
New Compounds of Some Trivalent Lanthanides and Actinides with Furancarboxylic Acid. Synthesis, Structure, and Absorption Spectra of the Complexes [(NH2)3C]2[M(OOCC4H3O)5] (M = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Tb, Np, Pu, Am)
Fedoseev A., Sokolova M., Grigor’ev M., Budantseva N.
Synthesis and crystal structure of An(VI) complexes with cyclobutanecarboxylic acid anions and 2,2′-bipyridine [An(VI) = U, Np, Pu]
Charushnikova I., Grigor’ev M., Fedoseev A.
Synthesis and crystal-chemical features of two new uranyl chromates with the structures derived from [(UO2)(T6+O4)(H2O)n]0 (T = Cr6+, S6+, Se6+, n = 0–2)
Nazarchuk E., Siidra O., Kayukov R.
Extraction of Uranium, Thorium, and Certain Lanthanides from Nitric Acid Medium with a Series of Substituted Glutaramides as Novel Extractants
Mowafy E., Al Shammari A., Mohamed D.
Synthesis and Structure of the Np(VII) Complex with Guanidinium, Li[C(NH2)3]2[NpO4(OH)2]·6H2O
Charushnikova I., Krot N., Perminov V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of An(VI) complexes with cyclobutanecarboxylic acid anions, [AnO2(C4H7COO)2(H2O)2] (An = U, Np) and [AnO2(C4H7COO)2(H2O)] (An = Np, Pu)
Charushnikova I., Grigor’ev M., Fedoseev A.
Synthesis and structure of dodecamolybdates of tetravalent cerium, thorium, uranium, neptunium, and plutonium
Charushnikova I., Gogolev A., Grigor’ev M., Fedoseev A.
Synthesis and Structure of Neptunium(V) Selenate Complexes M[(NpO2)(SeO4)(H2O)] (M = K, Rb, Cs)
Ivanova A., Fedoseev A.
Complexes of An(VI) with Cyclobutanecarboxylic Acid Anions and Outer-Sphere Alkali Metal Cations
Grigor’ev M., Charushnikova I., Fedoseev A.
Sorption of strontium ions onto mesoporous manganese oxide of OMS-2 type
Ivanets A., Katsoshvili L., Krivoshapkin P., Prozorovich V., Kuznetsova T., Krivoshapkina E., Radkevich A., Zarubo A.
Cation–cation interaction in mixed-element Th(IV)/Np(V) chlorides, [Th(NpO2)6(H2O)8(OH)Cl9]·H2O and [Th(NpO2)6(H2O)9Cl9]Cl
Charushnikova I., Fedoseev A., Krot N.
Synthesis, Characterization, and X-ray Structure of Tetraaminoguanidinium Diuranyl Tetraoxalate Monohydrate (HAgun)4[(UO2)2(C2O4)4]·H2O
Sivasankar B., Ahamed Hussain T.
Synthesis and Crystal Structures of New Layered Uranyl Compounds Containing Dimers [(UO2)2O8] of Edge-Linked Pentagonal Bipyramids
Nazarchuk E., Charkin D., Siidra O., Gurzhiy V.
Crystal structure of [Co(en)3][NpO4(OH)2]·5H2O (en = ethylenediamine, H2N(CH2)2NH2)
Charushnikova I., Krot N., Grigor’ev M.
Synthesis and structural features of Np(VI) and Pu(VI) isophthalates
Grigor’ev M., Charushnikova I., Fedoseev A.
Cation–Cation Interaction in the Np(V) Complex with Cyclobutanecarboxylic Acid Anions, Na[NpO2(cbc)2]
Grigor’ev M., Charushnikova I., Fedoseev A.
Crystal-Chemical Features of U(VI) Compounds with Inorganic Complexes Derived from [(UO2)(TO4)(H2O)n], T = S, Cr, Se: Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Two New Uranyl Sulfates
Nazarchuk E., Charkin D., Siidra O., Gurzhiy V.
New data on Np(VII) compounds with Co(NH3)63+. Crystal structure of [Co(NH3)6]3[NpO4(OH)2]3·4H2O and refinement of the structure of [Co(NH3)6][NpO4(OH)2]·2H2O
Charushnikova I., Krot N., Grigor’ev M., Makarenkov V.
Synthesis and properties of actinide dimolybdate complexes M2[AnO2(MoO4)2]·H2O (M = Rb, Cs; An = Np, Pu)
Budantseva N., Grigor’ev M., Ivanova A., Fedoseev A.
Complexes of Np(VI) with Cyclobutanecarboxylic Acid Anions and Single-Charged Cations in the Outer Sphere: [NH4][NpO2(cbc)3], [C(NH2)3][NpO2(cbc)3], and [N(CH3)4][NpO2(cbc)3]
Charushnikova I., Grigor’ev M., Fedoseev A.
Synthesis and Structure of Mixed-Cation Salts with [PuO4(OH)2]3– Anions
Grigor’ev M., Krot N., Charushnikova I.
Synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of new actinide(VI) arsenates (H3O)[(AnO2)(AsO4)]·3H2O (An = U, Np, Pu)
Ivanova A., Budantseva N., Fedoseev A.
Synthesis and Structure of Complexes of Np(V) Benzoate, o-Fluorobenzoate, and p-Fluorobenzoate with 1,10-Phenanthroline
Charushnikova I., Krot N., Grigor’ev M.
Synthesis and Structure of Mixed Cromate–Nitrate Complexes of Hexavalent Actinides, [(CH3)4N][(AnO2)(CrO4)(NO3)] (An = U, Np, Pu)
Ivanova A., Grigor’ev M., Fedoseev A.
Influence of the heat treatment procedure and irradiation on the structure of the anionic motif and crystallization of uranium-containing phosphate glasses
Stefanovsky S., Stefanovskaya O., Kadyko M., Nikonov B., Myasoedov B.
1 - 25 из 28 результатов 1 2 > >> 
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