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卷 63, 编号 10 (2018)


Optical Forces at Nanometer Scales

Sukhov S.


Advanced techniques for optical manipulation of nanoscale objects are presented. Possible mechanisms of enhancement of the effect of light on nanoobjects are listed. Enhancements by plasmon effects, field amplification in high-Q resonators, and collective effects are characterized. These methods are suitable for manipulation of various nanoobjects: quantum dots, nanowires, nanotubes, and cell organelles. Techniques for the measurement of forces at nanometer scales with atomic force microscopes are discussed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1137-1142
pages 1137-1142 views

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

Mode Interaction in a Structure Based on Optical Fiber with Depressed Inner Cladding

Ivanov O.


The paper presents the results of studies of a fiber-optic structure whose principle of operation is based on the transformation of the core and cladding modes in a segment of SM630 fiber with a small core and a depressed inner cladding. The mode structure of a double-clad fiber is analyzed, and the causes of the dips in the transmission spectrum are explained. The transmission spectra of the proposed structure with a bent segment of SM630 fiber are measured. A shift of the resonances to the long-wave region with increasing curvature of the fiber is observed. A bending sensor based on this effect is developed. The dependence of the shift of the resonance wavelengths on the temperature and strain of the fiber and the refractive index of the ambient medium is measured. It is shown that, upon etching of the fiber and the reduction in the diameter of the outer cladding, the resonances shift toward shorter wavelengths. Chitosan coating sensitive to the chemical composition of the ambient medium is deposited on the fiber by layer-by-layer assembly; such coating can be used to develop an acidity sensor.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1143-1151
pages 1143-1151 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

Synthesis and Analysis of Polyfocal Constrained Lenses

Kaloshin V., Huu Duc Nghiem .


Three-dimensional problems of synthesis and analysis of polyfocal constrained lenses are considered. It is shown that such lenses can have up to five focal points on each side. The problem of synthesis of a pentafocal lens in the general case is reduced to three transcendental equations and, of a quadrifocal lens, to two transcendental equations. In the case of a pentafocal lens with three focuses in the symmetry plane of the lens, forming plane wave fronts at the output, the synthesis problem is reduced to one transcendental equation; in all other cases of plane front formation, an analytical solution of the problem is obtained. An analytical solution is also obtained for the problem of synthesis of a quadrifocal lens with three symmetry planes. An analytical solution is also found for the problem of synthesis of a quadrifocal lens with two symmetry planes forming in the plane of symmetry four plane fronts with simultaneous fulfillment of the aplanatic conditions (Abbe sines) in the orthogonal plane. Examples of solving the synthesis problems with the optimization of parameters in order to minimize the mean square aberration of the eikonal are given. In the two-dimensional case, the dependence of the mean square aberration of the eikonal on focal distances is studied and it is shown that there is an optimal ratio of focal distances providing its minimum.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1152-1162
pages 1152-1162 views

Statistical Radiophysics

Fractal Filters Intended for Signal Detection during Remote-Sensing Data Processing

Bagmanov V., Potapov A., Sultanov A., Zang W.


A new approach to processing and analysis of noisy data inherent to the optical systems of Earth remote sensing systems is proposed and investigated. This approach involves the system integration of several conceptual ideas based on the multiscale representation of fractal sets, recursive scans, and wavelet transforms, making it possible to improve the signal detection efficiency under complex background‒target conditions.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1163-1169
pages 1163-1169 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Application of Multiband Acoustooptical Filtering of Radiation to Solution of the Object Remote Identification Problems by the Method of Programmed Linear Separation of Multispectral Optical Signals in the Case of Reflection of a Wideband Light from Objects with A Priori Known Reflection Coefficients

Byshevski-Konopko O., Proklov V., Lugovskoi A.


A new approach to solution of the problem of remote determination of spectrally complex optical signals and identification on this base of two objects out of a set of possible spatially inseparable objects located in one small ground pixel is considered. Computer simulation is performed; it is shown that the results of measurements of the mean powers of filtered signals at the outputs of two (or more) selected reference multiband acoustooptical filters (MAOFs) can ensure subsequent programmed (digital) separation of spectrally complex optical signals and identification of the objects corresponding to these signals. By the example of an arbitrarily chosen group of ten types of objects and three types of the background, computer verification of the new method is carried out with the use of realizable parameters of modern MAOFs. It has been found that, in conditions of the actual accuracy of setting and/or measuring of the energy of the main components of the problem (~1%), this method can provide unambiguous correct decision about the type of the object located on part of a pixel with a probability of ~99.9%.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1170-1173
pages 1170-1173 views

Inter-Satellite Communication for LEO CubeSat Network: QoS Parameters and Feasibility of Massive MIMO

Bulanov D., Ocheretyanyy K., Wang Y., Chen Q.


This paper evaluates inter-satellite communication for a low earth orbit CubeSat network. This paper consists of two parts: determination and estimation of quality of service (QoS) parameters and evaluation of the feasibility of a Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system for inter-satellite links. CubeSats are low-cost and small satellites that were initially designed by students during the educational process but are now launched for conducting space research and for commercial use. Recently, some companies and research studies promoted CubeSats to build a wireless communication networks for different proposes, such as earth observation, weather forecasting, providing access to the internet, internet of things and machine to machine services. The main distinguishing features of a CubeSat network include low-cost and fast deployment with a consequent advantage: the possibility to build a large network (hundreds of spacecraft) with limited resources. However, due to the limited size and function of CubeSats, the feasibility of a CubeSat network with inter-satellite links is debatable. In this paper, we investigate the QoS parameters for an inter-satellite link and factors affecting it. The theoretical design with a constructive drawing of massive MIMO has been made. The possibility and time duration of inter-satellite communication has been calculated for three different cases using real data and including Massive MIMO. The simulation of orbit movements for groups of CubeSats has been made. The correlation between relative positions of satellites in orbits, parameters of communication channels and the QoS was determined. The feasibility of massive MIMO for CubeSat communications has been estimated. Based on simulation results, suggestions and possible technical and non-technical solutions were highlighted together with future studies and simulations.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1174-1182
pages 1174-1182 views

Dynamics Chaos in Radiophysics and Electronics

Differentially Coherent Information Transmission Based on Chaotic Radio Pulses

Dmitriev A., Mokhseni T., Teran K.


A novel differentially coherent communication scheme based on the use of chaotic radio pulses as information carriers is proposed. The scheme uses only delay components with a short duration. Hence, as compared to known analogs, its practical implementation is simplified in the microwave frequency range. Computer simulation of data-transfer process is performed, and noise immunity in channels with white noise is estimated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1183-1190
pages 1183-1190 views

Effect of a Low-Frequency Noise Signal on the Supply Circuit of the Millimeter-Band Generator of Single-Frequency and Chaotic Oscillations Designed on an Avalanche Transit-Time Diode

Myasin E., Kotov V.


The effect of a low-frequency noise signal on the supply circuit of a millimeter-band generator of single-frequency and chaotic oscillations designed on an avalanche transit-time diode has been experimentally investigated. Generation of noise oscillations under the action of a low-frequency narrowband (~3 MHz) noise signal on the supply circuit of an avalanche transit-time diode in a single-frequency self-oscillator based on a 7-millimeter-wave avalanche transit-time diode has been obtained for the first time and the possibility of control of the spectral characteristic of a 8-millimeter-band noise generator on an avalanche transit-time diode zusing such an impact has been demonstrated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1191-1196
pages 1191-1196 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Characteristics of Spin Surface Waves in a Tangentially Magnetized Metal–Dielectric–Ferrite–Dielectric–Metal Structure

Lokk E., Gerus S., Annenkov A.


The dispersion and isofrequency characteristics of surface spin waves in a tangentially magnetized metal–dielectric–ferrite–dielectric–metal structure are studied. It is found that the dispersion surface of spin waves in this structure goes from the frequency axis in a wide frequency interval, in a part of which the isofrequency dependences of the waves have the form of a closed loop starting at k → 0. It is found that the dispersion surface can simultaneously have bell-shaped regions, in which the isofrequency dependences near the vertex are similar to ovals, and saddle-like regions, in which the isofrequency dependences near the saddle point are similar to hyperbolas. It is established that the range of possible orientations of the wave vector at a given frequency can be wider than the interval limited by the cutoff angles. It was found that the cross section of the dispersion surface by an angle exceeding the maximum cutoff angle is a dispersion relation with a limited interval of wavenumbers.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1197-1205
pages 1197-1205 views

Plasmon Resonances of a Square Silver Plate with a Symmetrically Inserted Glass Nanofiber

Anyutin A., Korshunov I.


A 2D problem of diffraction of a plane TM electromagnetic wave by a shell consisting of a square silver plate with a glass nanofiber inserted into it has been considered. In the wavelength range 330 nm < λ < 900 nm, spectra of the scattering cross section have been calculated using rigorous numerical methods. The effects of the silver loss and the angle of incidence of the plane wave on the scattering cross section and the scattering pattern has been investigated. It is shown that the presence of an insert in the form of a glass fiber results in a significant (of an order of 200 nm) shift of the dipole resonance into the optical region and, at the same time, in splitting and insignificant shift of the quadrupole resonances. It has been found that the maxima of the scattering pattern in the split nondegenerate resonances are displaced relative to each other by an angle of π/4.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1206-1211
pages 1206-1211 views

Micromagnetic Simulation of Propagation of Spin Waves in In-Plane Magnetized Crosses Based on Ferrite Microwaveguides of Different Width

Dudko G., Kozhevnikov A., Khivintsev Y., Filimonov Y., Khitun A., Nikitov S.


Propagation of spin waves in a structure based on orthogonal waveguides of different widths (magnetic crosses) has been numerically investigated. For the case of an in-plane magnetized thin-film ferrite structure in the form of a dual cross formed by three straight microwaveguides, the effect of the order of placement of waveguides of different width in the path of the spin wave on the amplitude of output signals recorded at different ends of the structure has been analyzed. It has been shown that the ratio of the amplitudes of the output signals arriving from different arms of the “cross” can be changed by changing the order of succession of narrow and wide waveguides with respect to the input transducer.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1212-1216
pages 1212-1216 views

Effect of Uniaxial Tension of Whiskers of TaS3 Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductor on Excitation and Detection of Resonance Mechanical Oscillations

Nikitin M., Pokrovskii V., Zybtsev S.


Quasi-one-dimensional conductors with charge-density wave (CDW), which are used to excite and detect mechanical oscillations, are considered. The effect of elongation ε of whiskers of a quasi-one-dimensional conductor (orthorhombic TaS3) on the excited resonance oscillation modes is studied by means of heterodyning. Dependences of the oscillation frequency on ε allow one to distinguish bending and torsional modes. The magnitude of the detected signal increases sharply at εc ≈ 0.6% in the region of CDW transition into the ultracoherent (UC) state. This effect is attributed to an anomalously strong piezoresistive response; in the UC state (ε > εc), the signal virtually vanishes.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1217-1221
pages 1217-1221 views

Relations between Currents in the External Circuit and Parameters of a Diagnosed Heterogeneous Anisotropic Specimen

Dmitriev S.


A brief survey of the studies devoted to relation between currents measured in the external circuit and parameters of a heterogeneous specimen, including the case of an anisotropic permittivity and capacitance effects is presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1222-1225
pages 1222-1225 views

Applications of Radiotechnology and Electronics in Biology and Medicine

Deposition and Visualization of DNA Molecules on Graphene That Is Obtained with the Aid of Mechanical Splitting on a Substrate with an Epoxy Sublayer

Frolov A., Barinov N., Klinov D., Koledov V., Lega P., Orlov A., Smolovich A.


Controlled deposition of DNA on graphene films obtained with the aid of mechanical splitting of graphite on a substrate with an epoxy sublayer is demonstrated. The DNA molecules are visualized using AFM.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1226-1229
pages 1226-1229 views


Oscillatory Rate of Excess Carrier Capture into Quantum Wells of the AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures

Yaremenko N., Strakhov V., Karachevtseva M.


Excess carrier capture into quantum wells (QWs) of undoped AlGaAs/GaAs and modulation-doped n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures has been investigated by means of photoluminescence spectroscopy. The oscillatory dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) intensity on the quantum well width caused by the resonant capture of carriers into the well has been confirmed for structures of both types. Dependences of the integral PL intensity on temperature and optical excitation density in structures with different (resonant and oscillation minimum) capture conditions have been examined. It is demonstrated that, in undoped structures, these dependences are identical at the resonant and weak capture, whereas, in doped structures, the capture efficiency strongly affects their behavior. In doped structures with weak capture, the dependence of the PL intensity on the excitation density is linear, while, in resonant structures, it is superlinear due to the growth of the hole capture rate with increasing excitation. The shift of the transition energy observed in resonant doped structures with increasing excitation is explained by accumulation of the positive charge resulting from the difference between the electron and hole capture rates. The hole capture times at the oscillation maximum and oscillation minimum have been found to be ~15 and 800 ps, respectively.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1230-1234
pages 1230-1234 views

Physical Processes in Electron Devices

Switching of Spectral Modes of Picosecond Stimulated Radiation of GaAs due to Stimulated Raman Scattering in the Presence of Interband Oscillations of Electrons in the Radiation Field

Ageeva N., Bronevoi I., Zabegaev D., Krivonosov A.


It was found that self-modulation of the spectrum of high-intensity stimulated radiation of a thin (about 1 μm) GaAs layer can be represented as switching of spectral modes of radiation caused by stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). It is shown that the SRS results from modulation of population of energy levels upon interband oscillations of electrons in the presence of the radiation field. It is shown that such oscillations become possible owing to the slowing down of elimination of deviations from the Fermi distribution due to energy transport of carriers. It is clarified that the oscillations are synchronized owing to the SRS.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1235-1244
pages 1235-1244 views

Tapered Fiber Array for Free Space Optical Communication

Qinggui H., Yining M.


The coupling of space light to optical fiber is the key problem in free space optical communication. The diameter of fiber core is very small, which brings great difficulty to coupling. We first analyze the coupling model, and propose the conical fiber array as a new receiver to improve the efficiency. After that, the sample of conical fiber array is produced in the laboratory, and the testing experiment in micro vibration environment is carried out, in which two methods are used to measure the received optical power. In the first method, a large target avalanche photodiode (APD) is used to receive the light from nine fibers. In the second method, the light from nine fibers is merged into one with the optical splitter. Both measurement methods show the sample meet the desired receiving requirements.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1245-1249
pages 1245-1249 views

Novel Radio Systems and Elements

Performance of GA in Power Allocation for Underlay Cognitive Radio Systems

Bepari D., Mitra D.


Power allocation plays a significant role in performance enhancement of cognitive radio (CR) system as it needs to not only limit the interference to primary users (PUs) but also maintains a minimum quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of secondary users (SUs) with a limited available resource. In many cases, traditional analytical optimization methods require a specific structure of objective function and constraints, hence, may not be applied directly to power allocation and also demand high computational complexity. This paper investigates the effectiveness of classical genetic algorithm (GA) in power distribution of sensing-free, location-aware underlay spectrum sharing based CR system models. GA has been implemented to optimize the various performance parameters of the system models. The performance of GA has been validated and compared with that of interior point method (IPM) and successive approximation solved by CVX toolbox. Simulation results depict that GA reaches closer to optimal value with a reduced computational time.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(10):1250-1258
pages 1250-1258 views