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Volume 54, Nº 2 (2019)


Synchrotron Radiation from a Charge on Eigenmodes of a Dielectric Cylinder

Saharian A., Kotanjyan A., Kotanjyan V.


The electromagnetic radiation on the eigenmodes of a dielectric waveguide is investigated for the charge rotating around a dielectric cylinder. A formula for radiation intensity at a given harmonic is obtained. The corresponding fields exponentially decay at distances from the surface of the cylinder larger than the radiation wavelength. A comparison is made for the intensities of the parts of the radiations propagating inside and outside the cylinder, as well as with the intensity of the radiation at large distances from the cylinder.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):111-116
pages 111-116 views

Active Target for α-Particle Condensation Studies in 16O

Margaryan A., Khachatryan V., Vardanyan H., Grigoryan N., Ajvazyan R., Kakoyan V., Khachatryan P., Zhamkochyan S., Balabanski D., Annand J., Livingston K., Montgomery R., Filikh I., Mohammad A., Vlahovic B.


An active target has been developed for studying the Hoyle like states in 16O. It is a position and time sensitive detector system based on the Low-Pressure Multy-Wire Proportional Chamber (LPMWPC) technique and Si detectors. The few Torr pressure of methyl ((OCH3)2CH2) serves as a working gas for the LPMWPC operation, and the oxygen atoms of the methyl molecules serve as an experimental target. The main advantage of this new target-detector system is a high sensitivity to the low-energy, highly ionizing particles, produced after photodisintegration of 16O, and the insensitivity to the γ-rays and low ionizing particles, which allows one to detect only the products of the nuclear reaction, which are studied. The threshold energies for detection of α particles and 12C nuclei are about 50 keV and 100 keV, respectively. Temporal and positional resolution of the LPMWPC modules was investigated with the use of the α-particle source. This paper discusses the architecture of the active target and the test results of the prototype MWPC detector. This installation has been constructed to study the cluster states at 15.1 MeV in 16O using the proton beams from the Yerevan proton cyclotron and the Compton backscattered photon beams of the ELI-NP facility.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):117-125
pages 117-125 views

Spectrum of Radiation of a Bunch of Positrons Channeled in Densely Packed Nanotubes

Gevorgyan K., Gevorgian L.


The problem of the radiation of a relativistic bunch of positrons channeled in densely packed nanotubes was solved. A model parabolic potential was used for the average nanotube field. The channeled positrons oscillate with the same frequency, but with different amplitudes equal to the distance from the point of entry of the positron in the nanotube to its axis. The polarization of the nanotube environment results in the appearance of a lower energy threshold for the formation of radiation. The boundaries of the frequency interval of radiation also depend on the amplitude of the oscillating positron. For the first time an analytical expression for the spectrum of the total radiation is obtained in the dipole approximation. At a zero angle, both hard (gamma) and soft (X-ray) photons are generated. Directed photon beams have important practical applications.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):126-135
pages 126-135 views

Selective Reflection for a Fabry-Perot Interferometer in Presence of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

Khachatryan D., Grigoryan G.


The influence of thermal motion of atoms of alkali metals in a cell with the parallel windows on the formation of electromagnetically induced transparency in the Λ-system is considered. The solution of joint system of equations of density matrix and Maxwell was studied analytically and numerically. The spectra of single and multiple reflections for different optical lengths and parameters of interaction were obtained.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):136-145
pages 136-145 views

Current Transport Mechanism in p-InSb–n-CdTe Heterojunction

Petrosyan S., Matevosyan L., Avjyan K., Nersesyan S.


Based on the analysis of the forward current-voltage characteristics of the p-InSb–n-CdTe heterojunction fabricated by a method of pulsed laser deposition, the existence of two charge injection mechanisms was experimentally confirmed. At relatively small external bias voltages (0.03 V < U < 0.15 V), the current is in a satisfactory agreement with the expression I ~ exp(qUkT) with the ideality factor η = 1. Above 0.18 V, the current-voltage characteristic obeys the law I ~ U3/2 followed by an attainment to the linear section (the cut-off voltage of current is 0.47 V). A theoretical model of current transport is given taking into account the peculiarities of the heterojunction band discontinuity, leading to the origination of inversion layer near the interface.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):146-152
pages 146-152 views

Tuning Terahertz Recombination Transitions of Quaternion States in Ellipsoidal Quantum Dot

Bleyan Y., Hayrapetyan D.


In the mode of a strong size quantization, the positive, neutral, and negative quaternion states in a strongly oblate ellipsoidal quantum dot (SOEQD) are considered and the stability of these quasiparticles is shown. The energies of all types of quaternions are calculated using the variational method, where trial wave functions are constructed based on the single-particle wave functions of an electron and a hole. The dependences of the binding energy of all types of quaternion states on the small semiaxis of SOEQD are constructed. The recombination radiation energies of all types of quaternions for various combinations of geometric parameters of SOEQD are computed. It is shown that the frequencies of the recombination radiation are in the terahertz range.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):153-159
pages 153-159 views

Effect of External Hydrostatic Pressure and Temperature on the Impurity States and Diamagnetic Susceptibility in Strongly Oblate Ellipsoidal Quantum Dot

Ohanyan G.


In this work, the hydrogen-like impurity states in a strongly oblate ellipsoidal quantum dot have been investigated in the presence of the external hydrostatic pressure and temperature. Numerical computations were performed within the framework of the variational method. The dependences of the binding energy on the location of the donor impurity were obtained for various values of external pressure and temperature. At various values of external pressure, the dependence of the diamagnetic susceptibility on the impurity coordinate has been revealed. The dependence of the oscillator strength for the first two transitions from the impurity ground state to the conduction band has been computed. The three-dimensional dependence of the photoionization cross section on the frequency of the incident light and hydrostatic pressure is given.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):160-167
pages 160-167 views

Absorption Spectra of Hydrogen-Like Donor Impurity in GaAs Quantum Well with Modified Pöschl-Teller Potential

Sargsian T.


Hydrogen-like donor impurity states in a quantum well with modified Pöschl-Teller confinement potential have been considered. The dependence of binding energy on hydrogen-like donor impurity position and confinement potential parameters has been revealed. It has been shown that the dependence of binding energy on hydrogen-like donor impurity position has the bell-shaped character. The existence of binding energy maximum is explained by the concurrency of the size-quantization effect and the Coulomb interaction between electron and hydrogen-like donor impurity. The coefficient of an optical absorption in the presence of hydrogen-like donor impurity center has been computed. The absorption spectra for the quantum transitions between the hydrogen-like donor impurity ground state and conduction band ground state have been obtained.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):168-174
pages 168-174 views

Four-Layer Detection Pixel of Single-Photon Thermoelectric Detector

Kuzanyan A., Kuzanyan A., Nikoghosyan V.


The processes of heat propagation in a four-layer detection pixel of thermoelectric single-photon detector after the absorption of photon of the 0.8 eV energy are investigated by the computer simulation method. The design of the detection pixel consisting of successive layers on a sapphire substrate of heat sink (W), thermoelectric sensor (CeB6), absorber (W) and the antireflection layer (LaB6) is proposed. The temporal dependences of an intensity of the signal arising on the detection pixel, the values and the time to reach the maximum signal, the time of signal decreasing to the background value and the count rate of the detector for different thicknesses of the layers of the sensing element are determined. The computer modelling is carried out based on the equation of heat propagation from the limited volume by the use of three-dimensional matrix method for differential equations. It is shown that the thermoelectric detector with the four-layer detection pixel has a system detection efficiency on the level of 95%. It also provides a gigahertz count rate. A detector with such characteristics can be applied in various fields of science and modern technologies.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):175-184
pages 175-184 views

Determination of Refractive Index and Thickness of Nanosized Amorphous Carbon Films Via Visible Range Reflectance Spectra

Dabaghyan G., Matevosyan L., Avjyan K.


The values of thickness and refractive index (1.92 < nf < 2.19) of amorphous nanosized carbon films obtained on a crystalline silicon substrate by a pulsed laser deposition were experimentally determined via an analysis of visible range of reflection spectra. Manufactured films can be used as single-layer anti-reflective coatings for Si and GaAs semiconductors.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):185-187
pages 185-187 views

Investigation of Sensor Made of ZnO:La for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Vapours by Impedance Spectroscopy Method

Shahkhatuni G., Aroutiounian V., Arakelyan V., Aleksanyan M., Shahnazaryan G.


In this work, the impedance spectroscopy is presented as a promising method for the investigation of the sensitivity of gas semiconductor sensors. The sensor made of the ZnO nanosize film doped with the 1 at.% La was manufactured and its sensitivity investigated to the hydrogen peroxide vapors. The advantages of impedance spectroscopy compared with the studies of current-voltage characteristics are shown.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):188-195
pages 188-195 views

Investigation of Ag Nanoparticles/Water Solutions by Microwave Stripline Sensor

Abrahamyan T., Khachatryan R., Hambaryan D., Hovhannisyan B., Minasyan B., Odabashyan L., Babajanyan A.


In this work, we developed a microwave stripline sensor based on the optimized double quadratic-shape design and the concentration of Ag nanoparticles is measured in aqueous solutions by using a real-time microwave near-field electromagnetic interaction. The {tiS}11 microwave reflection parameter of the sensor at the resonant frequency was changed depending on the Ag nanoparticles concentration in the aqueous solution. It is possible to determine the Ag nanoparticles concentration in the range of 0–50 ώg/l at the operating frequency of about 2 GHz. The measured minimum registered signal and concentration were equal to 0.03 dB/(ώg/l) and 1 ώg/l, respectively. The electromagnetic response of these type of systems is explained by the structural changes of water due to the Ag nanoparticles ablation. Because of the low cost and easy fabrication process, this system enables one to develop a chemical sensor for non-invasive monitoring of metal nanoparticles in liquid media.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):196-202
pages 196-202 views

Influence of Interdiffusion of Heteromaterials on the Diffraction Focusing of Spherical X-Ray Wave in a Superlattice

Levonyan L., Manukyan H.


The influence of interdiffusion of heteromaterials on the diffraction focusing of spherical X-ray wave in a superlattice is investigated. It is shown that in case of dynamical diffraction of spherical X-ray wave in a short period superlattice, the focal lengths of satellites vary depending on the degree of interdiffusion of heteromaterials of the bilayer. The measurement of focal lengths of satellites allows the determination of structural factors of the superlattice and eventually the calculation of the thickness of transition diffuse layer.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):203-209
pages 203-209 views

Distribution of Deformations in the Oscillating X-Ray Acoustic Element Based on the X-Cut Quartz Crystal

Mkrtchyan A., Blagov A., Kocharyan V., Kulikov A., Movsisyan A., Muradyan T., Targonsky A., Eliovich Y., Darinski A., Pisarevski Y., Kovalchuk M.


The mechanical deformations in the quartz X-ray acoustic element arising by the excitation of resonant thickness ultrasound oscillations are investigated experimentally and theoretically. Experiments were carried out using the X-ray topography and double-crystal diffractometry, and theoretical computations were performed using the mathematical modeling by the finite element method. It follows from the computations that the mechanical deformation arising in the resonator as a result of the excitation of thickness variations, is strongly stratified and represents a series of maxima, the distance between which depends on the crystallographic direction. The large number of nodes and antinodes of the oscillations directly depends on the resonant frequency of the X-ray acoustic element. The obtained experimental results are in good agreement with theoretical computations.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):210-218
pages 210-218 views

Solution of Four-Parametric Problem in Laser Diffractometry in the Framework of Two-Wavelength Model

Sargsyan H., Sargsyan A., Danielyan A.


A theoretical and experimental method is proposed to solve one of the important applied problems in hematology for development of an automated and inexpensive method to establish the size distribution curve of erythrocytes. Within the framework of two-wavelength model, a new method for the experimental data processing of laser diffractometry was suggested, which allows one to distinguish the anisocytoses with the various degrees of asymmetry. The advantages of the developed mathematical approach are discussed.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(2):219-224
pages 219-224 views

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