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Vol 44, No 8 (2018)


Chains of Nanoscale Dipoles in Alternating Electric Fields

Fateev E.G.


The excitability (increase in the number of charges at the poles of nonpoint dipoles) in chains of nanoscale dipoles with varying moments in weak external alternating electric fields (at the level E = 10–13–10–4 V/m) at low frequencies Ω < 105 Hz has been investigated numerically. It has been found that the level of charge excitations in such systems has a nonlinear dependence with a maximum on the radius (in the range r = 20–200 nm) of nanoscale dipoles. It is concluded that, in these ranges, the probability of self-assembling of single dipoles into the chains is increased.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):655-658
pages 655-658 views

Formation of a Thin Luminescent Layer in LiF Crystals under Glow Discharge Radiation

Tyutrin A.A., Glazunov D.S., Rakevich A.L., Martynovich E.F.


The formation of thin layers of luminescent defects on the faces of planar lithium fluoride crystals located in the positive column and Faraday dark space of a glow gas discharge was studied by time-resolved confocal scanning luminescent microscopy and time-correlated single photon counting. The formation of aggregated color centers in the surface layers of crystals was established using the spectral and kinetic characteristics of luminescence appearing after irradiation. The role of gas discharge electrons, ions, and photons in the defect formation mechanism was considered. The defects were shown to be formed under the influence of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photons. The VUV radiation intensity distribution in the discharge gap was measured by the method of thermostimulated luminescence. The main source of this radiation was the anodic and cathodic voltage drop regions in a glow discharge.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):659-662
pages 659-662 views

The Effect of Porosity and Grain Size on the Phase Composition and Mechanical Properties of Zirconium-Dioxide-Based Ceramic

Savchenko N.L., Sablina T.Y., Sevost’yanova I.N., Burlachenko A.G., Buyakova S.P., Kul’kov S.N.


ZrO2(Y) ceramic with embedded particles of a pore-forming agent—ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene—has been studied. It has been shown that the porosity of samples after sintering changed from 2 to 42 vol % and the grain size changed from 0.5 to 1.55 μm depending on sintering regime. The strength of materials with minimum porosity was 3000 ± 200 MPa, while the strength of materials with maximum porosity was 100 ± 20 MPa, regardless of grain size. It has been shown that the tetragonal to monoclinic martensitic phase transformation related to mechanical stresses takes place in the material without any effect on the macrostrength of the material. Internal microscopic stresses decreasing with an increase in porosity and ceramic grain size are the main factor causing this transformation in a porous material.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):663-666
pages 663-666 views

Resonance Tunneling of Electromagnetic Waves for Enhancing the Efficiency of Bolometric Photodetectors

Bogatskaya A.V., Klenov N.V., Popov A.M., Tereshonok M.V.


A method for enhancing the efficiency of bolometric photodetectors is presented. The method utilizes the analogy between the process of tunneling of a flux of quantum particles through a potential barrier and the propagation of electromagnetic waves within a nontransparent medium. The calculation results demonstrate that the fraction of radiation absorbed in a detector at a certain IR frequency may be close to unity if one chooses the right thickness and permittivity of the resonator substrate below a thin metal (superconductor) layer.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):667-670
pages 667-670 views

The Probe Length Effect on the Cantilever of an Atomic Force Microscope in Measuring the Mechanical Properties of Living Neurons

Ankudinov A.V., Khalisov M.M., Penniyaynen V.A., Podzorova S.A., Timoshchuk K.I., Krylov B.V.


Living sensory neurons were studied by atomic force microscopy in the PeakForce QNM mode under near-physiological conditions. The dependence of the measured apparent Young modulus of cells on the ratio of the probe height to the beam length on a used cantilever was revealed. A qualitative explanation based on the analysis of beam strains in two limit cases, in which the probe slides over a studied object and the probe sticks to the latter, was given to the obtained result. It was proposed to classify native cells by the character of their interaction with the probe (sliding or sticking).

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):671-674
pages 671-674 views

Power Characteristics and Temperature Dependence of the Angular Beam Divergence of Lasers with a Near-Surface Active Region

Zhukov A.E., Gordeev N.Y., Shernyakov Y.M., Payusov A.S., Serin A.A., Kulagina M.M., Mintairov S.A., Kalyuzhnyi N.A., Maksimov M.V.


Results are presented of a study of light–current characteristics and far-field patterns of emission of stripe lasers with coupled planar waveguides. This configuration makes it possible to suppress the generation of excited modes and to have a small (about 0.9 μm) depth of the active region from the surface of the laser crystal. A high-temperature stability of the angular emission divergence (34.0° ± 1.5°) in the temperature range 20–80°C is demonstrated. The largest value of the output power is limited to 12.2 W in the continuous-wave mode by the catastrophic mirror damage.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):675-677
pages 675-677 views

Determining the Form of a Hydrodynamic Flow upon Creep of an Amorphous Cobalt-Based Metal Alloy in a Variable Temperature Field

Fedorov V.A., Berezner A.D., Beskrovnyi A.I., Neov D.


Deformation of an amorphous cobalt alloy of strip configuration in creep tests in a variable temperature field is studied. An analytical form of the creep curve is found, and a prediction calculation of the resistivity by means of the proposed creep function is carried out. The physical meaning of the parameters of the creep equation is established, and their dimensionality is found. It is shown that, under the action of a variable temperature field, the creep of the alloy is not Newtonian and the material under strain exhibits pseudoplastic properties. It was found that, in the absence of heating, the viscosity of amorphous strip alloys can be considered within the Bingham plastic model.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):678-680
pages 678-680 views

Emission Activity under Impact Destruction of A2B6 Ceramics

Shcherbakov I.P., Dunaev A.A., Chmel A.E.


In this paper, we present results of a study of the generation of electromagnetic emission during impact loading of ZnS and ZnSe ceramics prepared by various techniques. The choice of the type of mechanical action is associated with the typical applications of these ceramics. Separate contributions to emission activity from the dislocations movement and the microcracks development depending on the crystallite size in the ceramics are shown. The electromagnetic emission is compared with parallel time series of pulses of mechanoluminescence and acoustic emission. In all three cases, emission activity was recorded with a time resolution of 10 ns.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):681-683
pages 681-683 views

A Method for Increasing the Accuracy in Calculating the Characteristics of Complex Dynamics of Threshold Systems

Pavlova O.N., Pavlov A.N.


The problem of increasing the accuracy of calculating the characteristics of complex dynamics in threshold systems is solved using the example of Lyapunov’s exponents. Despite the existence of theoretical and numerical studies that earlier have allowed one to substantiate the possibility of recovery of dynamic systems from the signals at the output of threshold systems, the problem of diagnostics of dynamics in the case of a small amount of data in the presence of noise requires a separate study. It has been shown how preliminary data processing that provides the transition to uniform sampling can significantly reduce the computation errors.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):684-686
pages 684-686 views

Improving the Lift Properties of a Wing in Takeoff and Landing by Means of a Boundary Layer Control System Using Ejector-Type Actuators

Voevodin A.V., Kornyakov A.A., Petrov D.A., Petrov A.S., Sudakov G.G.


A device making it possible to control of the flow past a wing at low flight speeds is proposed. The device comprises an ejector-type actuator that simultaneous sucks the boundary layer on the upper surface and blows a gas jet in the vicinity of the trailing edge. Based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations, a mathematical model of an ejector-type actuator is developed and experimental studies are carried out.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):687-690
pages 687-690 views

The Sizes of Jumps and Levels of Deformation of Metals

Shpeizman V.V.


It is proposed to characterize levels of deformation by a size of its jumps, which can be observed when the strain rate is accurately measured in experiments with load that is constant or defined according a certain law. At the micro- and nanometer scales, the strain rate was measured and the deformation jumps were computed for copper, lead, and tin using a precision interferometric method. A correlation of the size of jumps with the Burgers vector of dislocations in metals was shown, and hypotheses about ensembles of dislocations participating in the formation of a deformation jump are made.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):691-693
pages 691-693 views

Creating Lithographic Pictures Using Faceted Zinc Oxide Microparticles on a Silicon Substrate

Bobkov A.A., Pronin I.A., Moshnikov V.A., Yakushova N.D., Karmanov A.A., Averin I.A., Somov P.A., Terukov E.I.


Lithography techniques compatible with silicon technology have been developed within the hydrothermal method. Topological layouts were formed by faceted microcrystals with the developed surface. The prospects for implementing new hierarchical structures are of special interest.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):694-696
pages 694-696 views

Experimental Simulation of a Diamond Betavoltaic Battery

Amosov V.N., Babichev V.N., Dyatko N.A., Meshchaninov S.A., Pal’ A.F., Rodionov N.B., Ryabinkin A.N., Starostin A.N., Filippov A.V.


Diamond single-crystal Schottky barrier mip-structures (metal–intrinsic diamond–p-doped diamond) with dimensions of 3 × 3 and 4.1 × 4.28 mm are fabricated on the basis of HTHP p-diamond and CVD i-diamond. The betavoltaic characteristics of the diamond structures are studied using a wide-aperture electron beam with an initial energy of 110 keV, partially scattered on the way to a converter by a 14-μm-thick aluminum layer and a 17-mm-thick air layer. The maximum generated power reached 2.18 mW (41 mW/cm2) with a conversion efficiency of 2–3%.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):697-699
pages 697-699 views

An Investigation of the Influence of the Plasma Current on the Ion Heat Transport in the Globus-M Spherical Tokamak

Tel’nova A.Y., Kurskiev G.S., Miroshnikov I.V., Avdeeva G.F., Bakharev N.N., Gusev V.K., Minaev V.B., Mel’nik A.D., Petrov Y.V., Sakharov N.V., Chernyshev F.V., Shchegolev P.B.


Experiments intended to study the dependence of the ion temperature on the plasma current were carried out on the Globus-M spherical tokamak. The ion temperature was measured at a few spatial points with the help of charge exchange spectroscopy and a charge exchange atom analyzer. On the basis of the experimental data, modeling with the use of the ASTRA numerical code was carried out and the thermal diffusivities for the ion plasma component were determined. The calculation results show that the ion behavior is similar to neoclassical.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):700-704
pages 700-704 views

Filtration of Surface Magnetostatic Waves in Yttrium Iron Garnet Films of Variable Width Excited by Focusing Transducers

Kozhevnikov A.V., Khivintsev Y.V., Dudko G.M., Sakharov V.K., Dzhumaliev A.S., Vysotskii S.L., Stal’makhov A.V., Filimonov Y.A.


We have studied the filtration of surface spin waves in yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films of variable width excited by focusing transducers integrated with the film.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):705-708
pages 705-708 views

Studying the Pyroelectric Effect in AlN Epilayers

Gavrilov G.A., Kapralov A.F., Muratikov K.L., Panyutin E.A., Sotnikov A.V., Sotnikova G.Y., Sharofidinov S.S.


We have studied the pyroelectric effect in 6- to 12-μm-thick AlN epilayers grown by hydride–chloride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) on 4H-SiC substrates. The pyroelectric current was generated by means of dynamic laser action. Evolution of the temperature fields was monitored by direct measurements of the surface temperature with allowance for the specific thermal heterogeneity of the AlN/SiC system. In combination with the results of pyroelectric current measurements, these data allowed the pyrocoefficient of the AlN/SiC structure to be estimated at p ≈ 3.0 μC/(m2 K). Pyroelectric figures of merit of the given structure are calculated that can be used for the comparison of pyroelectric materials intended for the creation of IR radiation detectors.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):709-712
pages 709-712 views

The Influence of Charge Transfer on Ion Emission from NaAuy Film

Knat’ko M.V., Lapushkin M.N.


We have studied transient processes of the thermal ionization of sodium on the surface of NaAuy semiconductor film under the action of a variable external electric field. It is established that the kinetics of Na+ ion current during variation of the external field is determined by the establishment of charge distribution in the NaAuy film, while the efficiency of thermal ionization of Na atoms is related to the concentration of holes near the NaAuy/vacuum interface.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):713-715
pages 713-715 views

The Photoinduced Quincke Rotation Effect

Grachev A.I.


Implementation of the well-known phenomenon of Quincke rotation is proposed, which may be called the “photoinduced Quincke rotation (PIQR) effect.” The PIQR effect is based on the previously discovered phenomenon of rotation of a spherical particle in a stationary electric field under continuous irradiation inducing an electric dipole moment in the particle.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):716-718
pages 716-718 views

Large Index Asymptotics of Collision Integral Kernels of the Linear Boltzmann Equation in the Case of Hard-Sphere Potential

Bakaleinikov L.A., Tropp E.A., Flegontova E.Y.


We have identified the asymptotic behavior of the kernels with large indices of integral operators representing the coefficients of expansion in Legendre polynomials of the collision integral of the linear Boltzmann equation for hard-sphere potential. In the case of interacting particles with nonequal absolute values of velocities, the kernels exhibit exponential decay, where the base of the exponent contains the ratio of the lower to higher velocity. In the case of interacting particles with equal absolute values of velocities, the kernels decay according to the power law.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):719-722
pages 719-722 views

Using Plane Pulsed Acoustic Waves in Devices with Phased Gratings for Ultrasonic Imaging in Layered Media

Titov S.A.


A new method of constructing ultrasonic images in layered media is proposed that is based on the radiation and reception of plane pulsed waves at various angles. Upon passage via a set of layers, plane pulsed waves do not change their shape and direction in the imaged region, which eliminates the need for detailed analysis of wave propagation in intermediate layers. It is shown that, in the absence of a priori information on the thicknesses and acoustical parameters of layers or the results of their measurement, the proposed method allows images to be obtained at a spatial resolution corresponding to the theoretical limit.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):723-725
pages 723-725 views

An Experimental Investigation of the Multipath Propagation of Chaotic Radio Pulses in a Wireless Channel

Kuzmin L.V., Grinevich A.V., Ushakov M.D.


An experimental investigation of the multipath propagation of ultrawideband (UWB) microwave chaotic radio pulses in a wireless channel has been carried out. Based on the results of measurements, conditions of receiving chaotic radio pulses upon passage via a multipath channel are established for various signal delay times.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):726-729
pages 726-729 views

The Influence of Mechanical Stresses on the Magnetic Properties of NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 Films

Muslimov A.E., Butashin A.V., Kanevskii V.M.


We have studied the influence of mechanical stresses on the magnetic properties of nickel ferrite (NiFev) and cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) films deposited on sapphire substrates with a- and c-oriented step terrace nanostructures. It is established that compressive stresses favor enhancement of the coercive field in thin ferrite films in the strain direction. Films of magnetically soft nickel ferrite with a room-temperature coercive field of 32.5 mT were obtained.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):730-734
pages 730-734 views

Stimulated Emission at 1.3-μm Wavelength in Metamorphic InGaAs/InGaAsP Structure with Quantum Wells Grown on Ge/Si(001) Substrate

Aleshkin V.Y., Baidus N.V., Vikhrova O.V., Dubinov A.A., Zvonkov B.N., Krasilnik Z.F., Kudryavtsev K.E., Nekorkin S.M., Novikov A.V., Rykov A.V., Samartsev I.V., Yurasov D.V.


A laser structure comprising metamorphic InGaAsP layer and InGaAs quantum wells on a non-inclined Si(001) substrate with relaxed Ge buffer layer has been grown for the first time by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). The optically pumped lasers exhibit stimulated emission at a wavelength of 1.3 μm. At liquid-nitrogen temperature, the threshold power density of pumping at 0.8 μm amounted to 250 kW/cm2.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):735-738
pages 735-738 views

Modeling Resonances of Dielectric Spheres in the Terahertz Range

Storozhenko D.V., Dzyuba V.P., Kul’chin Y.N.


We have studied the resonance properties of dielectric spheres with subwavelength dimensions in the optical and terahertz frequency range. Distribution of the electric field vector in a sphere irradiated by a plane polarized wave has been numerically simulated using the finite element method. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that it is in principle possible to use resonances of various orders in dielectric spheres for the amplification of current in a conducting antenna with dimensions several times smaller than the radiation wavelength. In the case of resonances within short spectral intervals, it is possible to provide a current density gain up to 25–30 dB as compared to that in the absence of a dielectric sphere surrounding the antenna.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):739-742
pages 739-742 views

Magnetovolume Effects in Strongly Correlated Plutonium Phases

Povzner A.A., Volkov A.G.


Thermodynamic spin fluctuations in strongly correlated plutonium (Pu) phases with exchange and spin–orbit interactions are considered. In α- and δ-Pu phases, the spin fluctuations lead to a negative magnetovolume effect that is determined by the parameter of intermode coupling and depends on features of the electron structure. It is shown that the negative volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of δ-Pu is related to an anomalously strong interaction of spin fluctuation modes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):743-745
pages 743-745 views

Measuring the Extinction Index of Dielectric Films Using Frustrated Total Internal Reflectance Spectroscopy

Nguyen V.B., Gubanova L.A.


Various methods of measuring the coefficient of light attenuation in optical coatings are considered. It is shown that the dimensionless extinction index of a coating made of a weakly absorbing film-forming material can be measured using a special attachment based on a parallelepiped-shaped optical prism. Parameters of the proposed attachment are calculated so that it could be arranged inside standard spectrophotometers.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):746-748
pages 746-748 views

The Effect of Silver Doping on the Structure and Shape Memory Effect in Biocompatible TiNi Alloys

Marchenko E.S., Baigonakova G.A., Gyunter V.E.


We have studied the influence of silver addition in various concentrations on the structure and shape memory effect of biocompatible TiNiMoFe alloys. All these alloys at room temperature occur in a mixed state (B2 + R or B2 + R + B19′) with B2 austenite phase as the main component. It is established that small concentrations of silver (within 0.5 at % Ag) suppress the shape memory effect, while greater additions (1 at % Ag) stimulate the nucleation and growth of martensite crystals. This is accompanied by increasing content of the main B2 austenite phase and Ag particles in the alloy.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):749-752
pages 749-752 views

The Effect of Eu2O3 Additive to the TiCNiCr Electrode on the Formation of Electrospark Coatings

Kiryukhantsev-Korneev F.V., Sytchenko A.D., Kudryashov A.E., Levashov E.A., Shtansky D.V.


It is established that 1 at % Eu2O3 addition to the composition of TiCNiCr electrode influences the energy parameters of electrospark deposition process and increases the rate of coating formation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(8):753-755
pages 753-755 views

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