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Volume 61, Nº 5 (2016)

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

Numerical electrodynamic analysis of the external Sestroretskii cube

Godin A., Matsayan M., Klimov K.


The paper presents the results of numerical analysis of the frequency characteristics of the external Sestroretskii cube and the comparison of them with the frequency characteristics of the internal cube. It is shown that the external Sestroretskii cube has the properties of a frequency diplexer and a double waveguide triplexer and, at low frequencies, the absolute values of its transmission coefficients tend to those of the internal cube.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):453-468
pages 453-468 views

Eigenmodes of a periodic array of coupled waveguides

Bankov S.


General properties of eigenmodes in periodic arrays of coupled waveguides are considered. The Floquet channel model is used to analyze arrays operating in the quasi-periodic mode. Relationships for the orthogonality of different types of eigenmodes are obtained on the basis of the Lorentz lemma and the active power theorem. The problem of excitation of array eigenmodes by given currents is solved. The relation between two representations of the array field, by means of the eigenmode expansion and in the form of the Fourier integral, is shown by the example of an array of coupled slot lines.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):469-477
pages 469-477 views

Gas exchange between the sea and the atmosphere and the mechanism of formation of a microbubble layer under the surface-tension film of the sea surface derived from in situ measurements of self-radiations of these media in the infrared band

Bubukin I., Stankevich K.


From the in situ measurements of the atmospheric and sea-surface self-radiation in the infrared band and by means of theoretical investigation, it has been found that the discovered earlier microbubble air layer located under the surface-tension film of the sea surface is a universal formation in the structure of the sea surface of the cold boundary layer, which emerges owing to the fundamental processes of heat and gas exchange occurring at the interface of the atmosphere and the sea surface.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):478-485
pages 478-485 views

Application of approximate boundary conditions for calculation of planar 2D periodic nanoplasmon structures

Lerer A., Ivanova I.


A rigorous and an approximate method are applied to solve the problem of diffraction of electromagnetic waves of the optical range from a 2D grating made of rectangular metal strips. The rigorous method is based on the numerical-analytical method of the solution of a volume integro-differential equation (VIDE). In the second method, the approximate boundary conditions (ABCs) for a thin dielectric layer are used. The correctness of the ABC method applied for determining the basic physical regularities is justified. More accurate ABCs and the notion of effective dimensions of strips are introduced.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):486-491
pages 486-491 views

About the localization of a converging spherical wave going through the plane boundary of a medium

Shevchenko V.


The focusing properties of a converging spherical wave that passed the plane boundary of a medium are investigated in the ray approximation. Models of the medium of the two types are considered—ignoring and taking into account the wave energy loss in the medium. The dimensions of the localized volume spot of the field formed instead of the focusing point are estimated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):492-496
pages 492-496 views

On the limits of applicability of an approximate formula for the surface impedance of a rectangular groove

Koshkid’ko V., Alpatova O., Serdyuk E.


The problem of determination of the equivalent surface impedance of a rectangular groove is considered. The solution is obtained by the integral equations method. The Krylov–Bogoliubov method is used to solve integral equations numerically. The obtained dependence of the impedance value on the groove depth is compared to the dependence calculated using an approximate formula for different groove widths. The limits of applicability of the approximate formula are determined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):497-500
pages 497-500 views

Microwave Electronics

Short-wave radiation generation by strip electron beams in the surface-wave excitation mode

Ginzburg N., Malkin A., Zaslavskii V., Zheleznov I., Sergeev A.


The quasi-optical theory of short-wave Cherenkov oscillators, in operation of which surface waves are excited by relativistic electron beams moving above periodically corrugated structures, is constructed. π-mode oscillations characterized by the generation rate close to the Bragg frequency, as well as backward-wave tube modes in which generation rate is shifted downward from the Bragg frequency, are analyzed. It is demonstrated that surface-wave excitation can be employed to generate submillimeter radiation with multimegawatt power levels.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):501-509
pages 501-509 views

Estimation of the effect of technological irregularities of the slow-wave structure on parameters of microwave devices

Stolyarov O.


Variations in some parameters of microwave electronic devices under the action of technological irregularities are approximately estimated. The original electromagnetic problem with random boundary conditions is reduced to calculation of interaction between the electron flow and the electromagnetic field of the slow-wave structure with parameters gradually varying along the flow (for this purpose, an irregularity displacement theorem is proved). The use of the Cauchy distribution, which is similar to the normal distribution of irregularities over the cells reduces calculation to simple estimation formulas. The calculation procedure is illustrated by the example of estimations for a travelling-wave tube and a backward-wave tube with a flat comb-type slow-wave structure.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):510-517
pages 510-517 views

Physical Processes in Electron Devices

Study of photocurrent in secondary-electron multipliers in atomic beam tubes

Domanov M., Ippolitova Z., Leshchenko M., Romanova N., Turinov V.


Physical mechanisms of generation of photocurrent carriers in dynodes of secondary-electron multipliers (SEM) in atomic beam tubes (ABT) are considered. It is found out that the most probable mechanism is the electron generation from impurity levels of Co and Ni in MgO crystals contained in dynodes.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):518-531
pages 518-531 views

Model describing microwave semiconductor device burnout under the action of a periodic sequence of electric pulses

Usychenko V., Sasunkevich A., Sorokin L.


A numerical model, as well as a simpler analytical one, which describe heat accumulation in microwave semiconductor devices exposed to high-power electric-pulse trains, are constructed. Conditions are estabtished under which heat is accumulated with each subsequent pulse up to the onset of a catastrophic failure caused by the device burnout. It demonstrated that short-pulse trains with a small pulse period-topulse duration ratio are most dangerous.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):532-540
pages 532-540 views

Features of the dependence of the diffraction efficiency of an acousto-optic Bragg cell with multielement traveling wave transformer on its geometric parameters

Azrakov I., Zavarin S., Nikishin E.


An equation for calculation of the diffraction efficiency of an acousto-optic Bragg cell with multielement traveling wave transformer taking into account the exponential distribution of the acoustic field along of the transformer is obtained. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the dependence of the diffraction efficiency of the Bragg cell on the number of radiating elements in the piezoelectric traveling wave transformer are given. Nonlinear behavior of the dependence of the diffraction efficiency on the number of radiators in the considered transformer is analyzed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):541-545
pages 541-545 views

Investigation of the immunity of computer equipment to the power-line electromagnetic interference

Gizatullin Z., Gizatullin R.


An experimental setup for investigating the immunity of computer equipment to the power-line electromagnetic interference has been developed. The results of quantitative investigations of the performance of the computer equipment subjected to the action of nanosecond and microsecond electromagnetic pulses propagated through the power line as well as the results of investigations of the efficiency of external devices for protecting the computer equipment from the action of electromagnetic pulses propagated through the power line are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(5):546-550
pages 546-550 views

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