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卷 62, 编号 5 (2017)


Physical implementation of elements with fractal impedance: State of the art and prospects

Gil’mutdinov A., Ushakov P.


In this review, we consider elements with a fractal impedance (henceforward, fractal elements, FEs). Advantages and drawbacks of various engineering and technological implementations of FEs are estimated. It is shown that promising FEs appropriate for production and solution of a wide range of scientific and engineering problems are structures on the basis of resistance-capacitance distributed parameter components (RC-DPCs) with the R–C–NR layer structure. It is established that RC-DPC FEs make it possible to implement fractal impedances with complex fractional-power frequency dependence. Examples of physical implementation of RC-DPC FEs are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):441-453
pages 441-453 views

Plasma technologies for material processing in nanoelectronics: Problems and solutions

Shustin E.


The review considers plasma-processing technologies used in solid-state electronics, both widely used and ones, which do not found yet industrial applications. Several from them are developed specifically for creating nanoelectronic devices. Tendencies toward an increase in the working rate and memory volume and a decrease in the sizes of telecommunication systems necessitate the development of electronic devices based on new principles and, hence, the corresponding technologies for implementation. Physical problems that impede the application of conventional methods in new problems are analyzed, and possible solutions are proposed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):454-465
pages 454-465 views

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

A multifilar helical antenna on a sphere and the limits of broadbandness

Fedyanovich V.


An antenna in form of a dense multifilar helix of thin metal ribbons on a spherical surface with lower order transverse-electric and transverse-magnetic modes is considered. Averaged boundary conditions taking into account the capacitances between the edges of ribbons are formulated. Formulas for calculating the angle of inclination of ribbons and the required inter-edge capacitance from a given resonance frequency and approximate ellipticity coefficient are obtained. The inclination of the axes of the polarization ellipse and an improved ellipticity coefficient are determined. The fractional bandwidth of the antenna is expressed via the improved limits of the fractional bandwidth of linearly polarized antennas. The limits of the fractional bandwidth of circularly polarized antennas are found. It is established that the maximum fractional bandwidth is reached if the ellipticity coefficient is slightly different from unity.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):466-474
pages 466-474 views

Thermal properties of channel optical waveguides based on sol–gel materials

Gorobets A., Nikolaev N., Pavlov S., Chekhlova T.


Temperature characteristics of various channel waveguides fabricated using the sol–gel technology are analyzed. It is shown that the limitation of transverse sizes of waveguides leads to significant variations in the temperature characteristics due to field concentration in the sol–gel material of the waveguide, which depends on the type of the channel waveguide and its parameters (geometrical sizes and refractive index of the sol–gel material). Recommendations on the selection of the type of waveguide and its parameters for specific applications in multiplexers, switches, optical cavities, etc. are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):475-482
pages 475-482 views

Quadratic relationships for a strip small-period array

Bankov S.


A strip array with a period small with respect to the wavelength is considered. The far field of this array is described by the nonlocal equivalent boundary conditions. It is shown with the help of the active power theorem that a near field transferring the active power along metal strips exists in the strip. The relationships connecting the far field on the strip surface with the active power of the near field are derived. It is demonstrated with the help of the Lorentz lemma that the near field has a nonzero quadratic shape and the relationships connecting it with the far field are obtained. A method of determination of the far field components on the array surface that are normal to the array plane is proposed. This method allows one to take into account the finite values of the quadratic forms.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):483-488
pages 483-488 views

Design and experimental study of a planar multibeam double-reflector aplanatic system

Bankov S., Frolova E.


The results of design and experimental investigation of a multibeam planar three-layer double-reflector system in the millimeter wave band are presented. A Schwarzschild aplanatic reflector system with symmetric generatrices is considered. The system parameters have been chosen as a result of optimization of this system with the use of the method of physical optics and the Pareto criterion. A prototype of an integral quasi-optical system in the form of a multilayer printed circuit board containing an aplanatic double-reflector optical system illuminated by an array of 19 microstrip horns has been manufactured. Experimental studies have been performed at a frequency of 36 GHz; a set of beams with fan-shaped radiation patterns in a coverage sector of ±38° has been obtained. The experimental data are compared to the results of calculation.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):489-495
pages 489-495 views

Calculation of the input impedance of a strip loop antenna located on a dielectric cylinder

Dement’ev A., Klyuev D., Shatrov S.


A method for calculating the input impedance of a loop antenna (LA) located on a dielectric cylinder is developed. The integral equation (IE) for the unknown function of the current density distribution on the LA surface is obtained. A numerical method for the IE solution is described. An approximate formula for calculation of the LA input impedance is proposed. Plots of the input impedance on the LA length are given.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):496-501
pages 496-501 views

Generalization of the Т-matrix method to problems of wave scattering by bodies with a nonanalytic boundary

Kyurkchan A., Smirnova N.


The continued boundary conditions technique is used to develop a modification of the Т-matrix method. This new version features all the advantages of the common Т-matrix method and is applicable to diffraction by bodies of virtually any geometry. Examples illustrating this assertion are given.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):502-506
pages 502-506 views

Statistical Radiophysics

Maximum radar range versus the statistical characteristics of fluctuating targets and detection quality indices

Zachepitskii A., Krichigin A.


The universal interrelation between the maximum radar range and detection quality indices, namely, correct detection and false alarm probabilities, is found in an explicit form for different laws describing the distribution of the fluctuations of the effective target’s reflecting surface. The literature sources known to the authors even have no formulation of the given problem.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):507-511
pages 507-511 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Strobe-frame sampling of subnanosecond radio pulses

Budagyan I., Kostin M., Shil’tsin A.


Technology of high-speed digitization of subnanosecond radio pulses, which is constructed via counting frame sampling, is discussed. The basis of the circuit architecture of the frame sampler involving the high-speed logic built around hyperfine complementary metal‒oxide‒semiconductor structures, as well as the basis of the array of picosecond delay lines, is formulated. It is demonstrated that the strobe-frame-sampling technology excludes high-frequency clocking and, consequently, minimizes the circuit power consumption and ensures picosecond time resolution of a recovered signal, corresponding to a sampling rate of up to 100 G sample/s implemented in practice. The software model of the frame sampler making it possible to investigate and parametrically synthesize the circuit topology of high-speed digital devices is developed in the Simulink environment.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):512-518
pages 512-518 views

Electron and Ion Optics

Vicinity of an arbitrary start surface in the case of emission in the T-mode

Syrovoi V.


A complete hydrodynamic pattern of a 3D relativistic electron beam in a nonuniform external magnetic field near the start surface of an arbitrary shape in the case of emission in the T-mode is constructed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):519-528
pages 519-528 views

Geometrized theory of two-dimensional relativistic electron beams in the φ-representation

Syrovoi V.


Geometrized equations of two-dimensional electron beams with the electric field potential used as the longitudinal coordinate are presented as three relations on the current tube, which have the form of ordinary differential equations, and an evolutionary system of first-order partial differential equations, which characterizes the transverse variation of beam parameters from the data at the current tube.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):529-534
pages 529-534 views

Novel Radio Systems and Elements

New structure of ultrawideband fixed phase shifters based on stepped coupled transmission lines with stubs

Alekseev V., Anufriev A., Meshchanov V., Semenchuk V., Shikova L.


Problems of the synthesis of ultrawideband fixed phase shifters with a new structure of the electric circuit of the phase-shifting channel formed by means of connection of two identical elements consisting of weakly coupled stepped transmission lines with stubs have been solved. The advantage of the proposed structure over the available structures is shown.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(5):535-541
pages 535-541 views