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Vol 45, No 3 (2019)


Zhores Ivanovich Alferov (15.03.1930–01.03.2019)

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):185-186
pages 185-186 views

Photorefractive Correction of the Coupling Ratio of an Integrated Optical Directional X-Coupler on a Lithium Niobate Substrate

Parfenov M.V., Tronev A.V., Il’ichev I.V., Agruzov P.M., Shamrai A.V.


The possibility of correcting the power coupling ratio of an integrated optical directional X-coupler upon excitation of a local photorefractive response in the substrate material (LiNbO3) has been analyzed. The X-coupler operation has been numerically simulated, and the regions of its maximum sensitivity to photorefraction have been determined. The correspondence between the calculated and experimental data has been obtained. The maximum correction value of the coupling ratio is 1–2%. The photorefractive correction of the coupling ratio has been used to increase the extinction ratio of a Mach–Zehnder modulator to 47 dB.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):187-189
pages 187-189 views

Noninvasive Measurement of Bioelectric Potentials of Plants

Kuleshova T.E., Bushlyakova A.V., Gall’ N.R.


A system for the noninvasive measurement of bioelectric potentials in the soil–plant system, which is based on a new—and harmless to plants—method ensuring the surface contact of the root system with electrodes, is developed and tested with the use of the Chlorophytum comosum perennial grassy plant. It is shown that the irrigation of the plant from the top after exposure to water-scarce conditions causes a jump in the bioelectric potential at the level of 200–250 mV for about 300 s with subsequent reaching of a plateau corresponding to the physiological state of the plant. At the same time, the diffusion of water from below leads to a smooth change in the bioelectric potential upon reaching the same level. It is shown that invasive insertion of an electrode leads to nonmonotonic and descending time dependences of the bioelectric potential, which are probably a response of the living system to damage.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):190-192
pages 190-192 views

A Study of the Effect of Radiation on Recombination Loss in Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on Single-Crystal Silicon

Panaiotti I.E., Terukov E.I.


A method has been developed for numerically estimating the recombination loss in silicon heterojunction solar cells under irradiation. The calculations are based on an analysis of the experimental short-circuit currents. The suggested model makes it possible to evaluate the degree of degradation of semiconductor structures by calculating the decrease in the bulk lifetime and in the diffusion length of carriers. The results obtained are of practical importance for examining the possibility of using this type of solar cells in space conditions.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):193-196
pages 193-196 views

Traces of Phase Transformations of Copper at High-Speed Introduction into Metals

Kozachuk A.I., Mikhailin A.I., Pavlov S.I., Rumyantsev B.V., Sil’nikov M.V.


The state of the cavity surface after the introduction of the copper jet into the metal barrier has been recorded and analyzed. A comparison of the cavity surface for jets providing only melting or melting with evaporation during unloading of shock-compressed copper was carried out. The final stages of pore development during solidification are fixed. The volume fraction of evaporation was estimated. The rapid unloading of the implementation areas and the emergence of pores in the volume before the destruction in the layer of the spreading jet result in an increase in the efficiency of the spacecraft screen protection during the evaporation of a fragment of artificial debris.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):197-200
pages 197-200 views

A New Type of Carbon Nanostructure on a Vicinal SiС(111)-8° Surface

Benemanskaya G.V., Dement’ev P.A., Kukushkin S.A., Osipov A.V., Timoshnev S.N.


The electronic properties of the Ba/SiC/Si(111)-8° nanointerface have been studied for the first time by photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. The experiments are conducted in situ in superhigh vacuum on submonolayer Ba coatings of SiC/Si(111)-8° samples grown by the method of substitution of atoms. It is found that the adsorption of Ba causes strong changes in the spectrum of the C 1s core level. It is shown that the effect is due to the formation of a new, previously unknown carbon nanostructure. It is found that the nanostructure is formed exclusively on the SiC vicinal surfaces in the presence of stabilizing adsorbed Ba metal atoms and consists of carbon rings, in which the chemical bonds are close in nature to the bonds characteristic of aromatic compounds.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):201-204
pages 201-204 views

Phase Transitions of Water in Zeolite Pores

Bordonskii G.S., Orlov A.O.


Phase transition temperatures of water are experimentally determined for the case in which ice melts in the pores of zeolite (natural mineral) with a pore size of 0.2–2 nm. Three temperatures with a sharp change in the heat capacity and extremes of low-frequency electrical fluctuations are found when moistened material is heated from –150 to 100°C, the values of which are –20, 43, and 86°C. These values are associated with the melting of polygonal structures containing from five to seven water molecules.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):205-207
pages 205-207 views

Comparative Photoluminescent Analysis of Point Defects in SiO2 Induced by Implantation of Ar+ Ions and Neutron Irradiation

Shcherbakov I.P., Chmel’ A.E.


The introduction of Si+ ions and ions of other elements into amorphous silicon dioxide during their interaction causes damage to the structural bonds, which is observed in the vibrational spectral bands. Pure SiO2 has no optical transitions but the bands of induced point defects appear in the photoluminescence spectrum when ions/neutrons are introduced. The generation of photoluminescence-active defects by fluxes of Ar+ ion and thermal neutrons is compared. It is shown that the nature of damage to the structure is associated with both the specifics of the synthesis/processing of the material and the features of the interaction between the substance and ions (atomic collisions) and neutrons (collisions with atomic nuclei).

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):208-210
pages 208-210 views

Deformation of the Shape Memory and Surface Microrelief of Ni–Fe–Ga–Co and Cu–Al–Ni Alloy Single Crystals

Nosov Y.G., Soldatov A.V., Krymov V.M., Pul’nev S.A., Nikolaev V.I.


We present the results of experimental studies of the return of Ni–Fe–Ga–Co and Cu–Al–Ni single crystals to the initial form at the macro- and microlevels after their deformation by compression and subsequent restorative heating. It is found that the geometric dimensions of the sample are reproduced with high accuracy (up to 20 μm). The microrelief appearing on the initially polished surface during crystal compression (the arithmetic mean profile deviation Ra ≈ 0.25–0.75 μm, the average spacing of local protrusions of the profile S ≈ 0.027–0.11 mm) is not removed by subsequent heating and remains with further multiple repetition of deformation–restoration cycles.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):211-213
pages 211-213 views

The Influence of Coulomb Forces on the Processes of Gold Growth on Dielectric Substrate Surfaces

Vlasov V.P., Muslimov A.E., Kanevskii V.M.


A model of interaction of gold nanoislands during chemical vapor deposition in vacuum both in the presence of charges in the vapor and after their removal has been considered. A growth stage has been revealed (the mean sediment thickness is more than 2 nm) in which the mutual attraction of gold nanoislands and a sharp increase in their sizes is observed. In this stage, the sediment with removed charges exhibits retardation of the nanoisland growth. The influence of the substrate geometric profile on the sediment morphology is demonstrated. These investigations are promising for development of methods for nanocoating segmentation and formation of ordered nanoisland ensembles.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):214-217
pages 214-217 views

Threshold Modes of Dynamic Deformation of 1565 Aluminum Alloy

Divakov A.K., Zhigacheva N.I., Konovalov G.V., Meshcheryakov Y.I., Osokin E.P.


To identify threshold structuring regimes, two series of tests of 1565 aluminum alloy were conducted in the speed range of 250–750 m/s: impact tests under uniaxial deformation and penetration of impactors. Comparison of the results of both series of tests enables the separation of the drag in the interaction of an elongated impactor with a target from the friction resistance with its side part. The structuring scale changes twice on the lateral surface of the cavity—at speeds of 400 and 623.3 m/s—and the second structuring threshold almost coincides with the same threshold under loading under uniaxial deformation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):218-220
pages 218-220 views

Surface Topography and Optical Properties of Thin AlN Films Produced on GaAs (100) Substrate by Reactive Ion-Plasma Sputtering

Fomin E.V., Bondarev A.D., Rumyantseva A.I., Maurer T., Pikhtin N.A., Tarasov S.A.


A study of the surface topography and optical characteristics of thin AlN films used as passivating and antireflection coatings deposited on n-GaAs (100) substrates by reactive ion-plasma sputtering is reported. It was found that the process conditions affect the structure and the optical characteristics of the films, which makes it possible to obtain coatings with prescribed parameters. An analysis of the results furnished by ellipsometry and atomic-force microscopy of the surface shows that the refractive index of the films is correlated with the surface structure.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):221-224
pages 221-224 views

Microwave Giant Magnetoresistance in [CoFe/Cu]n Superlattices with Record-High Magnetoresistance

Rinkevich A.B., Pakhomov Y.A., Kuznetsov E.A., Klepikova A.S., Milyaev M.A., Naumova L.I., Ustinov V.V.


Microwave giant magnetoresistance in [CoFe/Cu]n nanostructures is studied in the millimeter-wave range. Measurements are preformed for superlattices with the maximum magnetoresistive effect. The field dependences of transmission and reflection coefficients are determined. Record-high (up to 80%) variations of the transmission coefficient are obtained.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):225-227
pages 225-227 views

A Simple Design Erosional Plasma Gun Made of a Coaxial Cable with Polyethylene Insulation

Korobkov S.V., Gushchin M.E., Gundorin V.I., Zudin I.Y., Aidakina N.A., Strikovskiy A.V., Nikolenko A.S.


A compact pulsed plasma generator of simple design made of a coaxial cable with polyethylene insulation has been described. A plasma gun generates a cloud of carbon-hydrogen plasma with an electron density of more than 1013 cm–3, including in a magnetic field produced of up to 500 G and also in the presence of the background plasma with a density of about 1012 cm–3, which is produced by an independent source. The high resource of the gun and stability of plasma parameters from one pulse to another allows using such a gun in laboratory experiments simulating dynamic processes in space.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):228-231
pages 228-231 views

Regular Microstructures Based on Polyethylene Terephthalate Films

Asadchikov V.E., Bedin S.A., Vasil’ev A.B., Grigor’ev Y.V., Naz’mov V.P.


A method for forming regular dielectric and metallic microstructures based on polyethylene terephthalate films irradiated with a synchrotron radiation source through a mask with subsequent etching. To study their geometric parameters, scanning electron microscopy was used.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):232-234
pages 232-234 views

Enhancing the Circular Polarization of Spin Light-Emitting Diodes by Processing in Selenium Vapor

Dorokhin M.V., Demina P.B., Budanov A.V., Vlasov Y.N., Kotov G.I., Zdoroveyshchev A.V., Trushin V.N., Zvonkov B.N.


Spin light-emitting diodes based on InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with a CoPt ferromagnetic injector were fabricated. It was demonstrated that the processing of these structures in selenium vapor prior to the deposition of a CoPt contact provides an opportunity to enhance the circular polarization degree of diode emission. The observed increase in the polarization degree is attributed to the suppression of spin relaxation at the metal/semiconductor interface due to surface passivation and a reduction in the density of surface electron states as a result of processing in selenium vapor.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):235-238
pages 235-238 views

Detectors Based on Low-Barrier Mott Diodes and Their Characteristics in the 150–250 GHz Range

Volkov P.V., Vostokov N.V., Goryunov A.V., Kukin L.M., Parshin V.V., Serov E.A., Shashkin V.I.


The characteristics of millimeter-wavelength detectors based on planar Mott diodes with near-surface δ-doping operating without a constant bias are discussed. These detectors have a volt–watt sensitivity of ~1000 V/W with NEP ~ 10 pW/Hz1/2 in the 150–250 GHz range. The obtained estimates reveal the possibility of an additional order-of-magnitude enhancement of the performance characteristics of detectors with smaller areas of the diode barrier contact.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):239-241
pages 239-241 views

An Investigation of the Influence of the Parameters of a Pulse Discharge on Localized Disturbances Generated in a Supersonic Boundary Layer

Yatskikh A.A., Ermolaev Y.G., Kosinov A.D., Semionov N.V.


The results of experimental studies of the effect of the duration and current of a pulsed glow discharge on the generation of localized disturbances in the supersonic boundary layer of a flat plate at Mach numbers of the oncoming flow M = 3 and 4 have been presented. Flow pulsation measurements were performed by a hot-wire anemometer. It has been found that an increase in the duration of the impulse function leads to an increase in the amplitude and time scales of the perturbations that are generated in the boundary layer. An increase in the current of the pulse discharge leads to an increase in the amplitude of the generated pulsations. The propagation velocities in the boundary layer of localized perturbations at different Mach numbers of the oncoming flow have been estimated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):242-245
pages 242-245 views

Studying the Composition and Phase State of Thin PZT Films Obtained by High-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering under Variation of Working Gas Pressure

Dolgintsev D.M., Pronin V.P., Kaptelov E.Y., Senkevich S.V., Pronin I.P.


Variation of the working gas pressure (from 8 to 2 Pa) during RF magnetron sputtering deposition of thin perovskite lead zirconate titanate (PZT) films revealed strong changes in their lead content, which decreased below the stoichiometric level and led to the formation of a two-phase (perovskite–pyrochlore) structure upon subsequent high-temperature annealing. Measurements of the composition of perovskite islands in the two-phase films showed that the lead content in these islands was equal to or greater than stoichiometric. These results lead to the conclusion that the obtained PZT films are free of lead vacancies.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):246-249
pages 246-249 views

Cascade Solar Cells Based on GaP/Si/Ge Nanoheterostructures

Lunin L.S., Lunina M.L., Pashchenko A.S., Alfimova D.L., Arustamyan D.A., Kazakova A.E.


GaP/Si/Ge nanoheterostructures have been obtained using the method of pulsed laser deposition, and an energy band diagram of cascade solar cells based on these heterostructures were modeled. GaP and Ge nanolayers grown on Si substrates were studied by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Spectral dependences of the external quantum efficiency response of GaP/Si/Ge nanoheterostructures were determined.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):250-252
pages 250-252 views

An Experimental Investigation of the Film Boiling of Subcooled Water by Gradient Heat Flux Measurement

Sapozhnikov S.Z., Mityakov V.Y., Mityakov A.V., Subbotina V.V.


The process of subcooled water boiling is qualitatively described based on data obtained using gradient heat flux measurement. The proposed method was used for the first time for measuring the heat flux per unit area during film boiling that takes place on the endface of a cylinder submerged in subcooled water. Based on these results, the time distribution of the heat flux per unit area are constructed and the relationship between the heat flux per unit area and heat-transfer coefficient is estimated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):253-255
pages 253-255 views

Cathodoluminescence of TiO2 Films Formed by Molecular Layer Deposition

Drozd V., Baraban A., Selivanov A., Dmitriev V., Drozd A.V.


Use of the method of local cathodoluminescence in Si–TiO2 and Si–SiO2–TiO2 structures helps to elucidate the nature of centers influencing the operation of memristors. These measurements showed that electroforming leads to the appearance of luminescence in a 250–400 nm wavelength range in the external part of TiO2 layer characterized by high concentration of defects. This observation leads to a conclusion that a sharp interface is formed between dielectric layers of the structure, provides estimation of the absorption coefficient of TiO2 layer, and allows its bandgap width (~3.3 eV) to be evaluated for the oxide layers formed by the given technology.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):256-258
pages 256-258 views

A Source of Accelerated Metal Plasma Flow with Controllable Parameters

Paperny V.L., Astrakhantsev N.V., Lebedev N.V.


Parameters of the metal plasma flow generated by a source with heated liquid anode have been studied during motion in axial magnetic field. It is established that the source operating on liquid copper as the working body creates a plasma flow with an ionization of degree about 8% and concentration reaching 4 × 1016 m–3 near the source output. The directed energy and width of the energy spectrum of ion flow can be varied in broad intervals by controlling the voltage applied to electrodes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):259-262
pages 259-262 views

Studying Changes in the Microhardness of a Zirconium Surface Modified by Laser Processing

Proskuryakov V.I., Rodionov I.V., Koshuro V.A.


The results of an investigation of the process of laser-induced hardening of zirconium (E110 alloy) are reported. It has been established that the laser treatment in air results in the formation of a uniformly distributed microrelief characterized by the presence of microparticles with various configurations. Overlap of the laser beam trajectories leads to the formation of a layered structure. The composition of laser-modified surface depends on the regime of processing and mostly comprises a mixture of zirconium oxides and nitrides. In addition, the formation of diffuse transition zones between the bulk metal and modified surface layer is established. The dependence of the thickness of the hardened layer on the regime of pulsed laser action is determined.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):263-266
pages 263-266 views

Collisions between Liquid Drops of Various Shapes in a Gas Flow

Kuznetsov G.V., Strizhak P.A.


We have experimentally studied the interaction between water drops of various surface configurations moving in a gas medium. Results of high-speed video monitoring provide a database on these collisions (in coagulation, expansion, and fragmentation regimes) for particles of spherical, oblate, and elongated ellipsoids. It is established that a determining role belongs to the surface configuration of drops (in addition to traditional notions about the influence of their dimensions, velocities, and angle of attack). The values of Weber numbers have been calculated for description of the conditions of interaction between drops of various shapes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):267-270
pages 267-270 views

Generation of Terahertz Radiation in Magnetic Junctions Based on Nanowires

Gulyaev Y.V., Chigarev S.G., Panas A.I., Vilkov E.A., Maksimov N.A., Zagorskii D.L., Shatalov A.S.


A system of spin-injection emitters employing magnetic junctions based on an array of parallel nanodimensional wires has been studied. Manufacturing technology and possible variants of the nanowire structure are discussed. Conditions of the formation of a new type of spin-injection emitters of terahertz radiation on this basis are considered. The design of the experimental setup is described, and the results of experiments are analyzed. It is established that signals in a 16–18 THz range can be generated by passing high-density current through the proposed nanowire array.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):271-273
pages 271-273 views

Finishing Surface Treatment of Potassium Titanyl Phosphate Single Crystals by Argon Cluster Ions

Korobeishchikov N.G., Nikolaev I.V., Roenko M.A.


It is demonstrated that a argon cluster ion beam can be used for the finishing treatment of ultrasmooth surfaces (with initial root-mean-square roughness below 0.3 nm) of potassium titanyl phosphate single crystals. Analysis of the power spectral density function of surface roughness showed that cluster-ion irradiation leads to removal of residual chemical contaminations from the subsurface layer and produces additional smoothing of the crystal surface in a broad range of spatial frequencies (ν = 0.2–100 μm–1).

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):274-277
pages 274-277 views

Multistability and Complex Oscillatory Regimes in a Microwave Generator with Delayed Reflection from the Load

Balakin M.I., Ryskin N.M.


Peculiarities of the formation of multistability in a microwave generator with delayed reflection from the load have been studied. Characteristic scenarios of the appearance and evolution of multistable states are determined. The influence of nonisochronism on the scenario of transition to chaos is revealed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):278-280
pages 278-280 views

Creation of Localized NV Center Ensembles in CVD Diamond by Electron Beam Irradiation

Bogdanov S.A., Gorbachev A.M., Radishev D.B., Vikharev A.L., Lobaev M.A., Gusev S.A., Tatarsky D.A., Bolshedvorskii S.V., Akimov A.V., Chernov V.V.


Creation of localized NV center ensembles, produced by irradiation of CVD diamond with nitrogen doped delta-layer with 200 keV electron beam and the subsequent annealing is demonstrated. Results of optical measurements of activated areas at different irradiation doses are presented. Issues concerning defect formation in diamond lattice during the electron beam impact are discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):281-284
pages 281-284 views

Plastic Flow Autowaves in Freshwater Ice As Manifested by Microwave Reflection Measurements

Bordonskii G.S., Gurulev A.A.


Results of measurements of the coefficient of microwave reflection from a block of freshwater ice subjected to plastic deformation are presented. Strong fluctuations in the phase of reflection coefficient are revealed, with the extremum at an electromagnetic radiation wavelength of 1.35 cm. This wavelength corresponds to the region of localized plastic flow autowaves in crystalline media.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):285-287
pages 285-287 views

The Influence of Thermal Treatment on Elastic and Anelastic Properties of Ni55Fe18Ga27 Alloy Single Crystals

Sapozhnikov K.V., Nikolaev V.I., Krymov V.M., Kustov S.B.


We have studied the influence of thermal treatment on the dynamic Young’s modulus, linear and nonlinear internal friction, and Young’s modulus defect of Ni55Fe18Ga27 alloy single crystals. Strong variations of all these parameters were observed and explained by changes in the concentration of vacancies in the crystal lattice. It is concluded that vacancies form atmospheres near twin boundaries, the density of which (but not their extension) strongly depend on the concentration of vacancies.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):288-291
pages 288-291 views

A Moderately Relativistic Subgigawatt Microwave Oscillator of Twistron Type Operating with 50% Efficiency

Totmeninov E.M., Kitsanov S.A., Klimov A.I., Sinyakov A.N.


A regime of quasi-stationary microwave generation in moderately relativistic microwave oscillator of the twistron type with 50 ± 20% efficiency of electron beam power conversion into electromagnetic radiation has been obtained in experiment through optimization of the electron–wave interaction. For the selected electron beam parameters (diode voltage, 210 kV; beam current. 1.36 kA) the output microwave power at 10.63 GHz frequency was 140 ± 40 MW in a guiding magnetic field of about 1.9 T. The duration of microwave pulses was about 16 ns.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):292-294
pages 292-294 views

Experimental Detection of the Signs of a Coulomb Explosion in Micropinch Plasma

Dolgov A.N., Klyachin N.A., Prokhorovich D.E.


A flow of ions with energies of about 3 MeV propagating in the direction perpendicular to the symmetry axis of discharge has been detected in high-current low inductance vacuum spark. Estimations show that the measured ion energies quite well correspond to the value that can be achieved as a result of “Coulomb explosion” of the waist of a plasma channel of discharge current at the stage preceding its radiation compression.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):295-298
pages 295-298 views

The Effect of Nanofluids on the Heat-Transfer Capacity of Miniature Thermosyphons for Electronics Cooling

Bondarenko B.I., Moraru V.N., Kravets V.Y., Behmard G.


Stable nanofluids based on DG-100 grade carbon black and carbon nanotubes have been prepared, and their influence on the maximum heat-transfer capacity and thermal resistance of closed-loop two-phase thermosyphons (TPTs) intended for electronics cooling have been studied. A more than twofold increase in the critical heat flux of these TPTs as compared to those filled with water has been obtained along with a sharp decrease in their thermal resistance. It is suggested that this effect is not only due to the high thermal conductivity of the proposed nanofluids, but is also related to the formation of a specific porous structure hindering the appearance of a vapor film and enhancing the boiling process.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):299-303
pages 299-303 views

Analysis of the Behavior of Individual Emission Sites on the Surface of a Multi-Tip Field Cathode

Kolosko A.G., Popov E.O., Filippov S.V.


A method of analysis of the surface of multi-tip field cathodes using data obtained with the aid of a computer-controlled field emission projector and a system of fast high-voltage scanning is described. An investigation of a polymer/carbon nanotube composite field electron emitter by this method was used to determine the distribution of individual emission sites over the surface of a multi-tip field cathode and to estimate variation of the work function of separate emission sites depending on the applied voltage. The contributions of separate groups of emission sites to a change of the shape of current–voltage characteristic of a multi-tip cathode have been numerically estimated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(3):304-307
pages 304-307 views

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