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Том 65, № 6 (2016)


Computer-aided modeling of physicochemical characteristics of various energy sources

Smolenskii E., Pivina T., Ryzhov A., Maslova L., Zefirov N.


The authors’ review presents original methodical development works and integrates the research on the modeling of processes and estimation of physicochemical characteristics of natural (hydrocarbons) and chemical (energetic materials) energy sources. A fundamentally new method of energy generation based on transition of excited helium atoms to the superstable state in superstrong magnetic fields is described. A hypothetical possibility for these states to exist was predicted by one of the authors and confirmed by calculations.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1395-1405
pages 1395-1405 views

Mesoporous chromium(iii) oxoterephthalate MIL-101: modification and applications

Kovalenko K., Fedin V.


The synthesis and structure of mesoporous chromium(III) oxoterephthalate MIL-101, examples of its functional properties, and various methods of its modification are considered. The potential uses of mesoporous metal-organic framework structures for applications in various areas are analyzed. Particular attention is given to the fundamental questions of gas sorption, catalytic properties of MIL-101, as well as its potential for the development of proton exchange membranes and application in other areas.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1406-1417
pages 1406-1417 views

Rational design of complex molecular structures starting from readily available precursors

Orlov N.


The review summarizes recent advances in the selective synthesis of complex molecular systems starting from simple readily available precursors. Such systems have a great potential for application in pharmacology, medicine, and materials science. The efficiency of the application of catalysis and structural studies for the development of new methods of synthesis is demonstrated.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1418-1440
pages 1418-1440 views

Alternative mechanisms of electrophilic substitution in azole series

Belen’kii L., Chuvylkin N.


Data on three mechanisms of aromatic electrophilic substitution in azole series have been presented. First of them is similar to an ordinary addition–elimination mechanism including the formation of a cationic σ-complex (Wheland intermediate). The second mechanism is realized according to the elimination–addition scheme and includes a protonation or a formation of a complex on the “pyridine” N atom, proton abstraction from the C atom adjacent to the above N atom, and addition of a cationoid reagent to the ylide (carbene) formed. The third mechanism proposed by the present authors can be realized for azoles having three and two N atoms of the pyridine type. It does not require the preliminary N-protonation or complex formation and occurs due to a strong electron withdrawing effect of several “pyridine” atoms, resulting in the CH-deprotonation followed by the interaction of the carbanion formed with a cation under mild conditions.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1441-1447
pages 1441-1447 views

Syntheses of O-antigen polysaccharide fragments of nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria of the genus Azospirillum

Abronina P., Burygin G., Kononov L.


Fragments of O-antigen polysaccharides of nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria of the genus Azospirillum isolated from natural sources may greatly vary in the monosaccharide composition, molecular weight, as well as in the presence of side chains and branching sites along the main chain. These variations, along with the differences in purity and homogeneity of the samples, hamper investigations of the role of individual components of O-antigen polysaccharides of the rhizobacteria Azospirillum in interactions with plants, including important cereal crops. Therefore, synthetic oligosaccharides, which correspond to O-antigen polysaccharide fragments of rhizobacteria of the genus Azospirillum and have a strictly defined structure and high purity, are highly demanded. The review summarizes the data on the synthesis of these oligosaccharide fragments as promising tools for investigation of the mechanism of formation of a symbiotic association with plants.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1448-1463
pages 1448-1463 views

Full Articles

Computational modeling of spin crossover phenomenon in adducts of iron bis-chelates with o-diiminobenzoquinones

Starikova A., Starikov A., Minkin V.


A density functional B3LYP*/6-311++G(d,p) quantum chemical study of the interaction of FeII complexes with o-diiminobenzoquinones showed that adduct formation is accompanied by oxidation of the metal ion and conversion of the redox-active ligand to the semiquinonate form. Variation of substituents at nitrogen atoms of the bis-chelate and diimine made it possible to reveal the spin-crossover complexes. The nature and strength of the exchange interactions between the unpaired electrons of paramagnetic centers of the adducts studied depend on the spin state of their isomers and on the type of the iron complex.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1464-1472
pages 1464-1472 views

Vibrational smearing of the electron density as function of the strength and directionality of interatomic interactions: nonvalent interactions of a nitro group within an island-type crystal [Fe(NO)2(SC6H4NO2)]2

Ananyev I., Medvedev M., Aldoshin S., Eremenko I., Lyssenko K.


We consider the static and dynamic characteristics of interatomic bonding in the region of nonvalent interactions of a nitro group in the crystal of complex [Fe(NO)2(SC6H4NO2)]2. Based on results obtained by modeling vibrations within the framework of the density functional theory and those of multitemperature X-ray diffraction studies, a purely vibrational nature of the abnormally large atomic displacement ellipsoid of one of the O atoms of the nitro group was revealed and a model for the influence of peculiar features of intermolecular bonding on the observed dynamics was suggested. Using topological analysis of the experimental electron density function, we studied the nature of nonvalent intermolecular interactions of the nitro group and evaluated their strength and directionality in the equilibrium state. The dependence of the “pseudodegeneracy” region of atom—atom interaction on the nature of the interaction revealed and a method for determining the vibrational smearing of interactions was suggested, which allows one to analyze the stability of the connectivity graph of the crystal.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1473-1487
pages 1473-1487 views

Bimetallic 3d—4f-molecules [MEu(ButCOO)5(1,10-phen)] (M = Zn2+, Co2+, phen is phenanthroline): synthesis, structure, luminescent and magnetic properties

Kiskin M., Dobrokhotova Z., Bogomyakov A., Kozyukhin S., Timoshenko V., Eremenko I.


New heterometallic complexes [MEu(Piv)5(1,10-phen)]•MeCN (M = Zn2+ (1), Co2+ (2), Piv = ButCOO, 1,10-phen is 1,10-phenanthroline) were obtained. Luminescence spectra of compound 1 reveal a metal-centered Eu3+ luminescence, the luminescence lifetime is about 1 ms. Using TGA and DSC methods, it was shown that [ZnEu(Piv)5(1,10-phen)] is a stable binuclear molecule undergoing a structural transformation in the 210—230 °C temperature range, which leads to a partial transition of the sample into the glass state. Complex 2 does not exhibit luminescence due to the presence of high-spin cobalt(II) ions. The magnetic behavior of 2 according to calculations based on the molecular field model is determined by spin-orbit interactions of cobalt(II) and europium(III) ions.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1488-1494
pages 1488-1494 views

Transition metal 1,3,2-diazagallol derivatives

Fedushkin I., Sokolov V., Makarov V., Cherkasov A., Abakumov G.


Reduction of digallane (dpp-bian)Ga—Ga(dpp-bian) (1) (dpp-bian is the 1,2-bis[(2,6-di-isopropylphenyl)imino]acenaphthene dianion) with metallic sodium in THF leads to the formation of gallylsodium (dpp-bian)Ga—Na(thf)4 (2). Reduction of digallane 1 with dicyclopentadienyltetracarbonyldiiron, vanadocene, and nickelocene furnishes the corresponding gallyl complexes (dpp-bian)Ga—FeCp(CO)2 (3), (dpp-bian)Ga—VCp2 (4) and [(dpp-bian)Ga]2NiCp (5). The reaction of 1 with Cp2Mn gives a gallium-free complex (dpp-bian)MnCp(dme) (6). Carbonylates [{(dpp-bian)Ga—M(CO)5}{Na(thf)2}]2 (M = Cr (7), W (8)) and [{(dppbian)Ga}2FeCp(CO)][Na(dme)3] (9) were obtained by the reaction of carbonyls Cr(CO)6, W(CO)6, and [CpFe(CO)2]2 with compound 2. Diamagnetic derivatives 3, 7, 8, and 9 were characterized by 1H NMR spectra. The structures of products 3—9 were established by single crystal X-ray diffraction.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1495-1504
pages 1495-1504 views

Specifics of self-organization and properties of highly dilute aqueous solutions of polyoxidonium

Ryzhkina I., Sergeeva S., Safiullin R., Ryzhkin S., Margulis A., Murtazina L., Timosheva A., Chernova A., Kadirov M., Konovalov A.


Using a combination of physicochemical methods (dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering (DLS and ELS, respectively), nanoparticle tracking analysis, atomic force and transmission electron microscopy (AFM and TEM, respectively), UV spectroscopy, conductometry, pH-metry, dielcometry), it was found that dilute solutions of a multicomponent drug immunomodulator polyoxidonium (PO) are nanoheterogeneous disperse systems, with their disperse phase undergoing considerable restructurings when diluting the solution in the range of calculated concentrations from 1∙10–1 to 1∙10–16 mg mL–1, which is reflected in the non-monotonous concentration dependencies of specific electroconductivity, dielectric permittivity, and pH of the solutions. Using ELS, AFM, TEM, and UV spectroscopy methods, it was found that the disperse phase with a size of hundreds of nanometers which forms at concentrations of ≤1∙10–5 mg mL–1, contains organized water structures substantiating the negative values of ζ-potential, which vary non-monotonously from–5 to–16 mV. Radioprotective properties of dilute solutions of PO (1∙10–1 and 1∙10–9 mg mL–1) were demonstrated for the first time when exposing the test mutant bacterial strain Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 (Ames test) to X-ray radiation in a dose of 7.50 mGy used for medical diagnostics.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1505-1513
pages 1505-1513 views

Enantioselection mechanism in Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation

Gridnev I., Imamoto T.


Combined experimental and computational study of the Rh-BenzP*-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation (BenzP* is 1,2-bis(tert-butylmethylphosphino)benzene) of five structurally different enamides showed significant diversity in the mechanism of hydrogen activation. In neither case, the mode of the coordination of the C=C double bond or the structure of the most reactive species corresponded to the stereochemical outcome of the reaction product. This fact proved the loss of the chiral information acquired in the resting state and/or in the oxidative addition step and determination of the stereoselection on a later stage of the catalytic cycle. Quantum chemical computations showed that in all cases the stereoselection takes place on the stage of the coordination of the C=C double bond to Rh in a RhIII non-chelating octahedral complex. The sense of enantioselection is determined via the relative easiness of the chelate cycle formation in a less hindered quadrant of the catalyst. In the case of phenyl-, 4-nitrophenyl-, and 3,5-di(trifluoromethyl)-substituted enamides, the formation of the α-dihydride intermediate in the less hindered quadrant is directed by C—H...π interaction of the tert-butyl group of the catalyst and the aryl substituent of the enamide leading to high R-enantioselectivity. In the case of the tert-butyl-substituted enamide, the formation of α-dihydride is strongly disfavored by steric hindrance and the formation of β-dihydride in the less hindered quadrant results in high S-enantioselectivity. Comparative quantum chemical computations of the asymmetric hydrogenation of the classic system DIPAMP-Rh—methyl (Z)-α-acetamidocinnamate (DIPAMP is 1,2-bis[(2-methoxyphenyl)(phenylphosphino)]ethane) revealed essentially the same mechanism of enantioselection. Early experimental results received alternative rationalization according to our computational data.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1514-1534
pages 1514-1534 views

An unusual reduction route of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzoic acid under conditions of aqueous-phase hydrogenation over Pd/Sibunit catalyst

Mironenko R., Belskaya O., Talzi V., Rodionov V., Sysolyatin S., Likholobov V.


For the first time it was established that the catalytic hydrogenation of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzoic acid to 1,3,5-triaminobenzene can proceed via the formation of aromatic hydroxyamines and cyclohexane-1,3,5-trione trioxime. As a result of aqueous-phase hydrogenation of sodium salt of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzoic acid in the presence of 5%Pd/Sibunit catalyst at a temperature of 323 K and pressure of 0.5 MPa, a trioxime in high yield (about 70 %) was obtained. Due to high selectivity to cyclohexane-1,3,5-trione trioxime the catalytic hydrogenation of sodium salt of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzoic acid can be considered as a new method for its synthesis.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1535-1540
pages 1535-1540 views

Synthesis of dienes with tetrafluorophenylene bridge based on the catalytic olefination reaction. New promising monomers for the design of molecular architectures with halogen—halogen interactions

Muzalevskiy V., Magerramov A., Shihaliev N., Balenkova E., Shastin A., Dorovatovskiy P., Zubavichus Y., Khrustalev V., Nenajdenko V.


Catalytic olefination of tetrafluoroterephthalic aldehyde hydrazone was studied. Dienes with a tetrafluorophenylene bridge containing different substituents at the double bonds were obtained. Stereochemistry of the reaction, as well as molecular structure and crystal packing of the dienes were studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1541-1549
pages 1541-1549 views

CuI-catalyzed N,N’-diarylation of diamines of adamantane series

Panchenko S., Abel A., Averin A., Maloshitskaya O., Savelyev E., Orlinson B., Novakov I., Beletskaya I.


A copper(I) complex-catalyzed N,N’-diarylation of diamines based on 1,3-disubstituted adamantane, using aryl iodides bearing electron-donating and electron-withdrawing substituents, was studied. In the case of 2,2’-(adamantane-1,3-diyl)ethanediamine, the optimal catalyst system is CuI—2-(isobutyryl)cyclohexanone—Cs2CO3—DMF. The highest yield of diarylation product was reached in the case of 4-methoxyiodobenzene (79%). In the case of more spatially hindered adamantane-1,3-diyldimethanamine, 1,1’-binaphthalene-2,2’-diol (BINOL) should be used, with the highest yield of the target product (84%) being reached in the reaction with iodobenzene.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1550-1555
pages 1550-1555 views

Synthesis and structure of allylated derivatives of fullerenes C60 and C70

Gubskaya V., Islamova L., Fazleeva G., Latypov S., Saifina A., Gubaidullin A., Sharafutdinova D., Nuretdinov I., Sinyashin O.


New chromatographically pure monoand hexamethanofullerenes C60 and C70 containing active allylic groups were synthesized by Bingel—Hirsch reaction. These compounds are promising for the studies of biological activity, as well as for obtaining on their basis new fullerenecontaining materials. The purity and composition of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and HPLC, their structure was established by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1556-1565
pages 1556-1565 views

Synthesis of chiral 1-(imidazol-2-yl)alkanamines using neomenthanethiol as a chiral auxiliary

Sudarikov D., Krymskaya Y., Slepukhin P., Rubtsova S., Kutchin A.


Diastereomeric N-(imidazol-2-ylmethylidene)neomenthane-3-sulfinamides were obtained from enantiomerically pure neomenthanethiol in three steps. The compounds obtained added Grignard reagents at the C=N bond. After separation of diastereomers, an acid resolution gave enantiomerically pure primary 1-(imidazol-2-yl)alkanamines. In this scheme, the neomenthane fragment played the role of a chiral auxiliary.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1566-1573
pages 1566-1573 views

Synthesis of metallacarborane ruthenium(ii) and ruthenium(iii) complexes with chelate 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane ligand and their mutual transformation in one-electron redox reactions

Grishin I., Agafonova K., Kostyukovich A., D’yachihin D., Godovikov I., Dolgushin F., Grishin D., Chizhevsky I.


The first example of 12-vertex metallapolyhedra, namely, tris-phosphorus-containing closo-metallacarborane ruthenium(II) cluster , was synthesized and structurally studied. A principal possibility of the use of aliphatic amines as one-electron reducing agents converting carborane ruthenium(III) complexes to structurally close ruthenium(II) compounds was experimentally demonstrated.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1574-1579
pages 1574-1579 views

New zirconocenes with 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroindene ligands. Synthesis and catalytic activity in the polymerization of ethylene and copolymerization of ethylene with hex-1-ene

Asachenko A., Bush A., Smirnov A., Morozov O., Dzhevakov P., Kim S., Cho M., Lee K., Lee Y., Cho K., Lee S., Nechaev M.


A series of symmetric and nonsymmetric tetrahydroindenyl zirconium complexes was obtained by the reaction of ZrCl4 or (CpTMS)ZrCl3 with lithium salts of the corresponding tetrahydroindenes. Activated with methylalumoxane, these complexes exhibit high activity in polymerization of ethylene (up to 6.8∙106 g PE (mol Zr h)–1), as well as in copolymerization of ethylene and hex-1-ene (up to 8.6∙106 g PE (mol Zr h)–1).

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1580-1585
pages 1580-1585 views

1,2,4-Thiadiazoles as promising multifunctional agents for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

Makhaeva G., Proshin A., Boltneva N., Rudakova E., Kovaleva N., Serebryakova O., Serkov I., Bachurin S.


Detailed studies of properties of new 3-substituted 5-anilino-1,2,4-thiadiazoles containing different substituents at position 3 of the thiadiazole ring were carried out, in particular, their esterase profile and antioxidant properties. It was found that the presence in the molecule of 2-aminopropyl fragment determines an efficient and selective inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase as compared to acetylcholinesterase and carboxylesterase, with radical-scavenging activity being weak. The compounds containing a 2-aminopropenyl fragment possess a high radicalscavenging activity, weakly inhibit cholinesterases, and exhibit anticarboxylesterase activity. A wide spectrum of activity of 3-substituted 5-anilino-1,2,4-thiadiazoles as inhibitors of cholinesterases and highly efficient scavengers of free radicals gives a basis for the optimization of structure and development in this series of original agents for therapy of neurodegenerative diseases.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1586-1591
pages 1586-1591 views

Molecular polymorphism of human enzymes as the basis of individual sensitivity to drugs. Supercomputer-assisted modeling as a tool for analysis of structural changes and enzymatic activity of proteins

Varfolomeev S., Lushchekina S., Nemukhin A., Kulakova A., Kots E., Makhaeva G., Delacour H., Lockridge O., Masson P.


The nature of individual sensitivity to drugs associated with molecular polymorphism of human enzymes is discussed. The influence of molecular polymorphism on the activity of key human esterases, in particular, cholinesterases and carboxylesterase, responsible for hydrolytic metabolism of ester-containing drugs, is analyzed. A method was developed, which involves supercomputer-assisted modeling as a tool for assessment of molecular mechanism of the impact of point mutations on the catalytic activity of enzymes. This work is a part of a study aimed at elaboration of the concept and methods of personalized medicine.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1592-1607
pages 1592-1607 views

The use of biotinylated oligosaccharides related to fragments of capsular polysaccharides from Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes 3 and 14 as a tool for assessment of the level of vaccine-induced antibody response to neoglycoconjugates

Kurbatova E., Akhmatova E., Akhmatova N., Egorova N., Yastrebova N., Romanenko E., Leonova A., Poddubikov A., Tsvetkov Y., Sukhova E., Gening M., Yashunsky D., Nifantiev N.


In this report, the data are presented on the use of synthetic biotinylated oligosaccharides corresponding to different fragments of capsular polysaccharides (CP) from S. pneumoniae serotypes 3 and 14 for evaluation of the level of vaccine-induced antibodies in the serum of mice immunized with conjugates of oligosaccharide ligands with bovine sera albumin (BSA). The level of antigen-specific antibodies assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using biotinylated oligosaccharides immobilized on the surface of streptavidin precoated ELISA plates was substantially higher than that assessed using conventional ELISA plates with the bacterial CP as a coating antigen. Hence, the ELISA protocol using biotinylated oligosaccharides is much more sensitive as compared to the conventional protocol, and it can be used for the detection of antibodies in highly diluted antisera. The highest antibody titer against biotinylated oligosaccharides was detected in the antisera of mice immunized with the conjugates of BSA with tetrasaccharide ligands related to fragments of CP of two pneumococcal serotypes under study. The antigen-binding ability of antibodies to tetrasaccharides related to one and two repeating units of CP from S. pneumoniae types 14 and 3, respectively, was higher than that of antibodies to BSA conjugated with oligosaccharides of other chemical structure in the reaction of biotinylated oligosaccharides and in the bacterial agglutination test with live cells on the glass slide but not in the inhibition of ELISA with bacterial CP. This research provided a rationale for the choice of tetrasaccharide ligands for the design of the third generation vaccines against S. pneumoniae types 3 and 14 and showed the validity of the ELISA protocol with biotinylated oligosaccharides as coating antigens for the assessment of the level of neoglycoconjugate-induced antibodies.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1608-1616
pages 1608-1616 views

Synthesis of N-aminoacyl-β-glycopyranosylamines — derivatives of natural sialooligosaccharides

Likhosherstov L., Novikova O., Sakharov A., Nysenko Z., Kolotyrkina N., Piskarev V.


A synthesis of aminospacered N-β-glycosides of tri-, penta-, hexaand nonasaccharides containing one or two α-D-Neu5Ac residue, namely, α-D-Neu5Ac-(2→6)-β-D-Galp-(1→4)-β-D-Glcp-NHCO(CH2)nNH2 (n = 1 (1d), 3 (1f), 5 (1i)), α-D-Neu5Ac-(2→3)-β-D-Galp-(1→4)β-D-Glcp-NHCO(CH2)nNH2 (n = 1 (2d), 3 (2f), 5 (2i)), β-D-Galp-(1→3)-[α-D-Neu5Ac(2→6)]-β-D-GlcNAcp-(1→3)-β-D-Galp-(1→4)-β-D-Glcp-NHCOCH2NH2 (3d), α-D-Neu5Ac(2→3)-β-D-Galp-(1→3)-[α-D-Neu5Ac-(2→6)]-β-D-GlcNAcp-(1→3)-β-D-Galp-(1→4)-β-DGlcp-NHCOCH2NH2 (4d), α-D-Neu5Ac-(2→3)-β-D-Galp-(1→3)-[α-D-Neu5Ac-(2→6)]-β-D-GlcNAcp-(1→3)-{β-D-Galp-(1→4)-[α-L-Fucp-(1→3)]-β-D-GlcNAcp-(1→6)}-β-D-Galp(1→4)-β-D-Glcp-NHCOCH2NH2 (5d), has been developed. Mono- and disialooligosaccharides from human breast milk and urine treated with ammonium carbamate in aqueous methanol in the presence of NH3 gave the corresponding β-glycopyranosylamines. Their N-acylation with N-hydroxysuccinimidyl esters of N-Z-glycine, N-Z-4-aminobutanoic (GABA) and N-Z-6-aminohexanoic acids (Z is the benzyloxycarbonyl) with subsequent hydrogenolysis of the Z group furnished N-aminoacyl-β-glycopyranosylamines of sialooligosaccharides 1d,f,i, 2d,f,i, 3d—5d in 30—50% yield.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1617-1624
pages 1617-1624 views

Structure of the O-polysaccharide of Yersinia frederiksenii H56-36/81 (serotype O:60) containing 4-deoxy-d-arabino-hexose

Sizova O., Shashkov A., Shaikhutdinova R., Ivanov S., Dentovskaya S., Knirel Y.


Aiming at creation of the chemical basis for serotyping of strains of Yersinia spp., we studied the O-specific polysaccharide (OPS) of Yersinia frederiksenii H56-36/81 belonging to serotype O:60. A branched polysaccharide was obtained by mild alkaline degradation of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from bacterial cells by the phenol—water extraction and found to contain d-ribose, l-rhamnose, and 4-deoxy d-arabino-hexose (d-ara4dHex). The last monosaccharide occurs rarely in nature and earlier has been found only in OPS of Citrobacter spp. Mild acid hydrolysis of the LPS resulted in cleavage of the d-ara4dHex side-chains to give a linear polysaccharide. Structure of the hexasaccharide repeating unit of the OPS was established by studies of both isolated polysaccharides by 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1625-1629
pages 1625-1629 views

The effect of neurostimulation on the intracellular concentrations of proton-containing metabolites and macroergic phosphates in the brain cortex upon schizophrenia according to the data from 1H and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Manzhurtsev A., Semenova N., Ublinskii M., Akhadov T., Varfolomeev S.


The effect of neuroactivation on the concentrations of direct (phosphocreatine, PCr; adenosine triphosphate, ATP) and indirect (N-acetylaspartate, NAA) participants of energy metabolism and the intracellular pH values in the activated brain loci in health and upon early-stage schizophrenia is considered. Single-voxel 1H and 2D 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy methods were used. The neuroactivation areas were localized according to the data from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The NAA level after a short stimulus in the premotor cortex in schizophrenic patients remained unchanged, while the health group showed a reversible decrease in this parameter even 12 s after stimulus presentation. The long video stimulation has no effect on the contents of PCr and ATP in the visual cortex upon schizophrenia, while the analogous action on the health brain causes a decrease in the PCr level with the ATP level being constant. In the absence of neurostimulation, all measured indices were identical in both schizophrenic patients and control group.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1630-1636
pages 1630-1636 views

Analysis of 3D printing possibilities for the development of practical applications in synthetic organic chemistry

Gordeev E., Degtyareva E., Ananikov V.


The possibility of rapid manufacturing of customized chemical labware and reactionware by three-dimensional (3D) printing is discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of this approach to the design of chemical equipment from different engineering plastics were demonstrated and the suitability of some materials for chemical applications was estimated: PP > PLA > > ABS > PETG (PP is polypropylene, PLA is polylactide, ABS is acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, and PETG is polyethylene terephthalate glycol). The procedure described is a powerful tool for the production of both typical and unique chemical labware; to date, the fused deposition modeling (FDM) method is already available for the everyday use in chemical laboratories. The examples of successful application of 3D-printed products were demonstrated: solvent resistance and impermeability were assessed, as well as Pd(OAc)2-catalyzed cross-coupling between p-bromotoluene and phenylboronic acid and Ni(acac)2-catalyzed hydrothiolation of alkyne with thiophenol were performed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1637-1643
pages 1637-1643 views

Letters to the Editor

Synthesis of spin-labeled nitrophenol via substitution of a But group with the NO2 group under mild conditions

Tolstikov S., Obsharova I., Romanenko G., Bogomyakov A., Ovcharenko V.
Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1644-1647
pages 1644-1647 views


Bibliometric analysis of the journal Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Khimicheskaya (Russian Chemical Bulletin)

Soboleva N., Evdokimenkova Y.


Bibliometric analysis of the journal Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Khimicheskaya (Russian Chemical Bulletin) was carried out using international databases of scientific citation Web of Science and Scopus. It is shown that the publication has stable indicators of citation and enjoys great popularity in the scientific community.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2016;65(6):1648-1652
pages 1648-1652 views

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