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Vol 61, No 11 (2016)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Mathematical simulation of a low-pressure capacitive RF discharge in an external radial magnetic field using the KARAT code

Zadiriev I.I., Rukhadze A.A., Kral’kina E.A., Vavilin K.V., Pavlov V.B., Tarakanov V.P.


A high-frequency capacitive discharge is simulated in the geometry of a plasma accelerator with closed electron drift. It has been shown that, in such a discharge, as in a dc discharge, an azimuthal electron drift takes place and a potential drop is formed at the discharge channel exit, which leads to the emergence of an accelerated ion beam from the channel.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1603-1608
pages 1603-1608 views

Quasi-optical theory of amplification of surface waves propagating above corrugated structures by a relativistic electron beam (impedance approximation)

Ginzburg N.S., Malkin A.M., Zheleznov I.V., Sergeev A.S., Kocharovskaya E.R.


The impedance model that describes the amplification of a monochromatic wave by a relativistic electron beam that propagates rectilinearly over a corrugated structure is constructed based on quasi-optical approach. In this model, the electric field component acting on electrons is written taking into account induced rf fields of the space charge of the beam. The dispersion equation used to determine the instability increments in various ranges of parameters has been obtained in the weak signal approximation. The efficiency of the energy exchange at the saturation stage of amplification is determined using a 2D nonlinear model in which the propagation of the wave has been described by a parabolic equation with a radiative boundary condition. The possibility of using the system under investigation to amplify submillimeter radiation has been demonstrated.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1609-1618
pages 1609-1618 views

Numerical study of the process of plastic deformation localization by an example of high-speed compression of a hollow single crystal cylinder

Dmitriev A.I., Nikonov A.Y., Bondar’ M.P.


The effect of the crystallographic orientation of a single crystal hollow cylinder on features of creation and evolution of plastic deformation in it under conditions of high-speed axisymmetric load is studied. An advantage of the proposed loading scheme is the simultaneous implementation of all loading variants within the chosen crystallographic base plane of the cylinder and reaching different degrees of deformation over the cross section of the sample. Using the molecular-dynamic modeling, the difference in deformation properties of the loaded sample has been shown depending on the chosen crystallographic orientation of the base plane. Results of the investigation can be used to understand the main mechanisms of the plastic deformation of crystalline bodies.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1619-1625
pages 1619-1625 views

Gases and Liquids

Physical model of the dependence of the Nusselt number on the Rayleigh number

Patochkina O.L., Kazarinov Y.G., Tkachenko V.I.


The dependence of the Nusselt number on the Rayleigh number at the stage preceding the turbulent regime of convection is substantiated and obtained in analytic form. At this stage, the Nusselt number can be described by the power dependence on the Rayleigh number, which contains five constants. One of these constants is the same for all liquids and is the critical Rayleigh number Racr = 1700 ± 51. The remaining four constants are strictly individual for each type of liquid. For liquid helium, the critical Rayleigh number Racr = 35000 ± 4000 has the threshold value (Ra1mix)th = 37 085.75. This value is determined by the small ratio of the diameter of the vessel to its height, as well as the formation of a cylindrical convection cell at the bottom of the vessel with a mode number of 2 and a radial number determined by the fourth root of the firstorder Bessel function of the first kind.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1626-1632
pages 1626-1632 views

Analytic description of the domain of existence of triple configurations with a negative slope of reflected shock

Sil’nikov M.V., Chernyshov M.V., Gvozdeva L.G.


We consider triple configurations of compression shocks in supersonic flows of an inviscid perfect gas. The boundaries of the domain of existence of shock-wave structures of a new type (triple configurations with a negative slope of the reflected shock or negative triple configurations) on a set of flow parameters have been theoretically investigated.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1633-1637
pages 1633-1637 views

Kinetics of ion admixture in a native gas in an external harmonic electric field

Ender A.Y., Ender I.A., Gerasimenko A.B.


We have considered the spatially homogeneous problem of the behavior of an ion admixture in a background gas after applying a harmonic electric field with arbitrary parameters for various laws of interaction of particles. The Boltzmann equation has been solved using the modified method of moments. The ion distribution function and its first moments have been analyzed. It has been shown that the universal analytic expressions for the current density and the ion energy that we derived earlier for a small field amplitude-tofrequency ratio have a considerably wider range of applications.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1638-1646
pages 1638-1646 views

Passage of the discharge current through the plasma–electrode interface in the electromagnetic rail accelerator channel

Zhukov B.G., Reznikov B.I., Kurakin R.O., Ponyaev S.A., Bobashev S.V.


We investigate the phenomena that accompany the acceleration of a free plasma piston (without a striker) in the electromagnetic rail accelerator channel filled with different gases (argon, helium). An intense glow appears in the shock-compressed layer (SCL) in the case of strong shock waves that produce a high electron concentration (~1017–1018 cm–3) behind the front. We have proposed that explosive electron emission (EEE) ensures the high-intensity emission of electrons, the passage of a part of the discharge current through the SCL, and the glow of the SCL. The velocity of a shock wave for which the strong electric field in the Debye layer at the cathode causes EEE from its surface and the passage of the current in the SCL has been determined. It has been concluded that, for high velocities of the plasma, the EEE is a universal mechanism that ensure the passage of a strong current through the interface between the cold electrode and the plasma.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1647-1653
pages 1647-1653 views


Technique for determining the channel expansion rate at the stage of electrical breakdown using a grounded intercepting ring

Apollonov V.V., Pletnev N.V.


A method is described that allows one to study the conductivity dynamics of a channel produced by explosion of a wire at the stage of electrical breakdown. Experimental data have been presented for the expansion rate of the conductivity channel in extended (up to 1.9 m long) arbitrarily shaped gapes that were produced by an exploding copper wire 90 µm in diameter. The initial stored energy and applied voltage were, respectively, 2.7–3.7 kJ and 8–10 kV. It has been shown that the expansion rate of the conductivity channel coincides with the propagation rate of a shock wave and is inversely proportional to the square root of its radius and propagation time. The radius of the shock wave is a linear function of the square root of its propagation rate. Experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with the calculated results obtained by Lin [18] in terms of the model of an intense shock wave. It has been shown that the diameter of the conductivity channel depends on the position of the trailing edge of the shock wave.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1654-1660
pages 1654-1660 views

Analytical criteria for controlling glow-discharge nitriding

Pastukh I.M., Sokolova G.N.


A system of analytical characteristics is proposed to estimate the results of glow-discharge nitriding using the energy concepts of this process. The following parallel subprocesses, which form a modified surface layer, are taken into account: the formation of nitride structures, the diffusion of nitrogen deep into a metal, and surface sputtering.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1661-1667
pages 1661-1667 views

Solid State

Recovery and recrystallization in nickel alloy–based tapes with various easy magnetization directions upon annealing in a high magnetic field

Gervas’eva I.V., Milyutin V.A., Beaugnon E., Kazantsev V.A., Khlebnikova Y.V., Rodionov D.P.


Ni48.8Fe51.2 and Ni70Co30 alloys are subjected to cold rolling at a reduction of 98.8–99.0% and are annealed in a dc magnetic field of up to 29 T and without a field at various temperatures. The effect of a magnetic field on the structure and the crystal texture is studied. The application of a magnetic field is found to retard recovery processes and the early stages of recrystallization. At the stage of grain growth, the number of orientations with an easy magnetization direction increases and the grain size increases provided that the easy magnetization direction coincides with the main texture of the material. If the easy magnetization direction does not coincide with the texture, the grain growth in a field is decelerated and the texture sharpness decreases.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1668-1673
pages 1668-1673 views

High-rate deformation of nanocrystalline iron and copper

Sinani A.B., Shpeizman V.V., Vlasov A.S., Zil’berbrand E.L., Kozachuk A.I.


Stress–strain curves are recorded during a high-speed impact and slow loading for nanocrystalline and coarse-grained iron and copper. The strain-rate sensitivity is determined as a function of the grain size and the strain. It is shown that the well-known difference between the variations of the strain-rate sensitivity of the yield strength with the grain size in fcc and bcc metals can be extended to other strain dependences: the strain-rate sensitivity of flow stresses in iron decreases with increasing strain, and that in copper increases. This difference also manifests itself in different slopes of the dependence of the strain-rate sensitivity on the grain size when the strain changes.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1674-1678
pages 1674-1678 views

Elastocaloric effect in rubber on exposure to a periodic tensile force

Morozov E.V., Kuchin D.S., Koledov V.V., Shavrov V.G.


The elastocaloric effect (ECE) is experimentally studied in latex rubber subjected to the periodic action of a tensile force. The ECE is measured as a function of the relative elongation and the cycle frequency up to 4 Hz. Three cycle frequencies in which different thermodynamic processes, namely, elastocaloric cooling, self-heating, and a decrease in the ECE, occur are revealed. The maximum measured value of ECE in latex rubber reaches 14 K at a relative strain of 700% in the frequency range 0.1–0.3 Hz. The possibility of practical application of latex rubber for elastocaloric cooling is discussed.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1679-1683
pages 1679-1683 views

Physical Science of Materials

Structure and optical properties of the silver/polyacrylonitrile nanocomposites

Kudryashov M.A., Mashin A.I., Nezhdanov A.V., Logunov A.A., Gracheva T.A., Kuz’micheva T.A., Chidichimo G., De Filpo G.


Small-angle X-ray scattering is used to prove the formation of silver nanoparticles with sizes of 5–11 nm in siver/polyacrylonitrile nanocomposites synthesized via photopolymerization of a mixture containing silver, acrylonitrile, and photoinitiator. Optical spectra of nanocomposites obtained under different conditions are studied. The absorption spectra exhibit maxima at wavelengths of 420–450 nm related to the surface plasmon resonance of silver nanoparticles. IR spectra of the nanocomposites prove the formation of polyacrylonitrile in the course of the photopolymerization of monomer. The formation of metal nanoimpurities in polymer matrix leads to an increase in the intensity of photoluminescence and Raman scattering of polyacrylonitrile.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1684-1688
pages 1684-1688 views

Electric explosion nickel nanopowders

Partizan G., Mansurov B.Z., Medyanova B.S., Koshanova A.B., Aliev B.A.


The structure and the morphology of the nickel nanopowders synthesized by an electric explosion of a metallic wire are comprehensively studied. The results of scanning and transmission electron microscopies show that the nickel nanoclusters have a spherical shape with an average diameter of 50 nm. An analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns demonstrates that the lattice parameter of the electric explosion nanopowder particles is larger than the standard parameter. The results of computer experiments agree well with the conclusions drawn from X-ray diffraction data. However, the causes of the lattice distortion in the nickel nanoclusters are still debatable.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1689-1693
pages 1689-1693 views

Solid State Electronics

Specific features of current flow mechanisms in the semiconductor structure of a photoelectric converter with an n+p-junction and an antireflective porous silicon film

Tregulov V.V., Stepanov V.A., Litvinov V.G., Ermachikhin A.V.


The temperature dependence of forward and reverse branches of the current–voltage characteristic of the semiconductor structure of a photoelectric converter with an n+p-junction based on single-crystal silicon and an antireflective porous silicon film on the front surface has been studied. The presence of several current flow mechanisms has been revealed. It has been demonstrated that traps that emerge in the process of the formation of the porous silicon film have a considerable effect on the current flow processes in the semiconductor structure under consideration.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1694-1697
pages 1694-1697 views


Enhancement of photoluminescence of the CdSe/CdS quantum dots on quartz substrates in the presence of silver nanoparticles

Shamilov R.R., Nuzhdin V.I., Valeev V.F., Galyametdinov Y.G., Stepanov A.L.


Multilayer systems consisting of layers of hybrid quantum dots are fabricated. The quantum dots with the CdSe/CdS core/shell structure are chemically synthesized and deposited on the surface of quartz glass that contains ion-synthesized silver nanoparticles in the near-surface region. Silver nanoparticles exhibit optical absorption owing to the localized surface plasmon resonance. Variations in the photoluminescence intensity of the layer related to an increase in the distance from the quartz surface with metal nanoparticles are studied. An increase in the photoluminescence intensity is observed under excitation in the spectral region of the plasmon absorption of silver nanoparticles. An optimal distance between the layers is determined to maximize the enhancement of the photoluminescence of quantum dots in the presence of the near field of metal nanoparticles.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1698-1703
pages 1698-1703 views


Recuperation in superpower Cherenkov generators with a nonuniform magnetic field

Kuraev A.A., Rak A.O., Kurkin S.A., Koronovskii A.A., Badarin A.A., Hramov A.E.


We consider an effective method for increasing the total efficiency of relativistic Cherenkov generators, viz., recuperation. It has been found that, for a generator with an efficiency smaller than 15%, recuperation makes it possible to obtain an increase in the efficiency that exceeds 50% (from 12% to 68%). In generators with initially high efficiency (more than 50%), recuperation may turn out to be ineffective.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1704-1710
pages 1704-1710 views

Field emission of multitip silicon structures with protection coatings

Sominskii G.G., Taradaev E.P., Tumareva T.A., Givargizov M.E., Stepanova A.N.


(0.1–0.3 cm2) area multipoint silicon emitters with two-layer metal–fullerene coatings are studied. Field-emission sources that generate currents of several tens of milliamperes that are sufficient for several millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength microwave sources and compact X-ray sources are developed. Stable operation of multitip silicon field emitters with two-layer metal–fullerene coatings in high-voltage electronic devices is demonstrated at relatively high current output under technical vacuum conditions.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1711-1714
pages 1711-1714 views

Electrophysics, Electron and Ion Beams, Physics of Accelerators

Analysis of the quadrupole mass filter with quadrupole excitation by the envelope equation method

Sudakov M.Y., Mamontov E.V.


The method of the envelope equation has been developed to describe the stability of the motion of ions in a quadrupole mass filter in the presence of periodic excitations of the feeding voltage. Dynamic equations that describe the variations in the envelope of ion vibrations in the vicinity of the vertex of the first common stability region have been obtained and reduced to the form of the Mathieu equations. The splitting of the stability diagram of the motion of ions into stability islands due to excitation has been described. The results of the approximate theory have been confirmed by an exact analysis of the stability diagram for rational values of the relative excitation frequency. The boundaries of the applicability domain for the developed theory limited by first-order resonances have been determined.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1715-1723
pages 1715-1723 views

Physical Electronics

Fabrication of graphene and graphite films on the Ni(111) surface

Rut’kov E.V., Afanas’eva E.Y., Petrov V.N., Gall N.R.


The growth of graphene and graphite films on nickel surface under conditions for ultrahigh-vacuum carburization and subsequent annealing is studied at film thicknesses ranging from a single layer to ≈1000 layers. The cooling of nickel carburized at a temperature of 900–1500 K leads to the growth of graphene and thin graphite films the thickness of which depends on the carburization temperature and the growth temperature of the films. Dissolution of nickel with graphite film in diluted sulfuric acid makes it possible to separate the film from the sample. The graphite film thickness amounts to ˜0.4 µm at carburization and growth temperatures of 1500 and 1100 K, respectively.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1724-1728
pages 1724-1728 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Increasing the informative character of aeroballistic experiment for increasing accuracy of determination of the drag coefficient

Gerasimov S.I., Kikeev V.A., Fomkin A.P.


We analyze the estimate of the drag coefficient error obtained in aeroballistic experiment. Technical solutions, schemes, and devices for increasing the informative character of the experiment and reducing the error in the drag coefficient determination are proposed.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1729-1736
pages 1729-1736 views

Short Communications

Biexciton in nanosystem of quantum dots of cadmium sulfide in a dielectric matrix

Pokutnii S.I.


A significant increase in the binding energy of the singlet ground state of biexciton (of spatially separated electrons and holes) in a nanosystem that consists of CdS quantum dots grown in a borosilicate glass matrix has been predicted; the effect is almost two orders of magnitude larger than the binding energy of biexciton in a sulfide cadmium single crystal.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1737-1739
pages 1737-1739 views

On the thermodynamics of turbulent convection

Krigel’ A.M.


The thermodynamic properties of a steady-state flow in the gravitational field have been determined by applying the entropy production equation and the Prigogine theorem to an ideal one-component turbulent gas under the assumption that fluctuations are polytropic. Applications to the problems of the surface layer dynamics and free convection are also considered.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1740-1743
pages 1740-1743 views

Variations in optical and structural properties of zinc oxide films after laser processing

Redka D.N., Mukhin N.V., Zakharov I.G.


Effect of laser annealing on electrical and optical properties of zinc oxide films is analyzed. The films are fabricated using the plasma-chemical deposition under low pressure. ZnO amorphization under modifying irradiation is demonstrated.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1744-1746
pages 1744-1746 views

Effect of the glassy carbon structure on the aspect ratio of micropoints of matrix field-emission cathodes prepared by thermochemical etching

Pleshkova L.S., Shesterkin V.I.


The application of thermochemical etching technology makes it possible to reveal and investigate the structure of SU-2000 glassy carbon using electron microscopy. The glassy carbon structure at the microscopic and nanoscopic levels is inhomogeneous and consists of pockets with an irregular cross section separated by partitions. This structure sets the limits on the aspect ratio of geometrical sizes and micropoint packing density in the matrix prepared by thermochemical etching.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1747-1750
pages 1747-1750 views

Mass spectrometer with a membrane interface for intraoperative monitoring the elimination of inhalation anesthetic and CO2 through the skin

Elizarov A.Y., Ershov T.D., Levshankov A.I., Cherebillo V.Y.


A new method is implemented in order to measure the concentration of CO2 and inhalation anesthetic sevoflurane eliminated through the skin during surgery. The concentration of inhalation anesthetic has been measured during general combined anesthesia (sevoflurane, fentanyl) and total intravenous anesthesia (propofol, fentanyl). The dependence of the concentration of CO2 and the inhalation anesthetic from the relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels under the effect of sevoflurane and propofol and on the stress response to surgical injury has been revealed for the first time.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1751-1754
pages 1751-1754 views

Resistance law for a turbulent Taylor–Couette flow at very large Taylor numbers

Balonishnikov A.M.


Based on the semi-empirical model of the transport of the specific rate of turbulence energy dissipation, it has been concluded that the resistance laws are observed for a turbulent Taylor–Couette flow between independently rotating coaxial cylinders for very large Taylor numbers.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1755-1759
pages 1755-1759 views

Discharge with a liquid nonmetallic cathode (tap water) in atmospheric-pressure air flow

Barinov Y.A., Shkol’nik S.M.


Discharge with a liquid nonmetallic cathode (tap water) in atmospheric-pressure air flow has been experimentally studied. This discharge is a modification of the previously investigated discharge with liquid nonmetallic electrodes. The design of the discharge unit has been described and some investigation results have been presented.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(11):1760-1763
pages 1760-1763 views

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