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卷 63, 编号 2 (2018)


First Russian Crystallographic Congress: From Convergence of Sciences to Nature-Like Technologies

Koval’chuk M.


For the last 100 years, crystallography has passed a complex and interesting way: from descriptive mineralogy; through chemistry, chemical analysis, and new crystal growth technologies; to physics (X-ray diffraction analysis, physical materials science) and then to biology and protein crystallography. Actually, the starting point in the development of modern crystallography is the discovery of X-ray diffraction. Specifically X rays revealed the complex, three-dimensional, and periodic structure of all materials surrounding us.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):155-157
pages 155-157 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

X-Ray Natural Circular Dichroism in Langasite Crystal at the Ga and La Edges

Oreshko A., Mill B., Ovchinnikova E., Rogalev A., Wilhelm F., Dmitrienko V.


X-ray natural circular dichroism (XNCD) and its structural nature have been investigated in a langasite (La3Ga5SiO14) crystal at an incident radiation energy close to the Ga K-absorption edge and the La L2,3-absorption edges. An XNCD signal was observed mainly beyond the absorption edge, which confirmed the existence of delocalized mixed p–d electronic states in Ga and df and dp electronic states in La. Calculations with application of the multiple scattering method have made it possible to separate the contributions from three crystallographically nonequivalent Ga sites to the absorption spectrum and the XNCD signal and explain adequately the largest contribution of the Ga atom occupying the 1a site to the XNCD signal.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):158-165
pages 158-165 views

Crystal Chemistry

Simulation of Simple and Complex Gadolinium Molybdates by the Interatomic Potential Method

Dudnikova V., Zharikov E.


Crystals of ferroelectric‒ferroelastic gadolinium molybdate Gd2(MoO4)3, calcium molybdate CaMoO4, and double sodium‒gadolinium molybdates of stoichiometric (Na1/2Gd1/2MoO4) and cationdeficient (Na2/7Gd4/7MoO4) compositions, which are used to design solid-state lasers, phosphors, and white LEDs, have been simulated by the interatomic potential method. Their structural, mechanical, and thermodynamic properties are calculated using a unified system of interatomic potentials and effective ion charges, which demonstrated transferability and made it possible not only to describe the existing experimental data but also to predict some important physical and thermodynamic properties of molybdate crystals. The influence of the deviation from stoichiometry and partial ordering of cations on sites in nonstoichiometric crystals on the properties and local structure of sodium‒gadolinium molybdates is discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):166-171
pages 166-171 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Accurate Refinement of the Crystal Structure of Ba3TaGa3Si2O14 from Langasite Family and Analysis of Structural Transformations Due to Isomorphous Cation Substitutions

Dudka A.


An accurate structure analysis of a Ba3TaGa3Si2O14 single crystal from langasite family was performed using four X-ray diffraction data sets collected on a diffractometer equipped with a CCD area detector (sp. gr. P321, Z = 1, sinθ/λ ≤ 1.35 Å–1; at 295 K a = 8.516(1) Å, c = 5.1910(6) Å, R/wR = 0.58/0.56%, Δρmin/Δρmax =–0.73/0.42 e/Å3, 4414 independent reflections; at 106 K a = 8.5109(9) Å, c = 5.1861(9) Å, R/wR = 0.75/0.86%, Δρmin/Δρmax =–0.81/1.06 e/Å3, 4382 reflections). The distinguishing feature of the Ba3TaGa3Si2O14 structure is a strong disorder of the Ga atom at the 3f site. Structural transformations in the series of Сa3TaGa3Si2O14–Sr3TaGa3Si2O14–Ba3TaGa3Si2O14–Ba3TaFe3Si2O14 crystals were analyzed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):172-177
pages 172-177 views

The Influence of Cation Substitution on the Kinetics of Phase Transitions in Crystals of (K,NH4)3H(SO4)2 Solid Solutions

Selezneva E., Makarova I., Grebenev V., Komornikov V.


The structure of (K0.967(NH4)0.033)3H(SO4)2 crystals, belonging to the K3H(SO4)2–(NH4)3H(SO4)2–H2O salt system, has been investigated by X-ray structural analysis. The room-temperature characteristics of the atomic structure of these crystals are found to be as follows: sp. gr. C2/c, Z = 4, a = 14.7025(4) Å, b = 5.6859(2) Å, c = 9.7885(3) Å, and R/wR = 0.021/0.030%. The thermal and optical properties of (K,NH4)3H(SO4)2 and K3H(SO4)2 single crystals have been investigated and compared in a temperature range of 295–500 K.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):178-185
pages 178-185 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Synthesis and Structures of Triphenylbismuth Bis[3-(2-Furyl)Acrylate] Ph3Bi[O2CCH=CH(C4H3O)]2 and Triphenylbismuth Di-meta-nitrocinnamate Ph3Bi(O2CCH=CH–С6H4NO2-m)2

Gusakovskaya A., Kalistratova O., Andreev P., Gushchin A., Somov N., Chuprunov E.


Triphenylbismuth bis[3-(2-furyl)acrylate] Ph3Bi[O2CCH=CH(C4H3O)]2 and triphenylbismuth di-meta-nitrocinnamate Ph3Bi(O2CCH=CH–C6H4NO2-m)2 were synthesized and studied by X-ray diffraction. The crystal structures (sp. gr. P1, Z = 2; sp. gr. P21, Z = 2, respectively) contain one and two tetrahydrofuran solvent molecules, respectively, per bismuth complex. The bismuth atom has a trigonal-bipyramidal coordination geometry. Additional weak Bi···O interactions (2.748–2.835 Å) cause large angle distortions in the equatorial plane of the trigonal bipyramid.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):186-190
pages 186-190 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Mutation L232H Promotes Chromophore Maturation of EGFP-Based Fluorescent Fusion Proteins

Simanovskaya A., Ivashina T., Zeifman Y., Fateeva T., Krukova M., Popov A., Kachalova G., Rakitina T.


The L232H mutant of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was expressed and crystallized. An X-ray diffraction data set was collected from the crystals to 1.53 Å resolution. An analysis of the three-dimensional structure revealed a stacking interaction between the amino-acid residues Н78 and Н232, which contributes to the fastening of the C-terminal region of the protein in the vicinity of the chromophore and influences chromophore maturation of hybrid fluorescent proteins produced by fusion of the target proteins with the C-terminus of EGFP. This hypothesis was experimentally confirmed by investigating chromophore maturation of the hybrid proteins fused to the N- and C-termini of EGFP and EGFP-L232H.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):191-195
pages 191-195 views

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Study of the Phase Transition in Hg2Cl2 Crystals Using Anomalous X-Ray Transmission

Boiko M., Sharkov M., Boiko A., Konnikov S.


The small-angle X-ray scattering in calomel (univalent mercury chloride Hg2Cl2) single crystals at low temperatures has been investigated. Data on the size of superstructural ferroelectric domains have been obtained for the first time. Lang measurements with anomalous X-ray transmission have made it possible to trace the temperature dynamics of crystal lattice of the high-temperature D4h phase of Hg2Cl2 from 300 K to the Curie temperature (186 K) and the formation of ferroelastic domains in the temperature range of 186–100 K. The lowering of paraphase symmetry in the closest vicinity of the phase transition temperature is indicative of tricritical point transition.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):196-199
pages 196-199 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Anisotropy of Optical Activity in Langasite Family Crystals

Konstantinova A., Golovina T., Dudka A.


The rotation of the plane of polarization of light transmitted in the directions parallel (ρ||) and perpendicular (ρ) to the optical axis has been calculated for langasite family crystals. It is shown that the ρ|| and ρ values are, respectively, negative and positive for all the right-handed crystals under study. An analysis of the interatomic potential constructed based on X-ray diffraction data has suggested that this anisotropy of optical activity is structurally based of electron density regions shaped as helices. The atomic helix with an axis parallel to the optical axis is right-handed and three-start, whereas in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis there are three left-handed two-start helices, which intersect in the origin of the unit-cell coordinate system.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):200-206
pages 200-206 views

Structural Conditionality of the Ionic Conductivity of MTiORO4 (M = K, Rb; R = P, As) Single Crystals

Sorokin N., Novikova N., Shaldin Y., Tseitlin M.


The ionic conductivity σ||c along the crystallographic axis c and the structural imperfection of the lattices of KTiOPO4, RbTiOPO4, and RbTiOAsO4 single crystals with low defect concentration, grown by the high temperature solution growth technique, have been investigated by impedance spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. Isomorphic substitutions of Rb+ ions for conduction K+ cations in MTiOPO4 crystals decreases the σ||c value, whereas the substitution of As5+ ions for framework P5+ cations in RbTiORO4 crystals increases the σ||c value. The σ||c values at 573 K are found to be 1.0 × 10–5, 5.7 × 10–6, 2.0 × 10–6, and 3.3 × 10–5 S/cm for the KTiOPO4, RbTiOPO4 {100}, RbTiOPO4 {201}, and RbTiOAsO4 crystals, respectively (the growth zone of the crystalline boule from which the samples were cut is indicated in braces).

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):207-211
pages 207-211 views

Concentration Dependences of the Lattice Parameter and Density of Ca1 – xSrxF2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Solid Solution Crystals

Ivanovskaya N., Karimov D., Sorokin N., Sobolev B.


A concentration series of fluorite crystals Ca1–xSrxF2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) has been grown by directional crystallization according to the Bridgman technique. Experimental (weakly quadratic) concentration dependences of the lattice parameter a(x) and density ρ(x) are obtained for the Ca1 – xSrxF2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) solid solution. A calibration density curve ρ(x), which is suitable for non-destructive testing of the composition of optical elements made of Ca1 – xSrxF2 crystals with an error of Δх = ± 0.001, was constructed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):212-215
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Optical Properties and Microdefects in CaMoO4 Single Crystals

Kozlova N., Buzanov O., Kozlova A., Zabelina E., Goreeva Z., Didenko I., Kasimova V., Chernykh A.


Optical inhomogeneities of calcium molybdate crystals in the initial state and after isothermal annealings have been investigated. The value of anomalous birefringence of the samples has been estimated by Mallard’s method; it is shown that annealing reduces this value. Scattering centers have been observed by the Tyndall method. Microscopy has revealed inclusions 2–10 μm in size in all samples. They can’t be attributed to the crucible material inclusions. Light-scattering indicatrices are plotted based on scattering spectroscopy data. Sizes of the scattering centers are estimated.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):216-221
pages 216-221 views

Liquid Crystals

In-Plane Switching of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals with Different Dielectric Anisotropies

Simdyankin I., Umanskii B.


The electro-optic response in planar-aligned chiral nematic liquid crystals in an electric field oriented perpendicular to the helical structure axis is studied as a function of the magnitude and sign of the dielectric anisotropy of liquid crystal in order to understand the mechanism of this electro-optic effect. The main contribution to the electro-optic response is shown to be due to the interaction of the electric field with the dielectric anisotropy. The flexoelectric effect also contributes to the electro-optic response, but its magnitude is much smaller.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):222-227
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Surface and Thin Films

Studying the Molecular Mechanisms of Interaction of Nanoaerosol Particles with a Model Membrane

Novikova N., Yakunin S., Morozov V., Shlyapnikova E., Kanev I., Shlyapnikov Y., Stepina N., Rogachev A., Koval’chuk M.


An X-ray study of the interaction of Langmuir monolayers with nanoparticles under the conditions when nanoparticles arrive at the monolayer from the side of the air medium has been performed for the first time. Measurements by the X-ray standing-wave method and two-dimensional diffraction have made it possible to investigate the transport of nanoaerosol particles through a lipid monolayer and observe the structural changes occurring in it. Nanoaerosol particles were formed by electrohydrodynamic sputtering of desalted solutions of ferritin. It was shown that nanoaerosol particles pass through the monolayer without disrupting the two-dimensional packing of lipid molecules. The ferritin molecules penetrating the aqueous subphase after sputtering are found to be adsorbed under the monolayer.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):228-233
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Manifestation of the Sapphire Crystal Structure in the Surface Nanopattern and Its Application in the Nitride Film Growth

Muslimov A., Butashin A., Kanevsky V., Deryabin A., Vovk E., Babaev V.


The “quenching” technique was used to investigate the initial stage of the formation of a terracestep nanostructure on the R-cut surface of sapphire crystal upon high-temperature annealing in air. The morphological features of the formation of A- and R-sapphire planes are experimentally shown in dependence on the misorientation direction and qualitatively interpreted with allowance for the surface energy density for the main sapphire faces. The possibilities of forming AlN layers on the R-sapphire surface with a terrace-step nanostructure under thermochemical effect and high-temperature substrate annealing in a mixture of nitrogen and reducing gases are considered.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):234-240
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Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy Study of the Change in the Free-Electron Density in Thin Superconducting NbN Films under Ion-Beam Irradiation

Gurovich B., Komarov D., Kutuzov L., Prikhodko K., Dementyeva M.


The change in the free-electron density in ultrathin (5 nm) superconducting NbN films in the initial state and after irradiation by O+ ions to doses of (0.1–0.9) × 1017 cm–2 has been studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). The analysis has been performed on cross section samples prepared by the focused ion beam method, using plasmon oscillations with energies up to 50 eV. The radiation-induced replacement of nitrogen atoms with oxygen atoms in niobium nitride is found to change the electrical properties of the material, which leads to a decrease in the free-electron density with an increase in the irradiation dose.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):241-244
pages 241-244 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Kinetics of State Switching in Quasi-One-Dimensional Nanosystems. Statistical Model of the Influence of Defects

Petukhov B.


The role of native and radiation-induced defects in the state switching kinetics for one-dimensional systems (nanowires, molecular single-chain magnets, biological macromolecules, and many others) has been studied. An analytical approach to the description of the influence of randomly located defects on the dynamics of new-phase domains is developed using an analogy with stochastic processes in queueing theory. This method makes it possible to calculate threshold phenomena and the dependence of switching fields on material parameters.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):245-249
pages 245-249 views

Conditions for Titania(IV) Recrystallization from the η Modification to Anatase

Obolenskaya L., Savinkina E., Kuzmicheva G.


The effect of some sensitizers (methylene blue, methyl red, chlorophylls, coproporphyrin I, and hydrogen peroxide) on the transformation of η-TiO2, which is an anatase precursor in titanyl sulfate hydrolysis, into anatase has been studied. A decrease in the average crystallite size and suppression of the transformation of η-TiO2 into anatase is observed in the presence of methylene blue and methyl red organic dyes, as well as Ti(IV) peroxocomplexes,. The sample synthesized in the presence of 1 M H2O2 is characterized by the smallest crystallite sizes (2−4 nm) and the highest photocatalytic activity.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):250-253
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Hydroxyapatite/Anatase Photocatalytic Core–Shell Composite Prepared by Sol‒Gel Processing

Khamova T., Frank-Kamenetskaya O., Shilova O., Chelibanov V., Marugin A., Yasenko E., Kuz’mina M., Baranchikov A., Ivanov V.


The conditions for preparing hydroxyapatite/anatase Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2/TiO2 nanocomposites with a core–shell structure by sol‒gel processing have been optimized. The photocatalytic activity of these nanocomposites is close to that of the commercial photocatalysts based on titanium dioxide (precursor Ti(OBut)4 concentration 40 vol %, hydroxyapatite/TiO2 sol ratio 1: 2, annealing temperature 500°C). The photocatalytic activity of hydroxyapatite/TiO2 composites with different anatase contents has been estimated for the first time from the singlet oxygen yield. It is shown that the degree of modification of apatite particle surface affects significantly the structural characteristics of the hydroxyapatite/TiO2 composite. An increase in the relative anatase content reduces the sizes of apatite crystallites and increases their specific surface.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):254-260
pages 254-260 views

New Effects in the Poly-N-Vinylcaprolactam/Titanium(IV) Oxides Nanocomposite System and Their Nature

Timaeva O., Kuz’micheva G., Chihacheva I.


Nanocomposites based on poly-N-vinylcaprolactam (PVC), characterized by different drying temperatures of aqueous PVC solution at 25°С (PVC25) and 40°С (PVC40), with titanium(IV) oxide nanoparticles (TONs) (η-phase (TP: TiO2 – x · mH2O) with a superstructure to the anatase structure and ordered solid solution with partial replacement of oxygen atoms in the η-phase with peroxo group O 22– (PP: TiOx(O2)2 – x · nH2O)) have been obtained for the first time and characterized by X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy. It is found that a common feature of TP/PVC and PP/PVC obtained by dry mixing and grinding is the decrease in the number of water molecules for TP and PP in the interlayer space of the structure and their attachment to the PVC amide groups; the differences are related to the specificity of PVC behavior in these systems: mechanodestruction of PVC in PP/PVC40 and different numbers of water molecules in PVC25 and PVC40.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):261-265
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Specific Features of the Structure and Properties of High-Temperature Oxide Materials Based on Bismuth Sodium Titanate

Politova E., Kaleva G., Golubko N., Mosunov A., Sadovskaya N., Belkova D., Stefanovich S.


Single-phase ceramic samples from the region of morphotropic phase boundary in the (1–x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–xBaTiO3 and (1–y)[(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–xBaTiO3]–yBi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 systems, modified by low-melting LiF and 0.6NaCl–0.4LiF additives, have been prepared by solid-state synthesis. The effect of additives on the phase formation, structural parameters, and dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the ceramics has been studied. A decrease in the ceramic sintering temperature is found. A slight increase in the unit-cell volume upon modification of the ceramics under study by lithium fluoride and 0.6NaCl–0.4LiF additive is revealed. First-order ferroelectric phase transitions near 700–800 K have been observed. The prospects for improving the piezoelectric properties of modified ceramic samples are proved.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):266-270
pages 266-270 views

Photochromic Nanoparticles and Their Properties

Barachevsky V.


The results of own studies in the field of nanophotochromism are generalized. Prospects of the development and application of photochromic nanoparticles based on spirocompounds (spiropyrans and spirooxazines), as well as diarylethenes in the form of aggregates; individual nanoparticles; and, especially, core‒shell type systems, using nanoparticles of noble metals (Ag and Au), quantum dots, and nanodiamonds, are shown.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):271-275
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Fabrication and Characterization of Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles

Komova A., Aliev R., Mel’nikova A., Kamyshinskii R., Presnyakov M., Kal’sin A., Namsaraev Z.


A biogenic fabrication of selenium nanoparticles has been considered, with characterization of these nanoparticles. Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria reduce sodium selenite to produce amorphous selenium nanospheres that are more homogeneous in size than biogenic selenium nanoparticles reported in the literature and those obtained by chemical route. These biogenic selenium nanoparticles can be used to investigate the selenium metabolism in microorganisms.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):276-279
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Crystal Growth

Hydrodynamics of Solution for the Rapid Growth of KDP Crystals

Verezub N., Voloshin A., Manomenova V., Prostomolotov A.


A mathematical model of the hydrodynamic processes occurring during crystal growth from solutions is considered. Specific features of solution flows in crystallizers of different designs are discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):280-283
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Development of the Growth Technology of Highly Homogeneous Semiconductor Crystals

Strelov V., Prokhorov I., Korobeinikova E., Sidorov V., Vlasov V., Artemyev V.


Different technological solutions for growing GaSb(Te) and Ge(Ga) single crystals, making it possible to optimize the growth of highly homogeneous (at the microlevel) semiconductor crystals by the Bridgman method, are described. The possibility of implementing steady-state growth conditions (providing uniform dopant distribution over the crystal) has been experimentally confirmed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):284-286
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Temperature Control of Protein Crystal Nucleation

Safronov V., Krivonogova N., Strelov V.


A technique of temperature-controlled biocrystal nucleation, at which the growth onset of one crystal suppresses the development of other nuclei, is proposed. This is obtained by decreasing gradually the temperature at the point of expected growth at a rate sufficiently low to equalize the protein concentration (under conditions where material is captured by growing crystal) via diffusive and convective processes. An individual growth of lysozyme single crystals in a capillary is demonstrated.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):287-289
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Onset Temperatures and Kinetics of Quartz Glass Crystallization

Nepomnyashchikh A., Shalaev A., Sizova T., Paklin A., Sapozhnikov A., Pavlova L.


A complex analysis of the crystallization of quartz glass from quartzites of the Bural-Sardyk deposit (the Eastern Sayan) has been performed. A mineralogical and petrographic characterization of the quartzites of this deposit is presented, and techniques of quartz grit preparation and quartz glass formation are described. Quartz glass samples prepared from grits of two types have been thermally tested, and crystallization onset temperatures and character of their crystallization were determined for them.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):290-294
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Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences

Complex Study of the Spearhead Superficial Crust from Burial Mound no. 1 near Novosvobodnaya Village

Loboda A., Kolobylina N., Veligzhanin A., Zubavitchus Y., Tereshchenko E., Shishlina N., Yatsishina E., Kashkarov P.


A complex study of a spearhead dated back to IV mill. BC from burial mound no. 1 near Novosvobodnaya village (collection of the State Historical Museum) and, in particular, the material of spearhead superficial crust has been performed. The elemental and phase composition of the metal of spearhead and the superficial crust on its surface have been determined by scanning electron microscopy, jointly with energydispersive X-ray microanalysis and X-ray phase analysis. A comparative analysis of the results of studying the spearhead superficial crust and similar crusts on other artifacts from the mounds near Novosvobodnaya village suggest natural origin of the crust on copper‒arsenic artifacts.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(2):295-301
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