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Vol 42, No 8 (2016)

Oscillations and Waves in Plasma

Attenuation of Bragg backscattering of electromagnetic waves from density fluctuations near the region of polarization degeneracy in magnetoactive plasma

Gospodchikov E.D., Khusainov T.A., Shalashov A.G.


Specific features of Bragg backscattering under conditions of strong polarization degeneracy near the cutoff surface in an anisotropic medium are studied analytically and numerically. It is shown that the linear interaction of normal waves can substantially affect wave scattering by suppressing the amplification of Bragg backscattering near the cutoff region in the case of weak coupling between normal waves.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):723-733
pages 723-733 views

Reflection and backscattering of microwaves under doubling of the plasma density and displacement of the gyroresonance region during electron cyclotron resonance heating of plasma in the l-2M stellarator

Batanov G.M., Borzosekov V.D., Vasilkov D.G., Kolik L.V., Konchekov E.M., Malakhov D.V., Vafin I.Y., Petrov A.E., Sarksyan K.A., Sakharov A.S., Stepakhin V.D., Kharchev N.K.


Reflection and backscattering of high-power (400 kW) gyrotron radiation creating and heating plasma at the second harmonic of the electronic cyclotron frequency in the L-2M stellarator have been investigated experimentally. The effect of the displacement of the gyroresonance region from the axis of the plasma column under doubling of the plasma density on the processes of reflection and backscattering of microwave radiation has been examined. A near doubling of short-wavelength (k ≈ 30 cm–1) turbulent density fluctuations squared is observed. The change in the energy confinement time under variations of plasma parameters and characteristics of short-wavelength turbulence is discussed. A discrepancy between the measured values of the reflection coefficient from the electron cyclotron resonance heating region and predictions of the one-dimensional model is revealed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):734-742
pages 734-742 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Distribution of leakage currents in the cylindrical and conical sections of the magnetically insulated transmission line of the Angara-5-1 facility in experiments with wire arrays

Grabovski E.V., Gribov A.N., Samokhin A.A., Shishlov A.O.


Current leakages in the magnetically insulated transmission lines (MITL) impose restrictions on the transmission of electromagnetic pulses to the load in high-power electrophysical facilities. The multimodule Angara-5-1 facility with an output electric power of up to 6 TW is considered. In this work, the experimental and calculated profiles of leakage currents in two sections of the line are compared when the eight-module facility is loaded by a wire array. The azimuthal distribution of the current in the cylindrical section of the MITL is also considered.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):773-778
pages 773-778 views

Plasma Kinetics

High-frequency conductivity of photoionized plasma

Anakhov M.V., Uryupin S.A.


The tensor of the high-frequency conductivity of a plasma created via tunnel ionization of atoms in the field of linearly or circularly polarized radiation is derived. It is shown that the real part of the conductivity tensor is highly anisotropic. In the case of a toroidal velocity distribution of photoelectrons, the possibility of amplification of a weak high-frequency field polarized at a sufficiently large angle to the anisotropy axis of the initial nonequilibrium distribution is revealed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):743-748
pages 743-748 views

Space Plasma

Heliospheric current sheet and effects of its interaction with solar cosmic rays

Malova H.V., Popov V.Y., Grigorenko E.E., Dunko A.V., Petrukovich A.A.


The effects of interaction of solar cosmic rays (SCRs) with the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) in the solar wind are analyzed. A self-consistent kinetic model of the HCS is developed in which ions with quasiadiabatic dynamics can present. The HCS is considered an equilibrium embedded current structure in which two main plasma species with different temperatures (the low-energy background plasma of the solar wind and the higher energy SCR component) contribute to the current. The obtained results are verified by comparing with the results of numerical simulations based on solving equations of motion by the particle tracing method in the given HCS magnetic field with allowance for SCR particles. It is shown that the HCS is a relatively thin multiscale current configuration embedded in a thicker plasma layer. In this case, as a rule, the shear (tangential to the sheet current) component of the magnetic field is present in the HCS. Taking into account high-energy SCR particles in the HCS can lead to a change of its configuration and the formation of a multiscale embedded structure. Parametric family of solutions is considered in which the current balance in the HCS is provided at different SCR temperatures and different densities of the high-energy plasma. The SCR densities are determined at which an appreciable (detectable by satellites) HCS thickening can occur. Possible applications of this modeling to explain experimental observations are discussed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):749-760
pages 749-760 views

Nonlinear Phenomena

Peculiarities of charged particle dynamics under cyclotron resonance conditions

Moiseev S.S., Buts V.A., Erokhin N.S.


Peculiarities of the dynamics of charged particles interacting with electromagnetic radiation under nearly autoresonance conditions are analyzed. In particular, analysis of nonlinear cyclotron resonances shows that their widths increase when the autoresonance conditions are approached. In this case, however, the distance between nonlinear resonances increases even faster, due to which nonlinear resonances do not overlap and, accordingly, regimes with dynamic chaos do not occur. According to calculations, the dynamics of charged particles under the autoresonance conditions is very sensitive to fluctuations, the effect of which can be anomalously large and lead to superdiffusion. It is shown that, under the autoresonance conditions, particle dynamics on small time intervals can differ significantly from that on large time intervals. This effect is most pronounced in the presence of fluctuations in the system.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):761-768
pages 761-768 views

Nonlinear damping of zonal flows

Koshkarov O., Smolyakov A.I., Mendonca J.T.


The modulatonal instability theory for the generation of large-scale (zonal) modes by drift modes has been extended to the second order including the effects of finite amplitude zonal flows, ϕq. The nonlinear (second-order) sidebands are included in the perturbative expansion to derive the nonlinear equation for the evolution of ϕq. It is shown that effects of finite ϕq reduce the growth rate of zonal flow with a possibility of oscillatory regimes at a later stage.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):769-772
pages 769-772 views

Plasma Dynamics

The inverse skin effect in the Z-pinch and plasma focus

Usenko P.L., Gaganov V.V.


The inverse skin effect and its influence on the dynamics of high-current Z-pinch and plasma focus discharges in deuterium are analyzed. It is shown that the second compression responsible for the major fraction of the neutron yield can be interpreted as a result of the inverse skin effect resulting in the axial concentration of the longitudinal current density and the appearance of a reversed current in the outer layers of plasma pinches. Possible conditions leading to the enhancement of the inverse skin effect and accessible for experimental verification by modern diagnostics are formulated.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):779-791
pages 779-791 views

Effects of nonextensivity on the electron-acoustic solitary structures in a magnetized electron−positron−ion plasma

Rafat A., Rahman M.M., Alam M.S., Mamun A.A.


Obliquely propagating electron-acoustic solitary waves (EASWs) in a magnetized electron−positron−ion plasma (containing nonextensive hot electrons and positrons, inertial cold electrons, and immobile positive ions) are precisely investigated by deriving the Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation. It is found that the basic features (viz. polarity, amplitude, width, phase speed, etc.) of the EASWs are significantly modified by the effects of the external magnetic field, obliqueness of the system, nonextensivity of hot positrons and electrons, ratio of the hot electron temperature to the hot positron temperature, and ratio of the cold electron number density to the hot positron number density. The findings of our results can be employed in understanding the localized electrostatic structures and the characteristics of EASWs in various astrophysical plasmas.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):792-798
pages 792-798 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Auxiliary glow discharge in the trigger unit of a hollow-cathode thyratron

Korolev Y.D., Landl N.V., Geyman V.G., Frants O.B., Shemyakin I.A., Nekhoroshev V.O.


Results from studies of a low-current glow discharge with a hollow cathode are presented. A specific feature of the discharge conditions was that a highly emissive tablet containing cesium carbonate was placed in the cathode cavity. In the absence of a tablet, the discharge ignition voltage was typically ≥3.5 kV, while the burning voltage was in the range of 500–600 V. The use of the tablet made it possible to decrease the ignition voltage to 280 V and maintain the discharge burning voltage at a level of about 130 V. A model of the current sustainment in a hollow-cathode discharge is proposed. Instead of the conventional secondary emission yield, the model uses a generalized emission yield that takes into account not only ion bombardment of the cathode, but also the emission current from an external source. The model is used to interpret the observed current−voltage characteristics. The results of calculations agree well with the experimental data. It is shown that, in some discharge modes, the external emission current from the cathode can reach 25% of the total discharge current.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(8):799-807
pages 799-807 views

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