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Vol 43, No 1 (2017)


Identification of the plasma boundary shape and position in the Damavand tokamak

Rasouli C., Abbasi Davani F.


A series of experiments and numerical calculations have been done on the Damavand tokamak for accurate determination of equilibrium parameters, such as the plasma boundary position and shape. For this work, the pickup coils of the Damavand tokamak were recalibrated and after that a plasma boundary shape identification code was developed for analyzing the experimental data, such as magnetic probes and coils currents data. The plasma boundary position, shape and other parameters are determined by the plasma shape identification code. A free-boundary equilibrium code was also generated for comparison with the plasma boundary shape identification results and determination of required fields to obtain elongated plasma in the Damavand tokamak.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):1-11
pages 1-11 views

Ion and Plasma Sources

Characteristics of a high-power RF source of negative hydrogen ions for neutral beam injection into controlled fusion devices

Abdrashitov G.F., Belchenko Y.I., Gusev I.A., Ivanov A.A., Kondakov A.A., Sanin A.L., Sotnikov O.Z., Shikhovtsev I.V.


An injector of hydrogen atoms with an energy of 0.5–1 MeV and equivalent current of up to 1.5 A for purposes of controlled fusion research is currently under design at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. Within this project, a multiple-aperture RF surface-plasma source of negative hydrogen ions is designed. The source design and results of experiments on the generation of a negative ion beam with a current of >1 A in the long-pulse mode are presented.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Oscillations and Waves in Plasma

Propagation of microwave beams through the stagnation zone in an inhomogeneous plasma

Tereshchenko M.A.


A study is made of the microwave beam evolution due to passing through the stagnation zone, where the group velocity vanishes, thus making the paraxial approximation for the wavefield inappropriate. An extension to the standard beam tracing technique is suggested that allows one to calculate the microwave beam parameters on either branch of its path apart from the stagnation zone, omitting the calculation of the wavefield inside it. Application examples of the extended technique are presented for the case of microwave reflection from the upper hybrid resonance layer in a tokamak plasma.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):18-28
pages 18-28 views

Electromagnetic van Kampen waves

Ignatov A.M.


The theory of van Kampen waves in plasma with an arbitrary anisotropic distribution function is developed. The obtained solutions are explicitly expressed in terms of the permittivity tensor. There are three types of perturbations, one of which is characterized by the frequency dependence on the wave vector, while for the other two, the dispersion relation is lacking. Solutions to the conjugate equations allowing one to solve the initial value problem are analyzed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Plasma Kinetics

Motion of negative ion plasma near the boundary with electron−ion plasma

Medvedev Y.V.


Processes occurring near the boundary between three-component plasma with negative ions and two-component electron−ion plasma are considered. The excited waves and instability are described. Stability condition at the boundary is determined.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):37-43
pages 37-43 views

Space Plasma

Simulation of perturbation produced by an absorbing spherical body in collisionless plasma

Krasovsky V.L., Kiselyov A.A., Dolgonosov M.S.


A steady plasma state reached in the course of charging of an absorbing spherical body is found using computational methods. Numerical simulations provide complete information on this process, thereby allowing one to find the spatiotemporal dependences of the physical quantities and observe the kinetic phenomena accompanying the formation of stable electron and ion distributions in phase space. The distribution function of trapped ions is obtained, and their contribution to the screening of the charged sphere is determined. The sphere charge and the charge of the trapped-ion cloud are determined as functions of the unperturbed plasma parameters.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):44-50
pages 44-50 views

Surfatron accelerator in the local interstellar cloud

Loznikov V.M., Erokhin N.S., Zol’nikova N.N., Mikhailovskaya L.A.


Taking into account results of numerous experiments, the variability of the energy spectra of cosmic rays (protons and helium nuclei) in the energy range of 10 GeV to ~107 GeV is explained on the basis of a hypothesis of the existence of two variable sources close to the Sun. The first (soft) surfatron source (with a size of ~100 AU) is located at the periphery of the heliosphere. The second (hard) surfatron source (with a size of ~1 pc) is situated in the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC) at a distance of <1 pc. The constant background is described by a power-law spectrum with a slope of ~2.75. The variable heliospheric surfatron source is described by a power-law spectrum with a variable amplitude, slope, and cutoff energy, the maximum cutoff energy being in the range of EСН/Z < 1000 GeV. The variable surfatron source in the LIC is described by a power-law spectrum with a variable amplitude, slope, and cut-off energy, the maximum cut-off energy being EСL/Z ≤ 3 × 106 GeV. The proposed model is used to approximate data from several experiments performed at close times. The energy of each cosmic-ray component is calculated. The possibility of surfatron acceleration of Fe nuclei (Z = 26) in the LIC up to an energy of ECL ~ 1017 eV and electron and positrons to the “knee” in the energy spectrum is predicted. By numerically solving a system of nonlinear equations describing the interaction between an electromagnetic wave and a charged particle with an energy of up to E/Z ~ 3 × 106 GeV, the possibility of trapping, confinement, and acceleration of charged cosmic-ray particles by a quasi-longitudinal plasma wave is demonstrated.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):51-61
pages 51-61 views

Nonideal Plasma

Thermal fluctuations of pair interaction forces in liquid Yukawa systems

Vaulina O.S.


The dynamics of charged particles in two- and three-dimensional Yukawa systems is studied using numerical methods. Nonideal systems are simulated in a wide range of their parameters. The density of thermal fluctuations of pair interaction forces in liquid structures is obtained and compared with the internal energy density of the systems under study.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):62-66
pages 62-66 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Generation of uniform low-temperature plasma in a pulsed non-self-sustained glow discharge with a large-area hollow cathode

Akhmadeev Y.H., Denisov V.V., Koval N.N., Kovalsky S.S., Lopatin I.V., Schanin P.M., Yakovlev V.V.


Generation of plasma in a pulsed non-self-sustained glow discharge with a hollow cathode with an area of ≥2 m2 at gas pressures of 0.4–1 Pa was studied experimentally. At an auxiliary arc-discharge current of 100 A and a main discharge voltage of 240 V, a pulse-periodic glow discharge with a current amplitude of 370 A, pulse duration of 340 μs, and repetition rate of 1 kHz was obtained. The possibility of creating a uniform gas-discharge plasma with a density of up to 1012 cm−3 and an electron temperature of 1 eV in a volume of >0.2 m3 was demonstrated. Such plasma can be efficiently used to treat material surfaces and generate pulsed ion beams with a current density of up to 15 mA/cm2.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):67-74
pages 67-74 views

Charged Particle Motion

Approximation of the characteristics of ion drift in parent gas

Golyatina R.I., Maiorov S.A.


The drift velocities of noble-gas and mercury ions in a constant homogeneous electric field are calculated using Monte Carlo simulations. The ion mobility is analyzed as a function of the field strength and gas temperature. The fitting parameters for calculating the drift velocity by the Frost formula at gas temperatures of 4.2, 77, 300, 1000, and 2000 K are obtained. A general approximate formula for the drift velocity as a function of the reduced field and gas temperature is derived.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):75-82
pages 75-82 views

Dusty Plasma

Nonlinear dust-acoustic structures in space plasmas with superthermal electrons, positrons, and ions

Saberian E., Esfandyari-Kalejahi A., Afsari-Ghazi M.


Some features of nonlinear dust-acoustic (DA) structures are investigated in a space plasma consisting of superthermal electrons, positrons, and positive ions in the presence of negatively charged dust grains with finite-temperature by employing a pseudo-potential technique in a hydrodynamic model. For this purpose, it is assumed that the electrons, positrons, and ions obey a kappa-like (κ) distribution in the background of adiabatic dust population. In the linear analysis, it is found that the dispersion relation yield two positive DA branches, i.e., the slow and fast DA waves. The upper branch (fast DA waves) corresponds to the case in which both (negatively charged) dust particles and (positively charged) ion species oscillate in phase with electrons and positrons. On the other hand, the lower branch (slow DA waves) corresponds to the case in which only dust particles oscillate in phase with electrons and positrons, while ion species are in antiphase with them. On the other hand, the fully nonlinear analysis shows that the existence domain of solitons and their characteristics depend strongly on the dust charge, ion charge, dust temperature, and the spectral index κ. It is found that the minimum/maximum Mach number increases as the spectral index κ increases. Also, it is found that only solitons with negative polarity can propagate and that their amplitudes increase as the parameter κ increases. Furthermore, the domain of Mach number shifts to the lower values, when the value of the dust charge Zd increases. Moreover, it is found that the Mach number increases with an increase in the dust temperature. Our analysis confirms that, in space plasmas with highly charged dusts, the presence of superthermal particles (electrons, positrons, and ions) may facilitate the formation of DA solitary waves. Particularly, in two cases of hydrogen ions H+ (Zi = 1) and doubly ionized Helium atoms He2+ (Zi = 2), the mentioned results are the same. Additionally, the mentioned dusty plasma does not support DA solitons with positive polarity (compressive solitons). Furthermore, our analysis confirms that DA double layers cannot exist in such a system. Moreover, the positron density has not a considerable effect on the behavior of DA solitons in our model.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):83-93
pages 83-93 views

Plasma Dynamics

Experimental study of the performance of a very small repetitive plasma focus device in different working conditions

Goudarzi S., Babaee H., Esmaeli A., Nasiri A.


SORENA-1 is a very small repetitive Mather-type plasma focus device (20 J) that can operate at frequencies up to 1 Hz. This device has been designed and constructed in the Plasma and Nuclear Fusion Research School of the Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute of Iran. In this article, the structure of SORENA-1 is described and results of experiments with Ar, Ne, and D2 working gases at several discharge voltages and initial pressures are presented and analyzed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):94-98
pages 94-98 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Effect of a DC external electric field on the properties of a nonuniform microwave discharge in hydrogen at reduced pressures

Lebedev Y.A., Krashevskaya G.V., Tatarinov A.V., Titov A.Y., Epshtein I.L.


The effect of a dc external electrical field on the properties of a highly nonuniform electrode microwave discharge in hydrogen at a pressure of 1 Torr was studied using optical emission spectroscopy and selfconsistent two-dimensional simulations. It is shown that the negative voltage applied to the antenna electrode with respect to the grounded chamber increases the discharge radiation intensity, while the positive voltage does not affect the discharge properties. The simulation results agree well with the experimental data.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(1):99-107
pages 99-107 views

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