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Том 93, № 3 (2016)


Computation of the best Diophantine approximations and of fundamental units of algebraic fields

Bruno A.


A global generalization of continued fraction that yields the best Diophantine approximations of any dimension is considered. In the algebraic case, this generalization underlies a method for calculating the fundamental units of algebraic rings and the periods of best approximations, as well as the identification of the fundamental domain with respect to these periods. The units of an algebraic field are understood as the units of maximal order of this field.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):243-247
pages 243-247 views

Local semicircle law under weak moment conditions

Götze F., Naumov A., Tikhomirov A., Timushev D.


Symmetric random matrices are considered whose upper triangular entries are independent identically distributed random variables with zero mean, unit variance, and a finite moment of order 4 + δ, δ > 0. It is shown that the distances between the Stieltjes transforms of the empirical spectral distribution function and the semicircle law are of order lnn/nv, where v is the distance to the real axis in the complex plane. Applications concerning the convergence rate in probability to the semicircle law, localization of eigenvalues, and delocalization of eigenvectors are discussed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):248-250
pages 248-250 views

Pareto-like equilibria for problems on overlapping game sets

Smol’yakov E.


The new notion of an individually Pareto equilibrium for static and dynamic conflict problems with partially overlapping game sets is proposed; this equilibrium turns out to be nonempty even in those cases where all known equilibria are empty.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):251-255
pages 251-255 views

On inequalities relating the Sobolev and Kantorovich norms

Bogachev V., Wang F., Shaposhnikov A.


New inequalities relating Sobolev and Kantorovich norms for functions on Riemannian manifolds satisfying certain curvature conditions are obtained.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):256-258
pages 256-258 views

Output control of the spectrum of a descriptor dynamical system

Zubov N., Mikrin E., Misrikhanov M., Ryabchenko V.


A recurrence method is developed for synthesizing an output control for the finite spectrum of a descriptor dynamical system defined in a state space. The method is new and generalizing. It produces analytical solutions of the synthesis problem and can be used to construct a parametrization of the solution set ensuring the same finite spectrum.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):259-261
pages 259-261 views

On unique determination of 3-connected plane domains by relative conformal moduli of pairs of boundary components

Kopylov A.


The boundary values of conformal mappings of plane finitely connected domains are studied. A complete description of the boundary values of such mappings in terms of the moduli (extremal lengths) of pairs of boundary components of domains is obtained in the case where the number of boundary components is not larger than three.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):262-263
pages 262-263 views

Topology of the spaces of functions with prescribed singularities on surfaces

Kudryavtseva E.


The space of smooth functions with prescribed local singularities of the Aμ-types on a smooth two-dimensional surface is studied. We describe the homotopy type of this functional space, endowed with the C-topology, and its decomposition into orbits of the action of the group of “left-right changings of coordinates.”

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):264-266
pages 264-266 views

On chromatic numbers of nearly Kneser distance graphs

Bobu A., Kupriyanov A., Raigorodskii A.


A family of distance graphs whose structure is close to that of Kneser graphs is studied. New lower and upper bounds for the chromatic numbers of such graphs are obtained, and relations between these numbers are considered. The structure of certain important independent sets of the family of graphs under consideration is described, and the cardinalities of these sets are explicitly calculated.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):267-269
pages 267-269 views

Optimal feedback control for a thermoviscoelastic model of Voigt fluid motion

Zvyagin A.


A system of equations describing the motion of viscous fluids with polymer additives is considered. The system involves a temperature-dependent viscosity and a velocity-dependent external force, which is used as a control. The existence of an optimal feedback control for the system is proved.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):270-272
pages 270-272 views

Deterministic bounds for restricted isometry in compressed sensing matrices

Kaporin I.


A new quality measure for compressed sensing matrices is considered and its non-trivial lower bound is obtained which depends on the matrix sizes only. A relation of the new estimate to the standard restricted isometry property is established. The tightness of the new result is discussed as well as some its consequences related to the known results in compressed sensing theory.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):273-275
pages 273-275 views

Variations of nonholonomic-valued mappings and their applications to maximal surface theory

Karmanova M.


The notion of variation for mappings with values in a Heisenberg group is defined. Basic properties of maximal surfaces on five-dimensional sub-Lorentzian structures are described.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):276-279
pages 276-279 views

On the distance and multidistance graph embeddability problem

Tikhomirov M.


The notions of the distance and multidistance embeddability of a graph in ℝd are natural generalizations of the notion of a distance graph in ℝd. Results on the complexity of the computational problem of verifying distance graph embeddability are briefly surveyed, and new progress in solving this and related problems is described.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):280-281
pages 280-281 views

Transformations of Feynman path integrals and generalized densities of Feynman pseudomeasures

Garsía-Naranjo L., Montaldi J., Smolyanov O.


Applications of transformations of Feynman path integrals and Feynman pseudomeasures to explain arising quantum anomalies are considered. A contradiction in the literature is also explained.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):282-285
pages 282-285 views

On the complexity of some Euclidean optimal summing problems

Eremeev A., Kel’manov A., Pyatkin A.


The complexity status of several discrete optimization problems concerning the search for a subset of a finite set of Euclidean points (vectors) is analyzed. In the considered problems, the aim is to minimize objective functions depending either only on the norm of the sum of the elements from the subset or on this norm and the cardinality of the subset. It is proved that, if the dimension of the space is part of the input, then all analyzed problems are strongly NP-hard and, if the space dimension is fixed, then these problems are NP-hard even for dimension 2 (on a plane). It is shown that, if the coordinates of the input points are integer, then all the problems can be solved in pseudopolynomial time in the case of a fixed space dimension.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):286-288
pages 286-288 views

A guidance problem for a differential inclusion with parameter

Ushakov V., Brykalov S., Parshikov G.


A differential inclusion with parameter on a finite time interval is studied. Questions related to determining the solvability set in the problem of guiding a differential inclusion to a compact target set in the phase space are discussed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):289-291
pages 289-291 views

On a family of Bäcklund transformations

Tsiganov A.


It is proved that integrals of Abel differential equations can be used in the explicit construction of Bäcklund transformations in mechanics.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):292-294
pages 292-294 views

Asymptotic behavior of the threshold minimizing the average probability of error in calculation of wavelet coefficients

Kudryavtsev A., Shestakov O.


The problem of estimating the signal function from noisy observations by thresholding the coefficients of its wavelet decomposition is considered. The asymptotic orders of the threshold and risk are calculated by minimizing the average probability of error in calculating the wavelet coefficients.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):295-299
pages 295-299 views

Specifying periodic words by restrictions

Lavrov P.


Consider a periodic sequence over a finite alphabet, say ..ababab.... This sequence can be specified by prohibiting the subwords aa and bb. In the paper, the maximum period of a word that can be defined by using k restrictions is determined. A sharp exponential bound is obtained: the period of a word determined by k restrictions cannot exceed the kth Fibonacci number. Thus, the period colength is estimated. The problem is studied in the context of Gröbner bases, namely, the growth of a Gröbner basis of an ideal (the cogrowth of an algebra). The proof uses the technique of Rauzy graphs.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):300-303
pages 300-303 views

Lyapunov dimension formulas for Lorenz-like systems

Leonov G.


A general formula for the Lyapunov dimension of attractors of the Lorenz and Tigan systems is derived in the case when all their equilibrium states are hyperbolic. Lyapunov dimension formulas are obtained for the classical Lorentz parameters σ > 0, r > 1, and b ∈ (0, 4]. The problems of deriving analytical dimension formulas for the Chen and Lu systems and for the global stability of the Lorenz system are formulated.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):304-306
pages 304-306 views

Subgroups of the Cremona groups: Bass’ problem

Popov V.


A general theorem on the purity of invariant field extensions is proved. Using it, a criterion of rational triangulability of connected solvable affine algebraic subgroups of the Cremona groups is obtained. This criterion is applied for proving the existence of rationally nontriangulable subgroups of the above form and for proving their stable rational triangulability. The latter property answers in the affirmative Bass’ Triangulability Problem in the stable range. A general construction of all rationally triangulable connected solvable affine algebraic subgroups of the Cremona groups is obtained. As an application, a classification of all rationally triangulable connected one-dimensional unipotent affine algebraic subgroups of the Cremona groups up to conjugacy is given.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):307-309
pages 307-309 views

On one test of homogeneity

Ushakov V., Ushakov N.


A new test is proposed for the problem of testing the equality of expectations of two samples. The test is based on recently obtained characterizations of homogeneity and can be realized in two variants. A comparison of the proposed test with other tests for homogeneity is made by Monte Carlo simulation. For a number of alternatives the test has higher empirical power than competitors.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):310-312
pages 310-312 views

Mixed problem for the inhomogeneous wave equation with a summable potential

Khromov A., Kornev V.


The resolvent approach to the Fourier method is used to examine the behavior of the formal solution to the mixed problem for an inhomogeneous wave equation with a summable potential. A classical solution is obtained under minimum conditions imposed on the initial function. It is shown that, in the case of square summable initial and driving functions, the series sum of the formal solution is a weak solution of the mixed problem.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):313-315
pages 313-315 views

Uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem for parabolic systems

Baderko E., Cherepova M.


The Cauchy problem for a second-order Petrovskii parabolic system with bounded and continuous coefficients that are Dini-continuous with respect to space variables is proved to have a unique classical solution in the Tikhonov class.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):316-317
pages 316-317 views

On admissible changes of variables for Sobolev functions on (sub)Riemannian manifolds

Vodopyanov S.


We give a description of metric properties of measurable mappings of domains on Riemannian manifolds inducing isomorphisms of Sobolev spaces by the composition rule. We prove that any such mapping can be redefined on a set of measure zero to be quasi-isometric, when the exponent of summability is different from the dimension of a Riemannian manifold or to coincide with a quasi-conformal mapping otherwise.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):318-321
pages 318-321 views

Graph surfaces of codimension two over three-dimensional Carnot–Carathéodory spaces

Karmanova M.


An area formula for graph surfaces of codimension two over three-dimensional Carnot–Carathéodory spaces is derived and applied to obtain basic properties of minimal surfaces.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):322-325
pages 322-325 views

On the Bose–Maslov statistics in the case of infinitely many degrees of freedom

Minenkov D., Nazaikinskii V., Chernyshev V.


We find the asymptotics of the counting function of elements of an additive arithmetical semigroup for the case of an exponential counting function of prime generators, which has a natural interpretation in terms of Bose statistics as well as in the problem of counting the number of Gaussian packets on decorated graphs.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):326-328
pages 326-328 views

Inequalities for order statistics of samples from distributions with monotone hazard rate

Ushakov V., Ushakov N.


A number of inequalities relating the mathematical expectations of order statistics or functions of order statistics in the case where the sample is taken from a distribution with monotone hazard rate function are presented. These inequalities can be applied in reliability theory and other areas of probability theory and mathematical statistics. In particular, in the paper, they are used to obtain new characterizations of the exponential distribution.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):329-330
pages 329-330 views

Mathematical Physics

Normal form for the KdV–Burgers equation

Kashchenko S.


The local dynamics of the KdV–Burgers equation with periodic boundary conditions is studied. A special nonlinear partial differential equation is derived that plays the role of a normal form, i.e., in the first approximation, it determines the behavior of all solutions of the original boundary value problem with initial conditions from a sufficiently small neighborhood of equilibrium.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):331-333
pages 331-333 views

Computer Science

Numerical detection and study of singularities in solutions of differential equations

Belov A.


New simple and robust methods are proposed for detecting singularities, such as poles, logarithmic poles, and mixed singularities, in systems of ordinary differential equations. The methods produce characteristics of these singularities with an a posteriori asymptotically precise error estimate. They are applicable in the case of an arbitrary parametrization of integral curves, including one in terms of the arc length, which is optimal for stiff and ill-conditioned problems. Following this approach, blowup solutions can be detected for a broad class of important nonlinear partial differential equations, since they are reducible by the method of lines to systems of ordinary differential equations of huge orders. The simplicity and reliability of the approach are superior to those of previously known methods.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):334-338
pages 334-338 views

Control Theory

To the structure identification of a nonlinear regulator for a nonstationary hyperbolic system

Lakeyev A., Linke Y., Rusanov V.


Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the solvability of the inverse problem of realizing a nonstationary polylinear regulator for a hyperbolic system such that all processes in a given bundle (of any cardinality) of nonlinear infinite-dimensional controlled (by means of program and feedback controls) dynamic processes in a separable Hilbert space are its admissible solutions.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):339-343
pages 339-343 views

On spectral decompositions of solutions to discrete Lyapunov equations

Yadykin I.


A new approach to solving discrete Lyapunov matrix algebraic equations is based on methods for spectral decomposition of their solutions. Assuming that all eigenvalues of the matrices on the left-hand side of the equation lie inside the unit disk, it is shown that the matrix of the solution to the equation can be calculated as a finite sum of matrix bilinear quadratic forms made up by products of Faddeev matrices obtained by decomposing the resolvents of the matrices of the Lyapunov equation. For a linear autonomous stochastic discrete dynamic system, analytical expressions are obtained for the decomposition of the asymptotic variance matrix of system’s states.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):344-347
pages 344-347 views

Computation of the phase detector characteristic of a QPSK Costas loop

Leonov G., Kuznetsov N., Yuldashev M., Yuldashev R.


For a QPSK Costas loop with a constant input frequency, the phase detector characteristic is analytically computed in the pull-in range. The performance analysis of this loop is reduced to the consideration of differential equations describing the Costas loop in the phase space for proportionality-integrating loop filters.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;93(3):348-353
pages 348-353 views

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