investigation of Cu cong Seeding Effect during Rainfall Augmentation in India
Sin’kevich A., Boe B., Mikhailovskii Y., Dovgalyuk Y., Veremei N., Gopalakrishnan V., Murugavel P., Pawar S.
Computation of extreme ice drift velocities on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island from radar measurements
Shevchenko G., Tambovsky V.
Radar studies of formation and development of hail cores in severe convective clouds
Inyukhin V., Makitov V., Kushchev S.
Technological features of hail suppression activities in the Republic of Moldova
Potapov E., Garaba I.
Wind Shear Detection from Weather Radar Data
Denisenkov D., Zhukov V., Shchukin G.
Development of the space observation system and geophysical monitoring system in Roshydromet
Asmus V., Bedritskii A., Stasenko V., Tasenko S., Uspenskii A.
Monitoring of Dangerous Ice Phenomena Using Satellite Imagery and Model Simulation
Smirnov V., Bychkova I., Zakhvatkina N., Mironov E., Klyachkin S.
Investigations of the development of thunderstorm with hail. Part 2. Analysis of methods for the forecast and diagnosis of the electrical properties of clouds
Mikhailovskii Y., Sin’kevich A., Pawar S., Gopalakrishnan V., Dovgalyuk Y., Veremei N., Bogdanov E., Kurov A., Adzhiev A., Malkarova A., Abshaev A.
Studying the Areal Rainfall Reduction in the Urals Based on Radar Data
Klimenko D.
The impact of radar data assimilation on atmosphere state analysis in the Moscow region
Pavlyukov Y., Zaripov R., Luk’yanov A., Shestakova A., Shumilin A., Travov A.
Relationships between the Structure of Convective Clouds and Lightning Frequency Derived from Radiophysical Measurements
Sin’kevich A., Mikhailovskii Y., Matrosov S., Popov V., Snegurov V., Snegurov A., Dovgalyuk Y., Veremei N.
A technology of waterspout monitoring over the Russian part of the Black Sea
Kalmykova O., Shershakov V.
Satellite Monitoring of Icebergs in the Arctic Seas
Smirnov V., Bychkova I., Mikhal’tseva S., Platonova E.
The tornado in Bashkortostan: the potential of analyzing and forecasting tornado-risk conditions
Novitskii M., Pavlyukov Y., Shmerlin B., Makhnorylova S., Serebryannik N., Petrichenko S., Tereb L., Kalmykova O.
Retrieval of Air Flow Velocity Using Doppler Weather Radars
Devyatkin A., Denisenkov D., Zhukov V., Kuleshov Y., Chernyshev S., Shchukin G.
Synoptic conditions, nowcasting, and numerical prediction of severe squalls and tornados in Bashkortostan on June 1, 2007 and August 29, 2014
Dmitrieva T., Peskov B.
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