
Forming the Productivity of Spring and Winter Wheat in the Conditions of the Middle Priamurye Region
Aseeva T., Karacheva G., Lomakina I., Ruban Z.
Efficacy of Biopreparations for Spring Wheat in the European Part of Russia against Different Backgrounds of Mineral Nutrition
Alferov A., Chernova L., Kozhemyakov A.
Biological Substantiation of Application of Microfertilizers and Organo-Mineral Preparations for the Foliar Treatment of Wheat
Kolesnikov L., Melnikov S., Kiselev M., Zuev E., Vasileva T.
Analysis of spring bread wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) using microsatellite markers
Klykov A., Konovalova I., Bogdan P., Shadrin D., Zhang C., Zhang H., Ma S., Zhang Z.
Likely threat of the spread of race UG99 of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici on wheat in southeastern Russia
Sibikeev S., Markelova T., Baukenova E., Druzhin A.
Use of introgressive hybridization in selection of spring bread wheat
Belan I.
Influence of Fertilizers, Biomass of White Mustard, and Biopreparation Rhizoagrin on Yield and Grain Quality of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Sustainability of the Agroecosystem
Alferov A., Chernova L.
Development of Soil-Borne Infections in Spring Wheat and Barley as Influenced by Hydrothermal Stress in the Forest-Steppe Conditions of Western Siberia and the Urals
Toropova E., Glinushkin A., Selyuk M., Kazakova O., Ovsyankina A.
Agroecosystem Stability with the Application of Fertilizers and Biopreparations
Alferov A., Chernova L.
Genotype–Environment Interaction, Productivity, and Adaptive Potential of Spring Wheat Varieties
Sapega V.
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