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Volume 42, Nº 6 (2016)


The formation of a hybrid structure from tungsten selenide and oxide plates for a hydrogen-evolution electrocatalyst

Fominski V., Grigoriev S., Romanov R., Volosova M., Grunin A., Teterina G.


It has been found that the pulsed laser deposition of a thin tungsten selenide film, followed by thermal treatment at 550°C in an Ar + O2 mixture of gases, results in the formation of a hybrid structure that is made up of ultrathin WSe2 and WO3–y platelets. The structural and size characteristics of the nanoplatelets deposited on microcrystalline graphite provide the effective hydrogen evolution reaction in a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution, with the cathode current made about seven times higher at a potential of–100 mV and the slope of the Tafel characteristic reduced from 340 to 90 mV/dec.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):555-558
pages 555-558 views

Determination of the optical axis in Z-cut uniaxial crystals by a polarization-based method

Paranin V.


A polarization method is proposed for determination of the orientation of the optical axis in a Z-cut uniaxial crystal. The applicability of the method for controlling the deflection angles of the optical axis from the normal to the crystal surface ~0.01° was shown using the example of lithium niobate crystal with a thickness of 514 μm. Peculiarities of the practical implementation of this method and approaches for increasing its accuracy and throughput are considered.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):559-562
pages 559-562 views

The influence of the diffusion cooling on the noise band of the superconductor NbN hot-electron bolometer operating in the terahertz range

Tret’yakov I., Kaurova N., Voronov B., Anfert’ev V., Revin L., Vaks V., Gol’tsman G.


Results of an experimental study of the noise temperature (Tn) and noise bandwidth (NBW) of the superconductor NbN hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer as a function of its temperature (Tb) are presented. It was determined that the NBW of the mixer is significantly wider at temperatures close to the critical ones (Tc) than are values measured at 4.2 K. The NBW of the mixer measured at the heterodyne frequency of 2.5 THz at temperature Tb close to Tc was ~13 GHz, as compared with 6 GHz at Tb = 4.2 K. This experiment clearly demonstrates the limitation of the thermal flow from the NbN bridge at TbTc for mixers manufactured by the in situ technique. This limitation is close in its nature to the Andreev reflection on the superconductor/ metal boundary. In this case, the noise temperature of the studied mixer increased from 1100 to 3800 K.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):563-566
pages 563-566 views

Research on optical damage to sodium chloride by ultrashort laser pulses

Gavasheli Y., Komarov P., Ashitkov S., Savintsev A.


Thresholds of optical damage to sodium chloride by ultrashort laser pulses with a duration of about 40 fs are determined. Experiments were carried out using a terawatt titanium–sapphire laser device. p-polarized laser radiation at a wavelength of 800 nm fell on the specimen surface at an angle of 60°. Optical damage to the surface was observed when the critical electric field strength attained 94 MV/cm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):567-569
pages 567-569 views

A study of the heat-removal process at the semiconductor–ceramics interface in solar cells by the laser thermal-wave method

Glazov A., Kalinovskii V., Kontrosh E., Muratikov K.


The influence of the solder layer between a semiconductor solar cell and heat-removing ceramics on the nonstationary heat-transfer processes has been investigated by the laser thermal-wave method. A theoretical model taking into account the presence of additional thermal resistance and thermal capacitance at the soldered junction is proposed. Different soldering modes are considered. It is shown that the laser thermal- wave methods within the developed model allow one to correctly estimate the thermophysical properties of multilayer structures.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):570-573
pages 570-573 views

Current density distribution in a large cross-section beam in an electron accelerator with a multiaperture plasma cathode

Vorob’ev M., Koval’ N.


An electron accelerator with a multiaperture plasma cathode with grid stabilization of the boundary of emission plasma based on a low-pressure arc discharge generating a large cross-section (750 × 150 mm2) beam with its ejection into the atmosphere or high-pressure gas through the exit foil window is described. A comparatively simple method for decreasing the nonuniformity of the current density distribution over the beam cross section using a mask with variable-diameter holes is proposed and experimentally tested. In this case, the higher the plasma concentration in the emission region, the smaller the diameter of the holes in the mask. When this mask was used, the nonuniformity of the current density distribution was decreased from ±15 and ±10% to ±10 and ±5% on the long and short sides of the beam cross section, respectively.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):574-576
pages 574-576 views

Optical anisotropy and dielectric parameters of (Ba0.5Sr0.5)Nb2O6 films on a Pt(111)/Si(001) substrate

Kovtun A., Zinchenko S., Pavlenko A., Tolmachev G.


(Ba0.5Sr0.5)Nb2O6 films were synthesized on a Pt(111)/Si(001) substrate by RF gas-discharge sputtering in pure oxygen atmosphere. It was found that the films have a dominant crystallographic orientation in the [001] direction and natural unipolarity, which was revealed through analysis of dielectric and piezoelectric parameters. It was demonstrated that the optical parameters of film material in the Ba0.5Sr0.5, Nb2O6/Pt(111)/Si(001) heterostructure match those typical for a (Ba0.5Sr0.5)Nb2O6 single crystal.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):577-580
pages 577-580 views

New graphene technologies of manipulation with molecular objects

Glukhova O., Savost’yanov G., Slepchenkov M., Shunaev V.


A new technique of manipulating with fullerene C60 over graphene on a SiO2 substrate is proposed. To stop the chaotic motion of molecules and limit its range, it is suggested to use a corrugated substrate. The study has shown that, at the corrugation wavelength of 3.4 nm and depth of 1.6 nm, the fullerene motion becomes directed with a deviation within 0.5 nm. The fullerene motion becomes even more definite, with a deviation from a straight line within tenths of an angstrom by the action of an external electric field, which allows one to manipulate the motion along the bottom of a groove. The method proposed can serve as a basis for the controlled assembly of molecules to supermolecular structures of given configurations, which can be applied in bio- and nanoelectronics.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):581-584
pages 581-584 views

Intercalated samarium as an agent enabling the intercalation of oxygen under a monolayer graphene film on iridium

Afanas’eva E., Rut’kov E., Gall’ N.


Using thermal desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry and thermionic methods, it is shown that oxygen does not intercalate under a graphene monolayer grown correctly on iridium, at least at temperatures of T = 300–400 K and exposures below 12000 L. However, if the graphene film on iridium is preliminary intercalated with samarium atoms (up to coverage of θSm = 0.2–0.45), the penetration of oxygen atoms under the graphene film is observed. The oxygen atoms in the intercalated state are chemically bonded to samarium atoms and remain under graphene up to high temperatures (~2150 K).

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):585-589
pages 585-589 views

Electrophysical properties of Si/SiO2 nanostructures fabricated by direct bonding

Gismatulin A., Kamaev G.


The results of experimental investigation of diode n++p++-Si structures, which were fabricated by direct bonding and have tunneling-thin SiO2 with Si nanoclusters embedded into the interface, are presented. The memristive effect with bipolar switching is demonstrated. The introduction of Si nanoclusters into the dielectric reduces the randomness of formation of a conducting channel. Intermediate metastable states are observed in the current–voltage characteristics. This may prove to be important for multibit data storage.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):590-593
pages 590-593 views

A study of planar structures formed on the modified Al2O3 surfaces determining the topology of superconducting elements during YBa2Cu3O7–d deposition

Masterov D., Pavlov S., Parafin A., Yunin P.


We investigate the structural and electrical properties of planar superconducting structures based on the YBa2Cu3O7–d (YBCO) epitaxial films obtained by preliminary modification of the substrate surface. A special master mask was formed on the substrates, so that, at the standard YBCO film deposition onto such a substrate, an insulator layer grew in the modified areas and a superconducting film, in the unmodified ones. Thus, the planar superconducting structure of a desired topology was formed, and the YBCO deposition finished the process. Using this technique, YBCO bridges with widths of 4, 10, and 50 μm on films of different thicknesses and a planar inductive coil were formed. The superconducting transition temperature of the bridges was about 90 K, and the critical current density at a temperature of 77 K was up to 3 MA/cm2. The Q factor of the planar inductive coil at a frequency of 85 MHz was 53000 at a temperature of 77 K.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):594-597
pages 594-597 views

Antenna-waveguide microwave devices of carbon composition materials

Dugin N., Zaboronkova T., Myasnikov E.


The fundamental possibility of developing microwave antennas of a carbon composition material is shown. A model specimen of a horn antenna for a range of 5 GHz is made in laboratory conditions from the carbon composition material with a graphene-containing binding substance. The electrodynamic characteristics of the antenna are investigated and compared with characteristics of a metallic antenna with similar geometrical parameters. It is found that the carbon composition antenna is practically identical to its metallic analog, but has superior mechanical parameters.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):598-600
pages 598-600 views

The atomic and electronic structure of oxygen polyvacancies in anatase

Perevalov T., Islamov D., Saraev A.


We investigate oxygen-deficient anatase using quantum-chemical simulation within the density functional theory and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that etching of anatase with argon ions with an energy of 2.4 keV results in the formation of oxygen vacancies and polyvacancies at a concentration of approximately 1020 cm–3 in the crystal. It was found that the most energetically favorable spatial configuration of an oxygen polyvacancy is a three-dimensional chain in crystallographic direction [100] or [010]. The ability of oxygen polyvacancy in the form of a chain to act as a conductive filament and to participate in the resistive switching is discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):601-604
pages 601-604 views

The growth of graphite phase on an iridium field electron emitter

Bernatskii D., Pavlov V.


The growth of graphite on the surface of an iridium tip in pyrolysis of benzene to give a ribbed crystal has been found by the methods of field electron and desorption microscopy. The formation of a graphite crystal results in the electric field factor increasing. The adsorption of alkali metals on the surface of graphite is accompanied by the intercalation effect.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):605-607
pages 605-607 views

Obtaining a proton beam with 5-mA current in a tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation

Ivanov A., Kasatov D., Koshkarev A., Makarov A., Ostreinov Y., Sorokin I., Taskaev S., Shchudlo I.


Suppression of parasitic electron flows and positive ions formed in the beam tract of a tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation allowed a more than threefold increase (from 1.6 to 5 mA) in the current of accelerated 2-MeV protons. Details of the modification are described. Results of experimental investigation of the suppression of secondary charged particles and data on the characteristics of accelerated proton beam with increased current are presented.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):608-611
pages 608-611 views

Harmonic wave radiation induced by a flat piston with allowance for the mobility of the interface and nonlinearity of medium

Pozdeev V., Olefirenko O.


The problem of harmonic pressure wave generation by a moving piston is solved for the first time. An initial boundary value problem for the Riemann equation is formulated, and a boundary condition for the current position of a contact boundary is set. Physical effects caused by the allowance for mobility of the contact boundary and nonlinearity of the medium are considered in the framework of the obtained analytical solution.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):612-613
pages 612-613 views

Electron-stimulated desorption of cesium atoms from adlayers on a gold surface

Kuznetsov Y., Lapushkin M., Potekhina N.


We have studied the process of electron-stimulated desorption (ESD) of Cs atoms from a Cs/CsAu/Au/W system. It is established that ESD takes place from a Cs adlayer and the adjacent CsAu layer of this system. A model of Cs atom desorption from the Cs/CsAu/Au/W system is proposed. The results confirm the semiconductor nature of CsAu compounds.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):614-617
pages 614-617 views

An optical quantum magnetometer with submicron resolution based on the level anticrossing phenomenon

Anisimov A., Tolmachev D., Babunts R., Muzafarova M., Bundakova A., Il’in I., Soltamov V., Baranov P., Mokhov E., Astakhov G., Dyakonov V.


An optical quantum magnetometer with submicron spatial resolution is proposed that is based on the phenomenon of optical response in a solid-state spin system under conditions of spin sublevel anticrossing without using a resonance frequency. The system operation is demonstrated by example of spin defects in silicon carbide of various polytypes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):618-621
pages 618-621 views

A miniature filter on a suspended substrate with a two-sided pattern of strip conductors

Belyaev B., Voloshin A., Bulavchuk A., Galeev R.


A miniature bandpass filter of new design with original stripline resonators on suspended substrate has been studied. The proposed filters of third to sixth order are distinguished for their high frequency-selective properties and mush smaller size in comparison to analogs. It is shown that a broad stopband extending above three-fold central bandpass frequency is determined by weak coupling of resonators at resonances of the second and third modes. A prototype sixth-order filter with a central frequency of 1 GHz, manufactured on a ceramic substrate with dielectric permittivity ε = 80, has contour dimensions of 36.6 × 4.8 × 0.5 mm3. Parametric synthesis of the filter, based on electrodynamic 3D model simulations, showed quite good agreement with the results of measurements.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):622-625
pages 622-625 views

Vibronic properties of organic semiconductors based on zirconium monophthalocyanine

Dronov M., Belogorokhov I., Belogorokhova L.


Vibronic states of organic semiconductors based on zirconium monophthalocyanine molecules have been studied. Vibrational and rotational transitions in the organic semiconductor containing zirconium atoms are precisely described based on data of infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):626-628
pages 626-628 views

Properties of a photonic crystal formed in a solution featuring the Briggs–Rauscher oscillating reaction

Usanov D., Rytik A.


It is shown that a solution featuring the Briggs–Rauscher (BR) oscillating chemical reaction can exhibit the properties of a photonic crystal with alternating bandgap width. Thicknesses and dielectric permittivities of structural elements in the BR reaction solution have been determined by measuring the reflection and transmission spectra of microwave radiation in the range of 5–8 GHz.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):629-631
pages 629-631 views

A bistatic laser monitor

Trigub M., Torgaev S., Evtushenko G., Troitskii V., Shiyanov D.


A prototype of a bistatic laser projection system employing copper bromide vapor based active media is presented that allows remote objects and high-speed processes to be monitored online. The proposed scheme employs two active elements: one in the source for lighting the object and another in the image brightness amplifier.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):632-634
pages 632-634 views

Solar-blind AlxGa1–xN (x > 0.45) pin photodiodes with a polarization-p-doped emitter

Jmerik V., Kuznetsova N., Nechaev D., Shmidt N., Karpov S., Rzheutskii N., Zemlyakov V., Kaibyshev V., Kazantsev D., Troshkov S., Egorkin V., Ber B., Lutsenko E., Ivanov S.


Polarization-induced p-type doping of AlGaN layers with high aluminum content during plasmaassisted MBE growth has been studied. It is shown that a gradient of the AlN molar fraction in AlGaN (composition gradient) on a level of 0.005 nm–1 must be set in order to obtain a hole concentration of ~1018 cm–3 (measured by the CV method) in AlxGa1–xN:Mg (x = 0.52–0.32) layers with dopant concentration [Mg] = 1.3 × 1018 cm–3. pin photodiodes based on AlGaN heterostructures with such layers as p-emitters showed maximum photoresponsitivity in the solar-blind wavelength range (λ = 281 nm) about 35 and 48 mA/W at reverse bias voltage U = 0 and–5 V, respectively, and exhibited a dark current density of 3.9 × 10–8 A/cm2 at U =–5 V.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):635-638
pages 635-638 views

Molecular dynamics simulation of the indentation of nanoscale films on a substrate

Redkov A., Osipov A., Kukushkin S.


It is shown that atomistic modeling of the indentation of thin films using the method of molecular dynamics (MD) has some advantages on the nanoscale level in comparison to the traditional method of finite elements. Effects revealed by the MD simulations, including delamination and cracking of the film under indenter and the formation and propagation of dislocations are considered. Elastic properties of a nanoscale film on substrate have been studied using the Tersoff potential in application to the silicon carbide film on silicon (SiC/Si). The results of MD simulation qualitatively agree with recent experimental data for indentation in the SiC/Si system. The influence of parameters of the Tersoff potential on the Young’s modulus of simulated materials has been studied for silicon.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):639-643
pages 639-643 views

Experimental determination of the retention time of reduced temperature of gas–vapor mixture in trace of water droplets moving in counterflow of combustion products

Volkov R., Kuznetsov G., Strizhak P.


We have experimentally studied temporal variation of the temperature of gas–vapor mixture in the trace of water droplets moving in the counterflow of high-temperature combustion products. The initial gas temperature was within 500–950 K. The water droplet radius in the aerosol flow varied from 40 to 400 μm. The motion of water droplets in the counterflow of combustion products in a 1-m-high hollow quartz cylinder with an internal diameter of 20 cm was visualized by optical flow imaging techniques (interferometric particle imaging, shadow photography, particle tracking velocimetry, and particle image velocimetry) with the aid of a cross-correlation complex setup. The scale of temperature decrease in the mixture of combustion products and water droplets was determined for a pulsed (within 1 s) and continuous supply of aerosol with various droplet sizes. Retention times of reduced temperature (relative to the initial level) in trace of water droplets (aerosol temperature trace) are determined. A hypothesis concerning factors responsible for the variation of temperature in the trace of droplets moving in the counterflow of combustion products is experimentally verified.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):644-648
pages 644-648 views

The temperature dependence of the resistivity of ohmic contacts based on gallium arsenide and indium phosphide in the 4.2–300 K range

Sachenko A., Belyaev A., Boltovets N., Konakova R., Vitusevich S., Novitskii S., Sheremet V., Pilipchuk A.


Resistivity ρc of InP- and GaAs-based ohmic contacts has been measured in a temperature range of 4.2–300 K. Both temperature dependences are nonmonotonic and exhibit minima at T = 50 K for InP and T = 150 K for GaAs. The nonmonotonic ρc(T) curves for GaAs contacts have been observed for the first time. The obtained experimental temperature dependences of ρc can be explained in the framework of the mechanism of current passage via metal shunts incorporated into semiconductor with allowance for electrons freezing out at liquid-helium temperatures. The ohmic character of contacts is ensured due to limitation of the electron current by diffusion supply in the presence of band bending at the semiconductor–metal interface near the shunt edge.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):649-651
pages 649-651 views

A new method of increasing thermopower in doped manganites

Koroleva L., Morozov A., Zhakina E., Batashev I., Balbashov A.


Thermopower, magnetothermopower, resistivity, magnetoresistance, and magnetization of singlecrystalline samples of the Sm1–xSrxMnO3 system (x = 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) have been experimentally studied. These compositions consist of ferromagnetic clusters of the ferron type dispersed in the A-type antiferromagnetic matrix. Colossal thermo- and negative magnetothermopower values reaching 94.5% in a composition with x = 0.3 in the region of Curie point TC in a magnetic field of 1.323 T. This result implies that thermopower is mostly related to ferron-type clusters, since their breakage under the action of magnetic field or heating above TC leads to a sharp decrease in thermopower values. These results imply that thermopower in doped manganite semiconductors is determined by the concentration of impurity and volume of a sample.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):652-655
pages 652-655 views

Optical properties of metal nanoparticles in chrysotile channels

Belotitskii V., Kumzerov Y., Kalmykov A., Kirilenko D., Peschel U., Romanov S., Sorokin L., Sysoeva A., Zhuromskyy O.


Chrysotile samples with macroscopically ordered channels filled by gold and silver have been studied using optical transmission spectroscopy. The channels had inner diameters below 5 nm and lengths up to about 1 cm. The transmission spectra of samples strongly depend on the polarization of probing light. The observed spectral properties are probably related to plasmon resonances of metal particles and to surface plasmon polaritons.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):656-658
pages 656-658 views

Studying dispersions of ferroelectric nanopowders in dioctyl phthalate as dielectric media for capacitive electronic components

Gorokhovskii A., Gorshkov N., Burmistrov I., Goffman V., Tret’yachenko E., Sevryugin A., Fedorov F., Kovyneva N.


The electrical properties of dispersions of a powdered ferroelectric nanocomposite based on ilmenite (FeTiO3) and hollandite (K1.46Ti7.2Fe0.8O16) in dioctyl phthalate have been studied by impedance spectroscopy techniques in a frequency range of 10–1–106 Hz. The influence of stabilizing additives of cationic and anionic surfactants and iron acetylacetonate on the permittivity, conductivity, and dielectric losses was determined for dispersions containing 40 mass % of the solid composite. The influence of composition on the mechanisms of relaxation processes in the system is discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(6):659-662
pages 659-662 views

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