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卷 62, 编号 6 (2017)

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

The invariance of the Maxwell equations which is used in the solution of problems of technical electromagnetics

Biryukov V., Grachev V.


The solution of a boundary electromagnetic problem with impedance boundary conditions is considered using the method based on the invariance of the Maxwell equations to the Lorentz transformations. The results of solution of problems about the wave propagation in a circular waveguide with imperfectly conducting bounding surfaces are compared.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):543-548
pages 543-548 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

Phase-only synthesis of nulls in the sum and difference radiation patterns of the phased array antenna of a coordinate meter

Balagurovskiy V., Kondratiev A., Manichev A., Polishchuk N.


Two approaches to the phase-only synthesis of nulls in radiation patterns (RPs) of the phased array antenna (PAA) of a coordinate meter are considered. The approaches use the specificity of the structure of the sheet of the measuring PAA. Such a PAA forms the sum RP and two difference RPs, which ensure measuring of the angular coordinates of an object. The problem of the phase-only synthesis of pattern nulls in prescribed directions in one or several PAA RPs with the angular orientation of the nulls of difference RPs kept in the RP scanning direction is solved. Design relationships are derived and a RP synthesis method, which is based on iterative univariate minimization of a nonlinear functional and includes analytic determination of the minimum of this functional at each iteration, is described. Examples of the array pattern synthesis are presented. The effect the phasing increment on the depth of formed nulls is analyzed and the dependence of the value of the PAA RP in the scanning direction on the position of the formed null is investigated. The effect of synthesized nulls on the shape of the PAA direction-finding characteristic is analyzed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):549-557
pages 549-557 views

On aberrations of eikonal in planar lens antennas

Venetskiy A., Kaloshin V.


A formula for the eikonal distribution over the surface of a cylindrical dielectric lens with an error on the fourth-order of the displacement of the source from the focus is found. The accuracy of this formula and the first three terms of its expansion in this parameter for describing the eikonal and its aberrations are analyzed. A method for finding the parameters of the optical aplanatic lens (with minimum aberrations) is proposed. An approximate equation of the focal curve is derived.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):558-564
pages 558-564 views

Structure of arrays of ultrawideband combined antennas

Koshelev V., Plisko V.


The results of experimental investigations and calculations of the energy characteristics of four-element arrays of combined antennas excited by a single generator of bipolar voltage pulses with a duration of 1 ns through a power divider are presented. Based on the proposed criteria, the optimum structure of arrays is determined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):565-568
pages 565-568 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Effect of signal decorrelation in channels of phased antenna arrays on the efficiency of adaptive spatial filtering

Ratynskii M.


Effect of signal decorrelation in channels of phased antenna arrays (PAAs) on the efficiency of spatial filtering is analyzed with allowance for the relationship of parameters that characterize the decorrelation and correspond to the correlation coefficients of signals in the PAA channels. The decorrelation is classified as regular and quasi-random. Each factor that causes decorrelation provides an additional eigenvalue of the correlation matrix of input signals for each basic signal eigenvalue. High-order eigenvalues emerge in more complicated systems with several signal sources and several sources of decorrelation. Decorrelation characteristics (number of decorrelation sources and mean correlation coefficients) and the needed number of the degrees of freedom in the system with adaptive spatial filtering can experimentally be estimated. The results of analytical calculation and numerical simulation are in good agreement with the experimental results.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):569-575
pages 569-575 views

Optimization of trajectory signal processing in a radar system with digital synthesis of antenna aperture using hidden Markov models

Detkov A.


Function of radar relief in the space of states is determined using hidden Markov models. An optimal algorithm for processing of trajectory signal of radar system with digital synthesis of antenna aperture is developed with allowance for equivalent discrete representation of the continuous function of radar relief. The application of the Gaussian approximation of the conditional a posteriori probability density of the radar-relief function yields an acceptable quasi-optimal filtering algorithm. The efficiency of the synthesized recurrence algorithm is proven with the aid of statistical simulation.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):576-582
pages 576-582 views

Spin echo processor in functional electronic devices: Control of responses in processing of multipulse trains

Pleshakov I., Popov P., Dudkin V., Kuz’min Y.


A specific analog device (spin echo processor) is proposed for processing of pulsed data in functional electronic devices under certain conditions. It is shown that a disadvantage of such devices related to generation of multiple noise signals upon processing of multipulse trains can be eliminated with the aid of magnetically ordered working substance using an additional channel that forms magnetic field in the working substance.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):583-587
pages 583-587 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Optimization of energy characteristics of inductive discharge in high-frequency ion engines

Shishkin G., Shishkin A., Plokhikh A., Popov G.


A procedure for analysis, calculation, and optimization of the parameters of electric system for power supply of inductive discharge is developed. The conditions for the maximum efficiency of the power supply systems in high-frequency ion engines are analyzed. An equivalent circuit of the inductive discharge with capacitive coupling is proposed using the analysis of schemes of different high-frequency ion engines and transformed into a complex equivalent impedance connected in the inductor circuit to calculate matching reactive elements. Equivalent parameters of the plasma of inductive discharge are estimated using the wave model. Calculated and experimental results are used to formulate the main requirements on the laboratory models of the high-frequency oscillators and matching units of the radio-frequency ion engines.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):588-597
pages 588-597 views

Microwave Electronics

Multifrequency operation modes in traveling wave tubes

Il’ina E., Medvedkov I.


Equations of the multifrequency nonlinear theory of the traveling wave tube are derived using the fundamental frequency method. Basic results of the numerical calculation of the output parameters of a traveling wave tube operating in the multifrequency mode are presented. The level of sideband components in traveling wave tubes with uniform and nonuniform slow-wave structures and the way of suppression of sideband components are investigated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):598-604
pages 598-604 views

Electron and Ion Optics

The paraxial model of the electron-optical system of a planar gyrotron with the Т-mode emission

Syrovoi V.


The issues of shaping a ribbon beam with elliptical and rounded-rectangular cross sections in an external magnetic field directed at an angle to the cathode are discussed based on the classical paraxial theory.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):605-611
pages 605-611 views

Electron and Ion Emission

Effect of implantation of Ba+ and Nb+ ions on the morphology, composition, and emission properties of Мо (111)

Ergashov Y., Umirzakov B.


The effect of implantation of Ba+ and Nb+ ions on the composition and emission properties of Мо (111) single crystals is investigated. It is shown that implantation of Ba+ ions leads to the complete purification of the Мо surface from С and О atoms, rapid decrease in the work function, and intensification of the secondary and photoelectron emission coefficients, while implantation of Nb+ ions leads to rapid (up to 30 at %) growth of the surface concentration of С. It is established that, after heating at Т = 1400 K, the surface is completely purified from carbon and Nb + Мо nanocrystalline phases are formed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):612-615
pages 612-615 views

Physical Processes in Electron Devices

Effect of proton irradiation on the breakdown voltage of a high-voltage p–n junction

Paderov V., Silkin D., Goryachkin Y., Khapugin A., Grishanin A.


The effect of hydrogen-related shallow thermal donors and acceptor-like defects arising under proton irradiation of silicon on the breakdown voltage of a high-voltage p–n junction is considered. The relations making it possible to compute the breakdown voltage of the irradiated p–n junction taking into account the increase in critical field intensity during the ingress of hydrogen-related shallow thermal donors into the region of collisional ionization of the p–n junction are obtained. A technique for determination of the layer position and the minimum dose of hydrogen-related shallow thermal donors making it possible to decrease the breakdown voltage by a specified amount is proposed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):616-620
pages 616-620 views

Operating principles of reactance-less memristor-based oscillators

Rakitin V., Rusakov S.


The aspects of design of reactance-less oscillators based on memristors are considered. The requirements on load elements in the circuits of such oscillators are formulated. The equations describing the dynamical behavioral of the memristor oscillators with the use of linear-drift models are presented. Examples of the analysis and synthesis of oscillators using such equations are presented. The possibility of generation in the circuits under consideration of periodic signals with a waveform close to harmonic oscillations is shown.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):621-625
pages 621-625 views

Novel Radio Systems and Elements

Combline filters designed on symmetric stripline

Zakharov A., Il’chenko M., Trubarov I.


Problems arising during the design of stripline combline filters, which until quite recently were considered as all-stop microwave structures, are considered. It has been shown that the electromagnetic coupling coefficient of quarter-wave stripline resonators increases with the value of material permittivity εr, the operating frequency, and the thickness of the filter resonators. For εr = 92 and a thickness of stripline resonators of 4 mm, it exceeds 12% at frequencies higher than 2.2 GHz. Two alternative versions of combline filters have been designed: a filter with a coupling strip and a filter without a coupling strip. Experimental data for a nine-resonator combline filter with a thickness of 4 mm, εr = 9.7, and the center frequency f0 = 2.4 GHz are presented. A method for increasing the selectivity of combline filters with the same number of resonators is proposed. It has been found that amplitude–frequency responses of stripline combline filters are near-symmetric, unlike the responses of microstrip combline filters.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):626-633
pages 626-633 views

Power source for electroluminescent panels

Goncharov I., Kabyshev A., Kozyrev E., Maldzigaty A.


Requirements for the operation mode of power sources of flat electroluminescent panels are formulated. A block diagram of the power source for electroluminescent panels is developed. The effect of the current waveform on parameters of the electroluminescent panel is studied.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):634-637
pages 634-637 views

Mathematical Models and Computational Methods

Descriptor-based tracking algorithm using a depth camera

Miramontes-Jaramillo D., Kober V., Díaz-Ramírez V., Karnaukhov V.


The appearance of inexpensive high-quality video cameras and depth cameras resulted in the development of a large number of object-tracking algorithms. In this paper, a new descriptor-based algorithm for real-time object tracking using the information from a Microsoft Kinect depth camera is proposed. As a descriptor for the object tracked, histograms of oriented gradients calculated from the circular sliding regions of the scene image are used. The information on the depth of the scene is used when the image of the object of interest is partially occluded by other objects in the scene. To speed up the tracking process, a model for predicting the object motion is used. To ensure real-time tracking with the proposed algorithm, a multicore graphics processor is used.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):638-647
pages 638-647 views

A method of face recognition using 3D facial surfaces

Echeagaray-Patrón B., Kober V., Karnaukhov V., Kuznetsov V.


Face recognition is one of the most rapidly developing areas of image processing and computer vision. In this work, a new method for face recognition and identification using 3D facial surfaces is proposed. The method is invariant to facial expression and pose variations in the scene. The method uses 3D shape data without color or texture information. The method is based on conformal mapping of original facial surfaces onto a Riemannian manifold, followed by comparison of conformal and isometric invariants computed in this manifold. Computer results are presented using known 3D face databases that contain significant amount of expression and pose variations.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):648-652
pages 648-652 views

A linear algorithm for the shortest transformation of graphs with different operation costs

Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V.


A novel time- and memory-efficient algorithm for solving the problem of finding the most economical (i.e., having the lowest overall cost) transformation of an arbitrary oriented graph representing a disjoint union of chains and cycles into another graph of the same type is proposed. The correctness of this algorithm (i.e., the fact that it always yields the minimum of the overall cost functional) and the linearity of the estimated memory and time of its operation are demonstrated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):653-662
pages 653-662 views

Projective-invariant description of a meandering river

Rubanov L., Seliverstov A.


How can the projective invariant of the cubic curve approximating the river bed near its meander be calculated? A well-known approach uses the Weierstrass normal form. However, it is important to find this form by means of calculations tolerant to curve representation errors and, in particular, using calculations that do not require computation of tangent lines or inflection points. A new algorithm is proposed for calculation of the projective invariant of the cubic curve. This algorithm can be used to describe river meanders.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):663-668
pages 663-668 views

Theory and Methods of Information Processing

Estimating the fraction of erasure patterns correctable by linear codes

Afanassiev V., Davydov A., Zigangirov D.


The conditional probability (fraction) of the successful decoding of erasure patterns of high (greater than the code distance) weights is investigated for linear codes with the partially known or unknown weight spectra of code words. The estimated conditional probabilities and the methods used to calculate them refer to arbitrary binary linear codes and binary Hamming, Panchenko, and Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem (BCH) codes, including their extended and shortened forms. Error detection probabilities are estimated under erasure-correction conditions. The product-code decoding algorithms involving the correction of high weight erasures by means of component Hamming, Panchenko, and BCH codes are proposed, and the upper estimate of decoding failure probability is presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):669-685
pages 669-685 views

Mathematical Methods of Information Theory

Constructive stability and stabilizability of positive linear discrete-time switching systems

Kozyakin V.


We describe a new class of positive linear discrete-time switching systems for which the problems of stability or stabilizability can be resolved constructively. The systems constituting this class can be treated as a natural generalization of systems with the so-called independently switching state vector components. Distinctive feature of such systems is that their components can be arbitrarily “re-connected” in parallel or in series without loss of the “constructive resolvability” property for the problems of stability or stabilizability of a system. It is shown also that, for such systems, the individual positive trajectories with the greatest or the lowest rate of convergence to the zero can be built constructively.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):686-693
pages 686-693 views

Data Transmission in Computer Networks

Analysis of algorithms for decentralized dynamic channel resource reservation for data streaming in Wi-Fi networks

Kiryanov A., Lyakhov A., Khorov E.


In this paper, we study a class of algorithms for decentralized dynamic resource reservation in Wi-Fi networks in which each station chooses and reserves time intervals for future transmission. To avoid interference, information on reserved time intervals is regularly sent to neighboring stations. To minimize the amount of transmitted control information, the reserved intervals are strictly periodic and have the same duration. We have developed two algorithms for decentralized resource reservation and have proven by mathematical modeling that these algorithms require smaller channel resource for streaming variable bitrate flows with given quality of service requirements than the existing algorithm. The developed algorithms can be used to allocate resource among base stations in dense infrastructure networks and among mesh-stations in selforganizing Wi-Fi networks.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):694-703
pages 694-703 views

Signal-code constructions for conflict-free wireless networks

Zyablov V., Potapov V.


This paper considers the possibility of constructing new-generation conflict-free (both cellular and peer-to-peer) synchronous broadband wireless networks in which users can simultaneously transmit information in the same frequency band without conflicts (media access collisions). This kind of networks can be constructed by combining the theory of code division multiple access (CDMA) with the broadcasting method. Here, broadcasting means that the user transmits information to a group of users within its radio line of sight by inserting a message header into a unified codeword.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):704-712
pages 704-712 views

Informational Interaction

Some problems connected with “Affiliation search” in Scopus and a method for their solution. I. Correction of the institution profile

Venets V.


Some problems arising when the search for publications in Scopus is performed with the “Affiliation search” and “Document search” options are considered. Examples showing possible ways to correct the institution profile are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):713-717
pages 713-717 views

Information Technology in Engineering Systems

On dynamic combinatorial clustering

Levin M.


The paper addresses dynamic combinatorial clustering. First, a systematic literature survey on dynamic/online clustering is presented (problems, methods, applications). Second, restructuring approach to clustering is described (one-stage clustering, multi-stage clustering, sorting). Third, two network application examples of dynamic/multistage clustering are examined: (a) multi-stage connection of users to access points, (b) partition coloring problem in optical networks (wavelength routing and assignment).

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(6):718-730
pages 718-730 views