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Vol 61, No 3 (2019)


Effect of Processes Occurring in the Presence of Metal Catalysts on the Main Characteristics of the Hydrogen Isotope Labeled Organic Compounds Obtained

Shevchenko V.P., Nagaev I.Y., Myasoedov N.F.


The main deuterium and tritium sources used for preparing hydrogen isotope labeled compounds are presented. The mechanisms of hydrogenation and isotope exchange in organic compounds in the presence of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts when using gaseous tritium (or deuterium) or tritium (or deuterium) water are considered. Examples of the participation of solvent protons in introduction of deuterium and tritium into organic compounds by dehalogenation are presented. The problem of selective hydrogenation and dehalogenation is briefly discussed. Particular attention is paid to isotope exchange with deuterium or tritium in the presence of homogeneous iridium catalysts.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):257-292
pages 257-292 views

Synthesis and Structure of U(VI), Np(VI), and Pu(VI) 2-Fluorobenzoates

Serezhkin V.N., Grigor’ev M.S., Fedoseev A.M., Budantseva N.A., Serezhkina L.B.


The compounds NH4[AnO2(C6H4FCOO3], where An = U (I), Np (II), or Pu (III), CgH4COO is the 2-fluorobenzoate anion, were synthesized and studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Compounds I–III are isostructural and crystallize in the cubic system, space group P213, Z = 4. The main structural units of I–III are mononuclear complexes [AnO2(C6H4COO)3] belonging to crystal-chemical group AB31 (A = AnO22+, B01 = C6H4FCOO). The actinide contraction in the structures of I–III is manifested in a regular decrease in the lengths of the An=0 bonds in the AnO22+ cations and in the volumes of the Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedra (VDPs) of the An atoms in the series U-Np-Pu. The intermolecular interactions in crystal structures of I–III were analyzed by the method of molecular VDPs.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):293-299
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Synthesis and Structure of Complexes of Np(V) Benzoate, o-Fluorobenzoate, and p-Fluorobenzoate with 1,10-Phenanthroline

Charushnikova I.A., Krot N.N., Grigor’ev M.S.


The structures of three new Np(V) complexes [(NpO2)2(phen)2(C7H5O2)2] (I), [(NpO2)2(phen)2. (o-C7H4FO2)2] (II), and [(NpO2)2(phen)2(p-C7H4FO2)2] (III), where phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, were studied. Two NpO2+ cations in the complexes are bound to each other by cation-cation bonds in which both neptunyl(V) ions act with respect to each other as lignads and as coordination centers simultaneously, forming dimeric An2O42+ cations. In complexes I–III, each Np atom has the coordination polyhedron (CP) in the form of a pentagonal bipyramid with the “yl” O atoms in the apical positions; the neptunyl(V) groups are appreciably nonlinear. The equatorial plane of the bipyramids is constituted by two N atoms of phenanthroline, O atom of the other NpO2+ cation, and two O atoms of the C6H5COO- (I), o-C6H4FCOO- (II), and p-C6H4FCOO- (III) anions. The Np⋅⋅⋅Np interatomic distances in the dimetic NpO2+ cations (Å) are 3.40519(17) (I), 3.43891(17) (II), and 3.4271(3) (III). The main differences in the structures of I–III are manifested in the conformational characteristics and are caused by the effect of C-H⋅⋅⋅O and C-H⋅⋅⋅F hydrogen bonding.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):300-308
pages 300-308 views

Reduction of Np(VI) with Carbohydrazide in a Perchloric Acid Solution

Shilov V.P., Fedoseev A.M.


The stoichiometry of the reaction of Np(VI) with carbohydrazide (NH2NH)2CO in a 0.02 M HClO4 solution was studied by spectrophotometry. With Np(VI) taken in excess, 1 mol of carbohydrazide reduces 5 mol of Np(VI) to Np(V). In 0.1−2.0 M HClO4 solutions (the ionic strength of 2.0 was supported by adding LiClO4) containing 3–100 mM (NH2NH)2CO, Np(VI) at a concentration of 1 mM at 20-45°С is consumed in accordance with a first-order rate law until less than 0.2 mM Np(VI) remains. Then the reaction decelerates. The reaction is first-order with respect to carbohydrazide and has the order of −1.45 with respect to Н+ ions. The activated complex is formed with the loss of 1 and 2 Н+ ions. The activation energy is 86 ± 5 kJ mol−1.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):309-311
pages 309-311 views

Gas-Phase Conversion of Uranium Monocarbide in a Nitrating Atmosphere

Kulyukhin S.A., Nevolin Y.M., Gordeev A.V.


Gas-phase conversion of UC in NOx-air, NOx-H20 (vapor)-air, and HN03 (vapor)-air atmospheres in the temperature interval from 298 to 673 K was studied. In the course of the gas-phase conversion in an NOx-air atmosphere, UC transforms into uranium oxides and oxyhydroxides; uranyl nitrates and hydroxyni-trates are formed in smaller amounts. In NOx-H20 (vapor)-air and HN03 (vapor)-air atmospheres, the major conversion products are uranyl nitrate hydrates, with the nitration occurring at a lower temperature than in an NOx-air atmosphere.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):312-317
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Testing of Procedures for Treatment of Solutions from Davies-Gray Analysis to Remove Uranium

Momotov V.N., Volkov A.Y., Erin E.A.


Various procedures (precipitation, extraction, chromatography) have been tested for treatment of solutions from Davies-Gray analysis of nuclear material samples to remove uranium. The anion-exchange chromatography gave the best results, ensuring efficient removal of the majority of interfering impurities (Fe, Cr, V, Mo).

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):318-322
pages 318-322 views

Adsorption Behavior of Co(II) and Eu(III) on Polyacrylamide/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composites

El-Sweify F.H., Abdelmonem I.M., El-Masry A.M., Siyam T.E., Abo-Zahra S.F.


Multiwalled carbon nanotubes were used for the synthesis of five different polyacrylamide/ MWCNT composites. Different polymerization techniques were applied, namely, copolymerization, template polymerization of monomers on polyacrylamide, or grafting method, all induced by γ-irradiation. Fourier transform IR spectra were used for characterization. These composites were used for studying the adsorption and separation behaviors of Co(II) and Eu(III) under various experimental conditions. Radioactive isotopes 60Co and 152+154Eu were used for tracing the corresponding elements. The adsorption on the related polymers was also studied for comparison. The Kd values for the adsorption on the nanocomposites were found to be much higher than those on the corresponding polymers. Complete adsorption was achieved on some of the synthesized nanocomposites under definite conditions, suggesting the possibility of complete isolation of Co(II) and/or Eu(III) from large volumes of aqueous solutions. Separation of Co(II) and Eu(III) from each other was also found to be possible under certain conditions.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):323-330
pages 323-330 views

HDEHP-Impregnated Kaolinite for Adsorption of Uranium from Dilute Phosphoric Acid

El-Maadawy M.M.


Impregnation of kaolinite with di(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate (HDEHP) improves the uranium adsorption from commercial phosphoric acid. The uranium adsorption was studied as a function of conditions: contact time, solid/liquid ratio, temperature, mechanical stirring speed, and phosphoric acid concentration, and the optimum conditions were determined. The adsorbent was characterized by the X-ray fluorescence and FTIR spectroscopy. The results show that 92% of uranium was adsorbed from commercial phosphoric acid (30% P2O5) onto impregnated kaolinite at room temperature after 30-min contact. The adsorption kinetics was analyzed by the pseudo-first- and pseudo-second-order models, with the pseudo-second-order model giving better fit. The thermodynamic functions (ΔH0, ΔS0, and ΔG0) of the uranium adsorption show that the process is exothermic and spontaneous.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):331-338
pages 331-338 views

Dynamics of Sorption—Desorption of 223Ra Therapeutic α-Emitter on Granulated Hydroxyapatite

Severin A.V., Vasiliev A.N., Gopin A.V., Vlasova I.E., Chernykh E.V.


The dynamics of the 223Ra distribution in the volume of spherical hydroxyapatite (HAP) granules in the course of the 223Ra sorption from aqueous solutions onto sorbent particles and desorption was studied by α-track radiography. The optimum time of contact of the sample with a detector (exposure) was found, and a procedure for preparing experimental samples was suggested. Taking into account the density of the porous sorbent, the ranges of the α-particles emitted by 223Ra and its daughter products and of the recoil nuclei were estimated. The averaged effective range of the α-particles in HAP is ∼35 μm. A mathematical model of the Ra diffusion into the depth of the porous sorbent, taking into account the sorption, was developed on the basis of the parameters obtained. The effective diffusion coefficient was estimated at ∼3 × 10–5 cm2 s–1. Correlation be¬tween the sorbent particle size, radionuclide sorption time, and the absorbed dose produced by the particle in a biological tissue was demonstrated.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):339-346
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Radiosynthesis and Biological Evaluation of 188Re-5,10,15,20-Tetra(4-pyridyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin Complex as a Tumor-Targeting Agent

Sanad M.H., Farag A.B., Saleh G.M.


188Re-5,10,15,20-tetra(4-pyridyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin, [188Re]TMPP, a tumor-targeted agent, was prepared. Under optimum conditions, the 188Re-TMPP yield after purification exceeded 98%. Biodistribution studies showed high tumor uptake of the agent within 30 min post injection (17.5 ± 1.1% ID/g) for Swiss Albino mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC). [188Re]TMPP can be considered as a highly selective radiotracer for highly replicating solid tumors.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):347-351
pages 347-351 views

Radioiodine Release into the Atmosphere during Normal Operation of Nuclear Power Plants

Ekidin A.A., Antonov K.L., Vasyanovich M.E., Kapustin I.A., Filatov I.Y.


The specific emission rates of iodine isotopes into the atmosphere during normal operation of European and Russian NPPs with different types of reactor facilities were analyzed. The probability distributions for the specific parameters are asymmetric, and their median values tend to decrease. Three categories of NPPs were distinguished: those with the best, worst, and stable practice of the 131I emission. The current global atmospheric release of 129I from all the NPPs in the world is estimated at 0.8 kBq year−1. With an increase in the total installed NPP capacity to 632 GW, the global release of 129I from the NPP emissions will increase to 1.4 kBq year−1, which is two times lower than the rate of natural production of this nuclide from atmospheric Xe isotopes under the action of cosmic rays. Based on the measurements performed at separate Russian NPPs, the contribution of the aerosol and gaseous iodine forms to the total volume activity of the released iodine isotopes was determined. Under the conditions of normal NPP operation, gaseous iodine compounds make the prevalent contribution to the radioiodine emissions (65–85%).

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):352-364
pages 352-364 views

Radioecological Situation in the Region of Gorizont-4 Underground Nuclear Explosion in Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Sobakin P.I., Ushnitskii V.E., Perk A.A.


The modern radioecological situation on the site of the Gorizont-4 underground nuclear explosion and on the adjacent territories is analyzed. The maps of the exposure dose rates and concentrations of natural radionuclides (40K, 238U, 232Th) on the territory including the explosion epicenter are constructed. The modern levels of the global fallout of 137Cs, 90Sr, and 239,240Pu in the soil and plant cover and in foodstuffs were determined on the site. The current annual internal dose for the population of the Kyusyur village due to consumption of foodstuffs containing 137Cs and 90Sr was determined. It is lower by two orders of magnitude than the annual dose limit for population. The underground nuclear explosion performed in the mid-1980s did not affect significantly the radioecological situation on the adjacent territories, including the Kyusyur village.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):365-372
pages 365-372 views

Additive Effective Dose Rates during Chemical Processing of Natural Minerals

Abdel-Razek Y.A., Desouky O.A., Elshenawy A.A., Nasr A.S., Mohmmed H.S., Elsayed A.A.


Occupational exposures to radiation during chemical treatment of black sand minerals (ilmenite, zircon, monazite, rutile) were evaluated. Additive effective dose rate (AEDR) is a new measure introduced to control the occupational exposure to radiation. The value of AEDR from the external γ-rays was estimated at 1.06 × 10–9 Sv h–1 kBq–1. Based on the dose conversion coefficients obtained by the previous epidemiological studies, AEDR from radon and thoron gases was found to be 2.7 × 10–9 and 1.52 × 10–9 Sv h–1 kBq–1, respectively. The batch effective dose (BED) was suggested as a real alternative to the average effective doses over different locations. It is concluded that 1 kBq of a natural radioactive mineral adds an occupational effective dose of 9.52 × 10–5 Sv year–1.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(3):373-380
pages 373-380 views

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