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Vol 61, No 3 (2016)

Theory of Crystal Structures

Anisotropic sublattices in cubic perovskite and their symmetry in multidimensional crystal space

Poplavnoi A.S.


Three tetragonal, partially occupied oxygen sublattices with a translational symmetry higher than the lattice translational symmetry can be introduced into the cubic perovskite structure. This higher symmetry is determined in the 9D space constructed on three orthogonal 3D subspaces corresponding to the sublattices. The generating matrices, metric tensors, and point symmetry matrices of this multidimensional space are determined. Irreducible stars of the representations of multidimensional space group are projected onto the irreducible stars of the space crystal group.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):337-344
pages 337-344 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Nonlinear effects in propagation of radiation of X-ray free-electron lasers

Nosik V.L.


Nonlinear effects accompanying the propagation of high-intensity beams of X-ray free-electron lasers are considered. It is shown that the X-ray wave field in the crystal significantly changes due to the formation of “hollow” atomic shells as a result of the photoelectric effect.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):345-355
pages 345-355 views

Application of suppression of the borrmann effect in vibrating crystals for spatial separation of pulsed X-ray beams

Nosik V.L.


The effect of suppression of the anomalous transmission of X rays due to the destruction of the system of weakly and strongly absorbing Bloch waves under ultrasound has been proposed to separate the radiation of high-intensity pulsed X-ray sources. The switching speed from the anomalous transmission mode to the zero transmission state is actually determined by only the X-ray frequency, which suggests that the switching time is several tens of nanoseconds.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):356-361
pages 356-361 views

X-ray diffraction and X-ray standing-wave study of the lead stearate film structure

Blagov A.E., Dyakova Y.A., Kovalchuk M.V., Kohn V.G., Marchenkova M.A., Pisarevskiy Y.V., Prosekov P.A.


A new approach to the study of the structural quality of crystals is proposed. It is based on the use of X-ray standing-wave method without measuring secondary processes and considers the multiwave interaction of diffraction reflections corresponding to different harmonics of the same crystallographic reflection. A theory of multiwave X-ray diffraction is developed to calculate the rocking curves in the X-ray diffraction scheme under consideration for a long-period quasi-one-dimensional crystal. This phase-sensitive method is used to study the structure of a multilayer lead stearate film on a silicon substrate. Some specific structural features are revealed for the surface layer of the thin film, which are most likely due to the tilt of the upper layer molecules with respect to the external normal to the film surface.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):362-370
pages 362-370 views

Diffractometric method for determining the degree of crystallinity of materials

Chukhchin D.G., Malkov A.V., Tyshkunova I.V., Mayer L.V., Novozhilov E.V.


A new method for determining the degree of crystallinity of a material from X-ray diffraction data has been developed. The method is based on estimating the rate of change in function I = f(2θ) in the entire range of scattering angles. A calculation is performed using the ratio of the integral modulus of the first derivative of intensity with respect to angle 2θ to the integral area under the diffraction pattern curve. The method was tested on two substances with known amorphous and crystalline components. A linear relationship is revealed between the specified ratio of crystalline and amorphous parts and the calculated crystallinity index. The proposed method allows one to estimate impartially and compare the degree of crystallinity for samples of different nature.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):371-375
pages 371-375 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Ordering of calcium and vacancies in calcium catapleiite CaZr[Si3O9] • 2H2O

Aksenov S.M., Portnov A.M., Chukanov N.V., Rastsvetaeva R.K., Nelyubina Y.V., Kononkova N.N., Akimenko M.I.


A sample of holotypic calcium catapleiite from the Burpala alkaline massif (Northern Baikal, Russia) is studied by single crystal X-ray analysis at 120 K and IR spectroscopy. The empirical formula of calcium catapleiite is Ca0.97Na0.02Zr1.01Si3O9 • 2H2O (Z = 4). The X-ray diffraction study confirms the orthorhombic unit cell with the following parameters: a = 7.406(1), b = 12.687(1), and c = 10.112(1) Å; V = 950.1(2) Å3; space group Pbnn. The crystal structure is refined in the anisotropic approximation of atomic displacement parameters using 1177 reflections with I > 2σ(I) to the final R = 2.91%. The structure of calcium catapleiite under study is based on the microporous heteropolyhedral framework formed by ZrO6 octahedra and threemembered silicon–oxygen rings [Si3O9]. It is on the whole analogous to the structures of the samples studied earlier, but differs from them by a high degree of ordering of calcium and vacancies at extraframework positions. The distribution of calcium over Ca1 and Ca2 positions in the calcium catapleiite structure leads to the formation of zigzag chains of the …Сa1–Zr–Ca1–Zr… and …Сa2–h–Ca2–□… types. Low occupancy of the Ca2 position and its alternation with the vacancy are prerequisites for potential Ca2+ cationic conduction.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):376-382
pages 376-382 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Synthesis and X-ray diffraction study of new uranyl malonate and oxalate complexes with carbamide

Medvedkov Y.A., Serezhkina L.B., Grigor’ev M.S., Serezhkin V.N.


Two new malonate-containing uranyl complexes with carbamide of the formulas [UO2(C3H2O4)(Urea)2] (I) and [UO2(C3H2O4)(Urea)3] (II), where Urea is carbamide, and one uranyl oxalate complex of the formula [UO2(C2O4)(Urea)3] (III) were synthesized, and their crystals were studied by X-ray diffraction. The main structural units in crystals I are the electroneutral chains [UO2(C3H2O4)(Urea)2] belonging to the crystal-chemical group AT11M21 (A = UO22+, T11 = C3H2O42-, M1 = Urea) of uranyl complexes. Crystals II and III are composed of the molecular complexes [UO2(L)(Urea)3], where L = C3H2O42- or C2O42-, belonging to the crystal-chemical group AB01M31 (A = UO22+, B01 = C3H2O42- or C2O42-, M1 = Urea). The characteristic features of the packing of the uranium-containing complexes are discussed in terms of molecular Voronoi–Dirichlet polyhedra. The effect of the Urea: U ratio on the structure of uranium-containing structural units is considered.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):383-390
pages 383-390 views

Synthesis and structure of bis[(2E)-3-(2-furyl)prop-2-enoato]triphenylantimony Ph3Sb[O2CCH=CH(C4H3O)]2

Kalistratova O.S., Andreev P.V., Gushchin A.V., Somov N.V., Chuprunov E.V.


Bis[(2E)-3-(2-furyl)prop-2-enoato]triphenylantimony Ph3Sb[O2CCH=CH(C4H3O)]2 is obtained for the first time by the reaction of triphenylantimony, hydrogen peroxide, and 2-furylpropene acid. The X-ray diffraction data show that the central atom of antimony is coordinated in the shape of a distorted trigonal bipyramid. The base of the bipyramid is formed by carbon atoms of phenyl ligands, and the apical vertices are occupied by acid residues. The IR and NMR spectra agree with the composition and structure of the compound.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):391-394
pages 391-394 views

Aqua{pentahydrogennitrilotris(methylenephosphonato)}lithium hydrate [Li(H2O){N(CH2PO3)3H5}] • H2O: Synthesis and structure

Somov N.V., Chausov F.F., Zakirova R.M.


Aqua{pentahydrogennitrilotris(methylenephosphonato)}lithium hydrate is a linear coordination polymer. Its crystal structure is described in space group P1, Z = 2; a = 5.5732(2), b = 7.0106(2), and c = 16.9010(5) Å; α = 97.515(2)°, β = 94.551(2)°, and γ = 95.123(2)°. The tetrahedral coordination of the Li atom includes two oxygen atoms of a phosphonate ligand, one oxygen atom of another phosphonate ligand, and a water molecule. Complex formation is accompanied by closing of the eight-membered Li–O–P–C–N–C–P–O chelate ring. Polymeric chains run along the [100] direction. The chains are connected by hydrogen bonds.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):395-400
pages 395-400 views

Active ion rate participation in cuprates superconductivity

Emetere M.E., Awojoyogbe O.B., Uno U.E., Isah K.U.


The missing link between theory and experiment of the cuprates was examined. The missing link was traced to an unknown parameter known as the active ion participation rate (AIPR). Its dimensionality was mathematically derived and its influence over the critical temperature was explained. We show that the AIPR plays an important role in both s-wave and d-wave symmetries. Hence, we proved that AIPR is salient in understanding the high temperature superconducting mechanism in cuprates.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):401-409
pages 401-409 views

Crystal structure of (E)-3-fluoro-N-((5-nitrothiophen-2-yl)methylene)aniline

Karataş Ş., Tanak H., Ağar A.A.


The structure of the title compound C11H7FN2O2S was characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n with Z = 12, i.e. with three molecules in asymmetric unit. The molecules are not planar: the dihedral angles between the planes of thiophene and the benzene rings are 42.3(3)°, 42.0(3)°, and 48.9(2)°. In the crystal, intermolecular C–H···F interactions link the molecules through R22 (14) ring motif. The crystal packing is also stabilized by π···π interactions.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):410-413
pages 410-413 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Structural investigations of E. Coli dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase in solution: Small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular docking

Dadinova L.A., Rodina E.V., Vorobyeva N.N., Kurilova S.A., Nazarova T.I., Shtykova E.V.


Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli (LpD) is a bacterial enzyme that is involved in the central metabolism and shared in common between the pyruvate dehydrogenase and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes. In the crystal structure, E. coli LpD is known to exist as a dimer. The present work is focused on analyzing the solution structure of LpD by small-angle X-ray scattering, molecular docking, and analytical ultracentrifugation. It was shown that in solution LpD exists as an equilibrium mixture of a dimer and a tetramer. The presence of oligomeric forms is determined by the multifunctionality of LpD in the cell, in particular, the required stoichiometry in the complexes.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):414-420
pages 414-420 views

Specific physical and chemical properties of two modifications of poly(N-vinylcaprolcatam)

Chihacheva I.P., Timaeva O.I., Kuz’micheva G.M., Dorohov A.V., Lobanova N.A., Amarantov S.V., Podbel’skiy V.V., Serousov V.E., Sadovskaya N.V.


Two modifications of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)—PVCL25 and PVCL40 (drying of a PVCL solution at 25 and 40°С, respectively)—as powdered films and their solutions were systematically investigated for the first time. Powders were studied by X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, low-temperature krypton adsorption, and differential scanning calorimetry. Solutions were studied by smallangle X-ray scattering and dynamic light scattering. It was demonstrated that powders of PVCL25 and PVCL40 differ in the characteristics of the sub- and microstructure and in the water content and the solutions differ in the particle size. The relationships between the characteristics of the systems in the solid and liquid state and between the hydrodynamic diameter of PVCL particles in solution and their coagulation time were found.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):421-427
pages 421-427 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Raman spectroscopy study of the structure of gallium nitride epitaxial layers of different orientations

Yugov A.A., Donskov A.A., Yugova T.G., Belogorohov I.A., Parhomenko Y.N.


The composition nonstoichiometry and structural quality of undoped gallium nitride layers grown by the hydride vapor phase epitaxy on sapphire substrates of different orientations have been estimated using Raman spectroscopy. It is found for the first time that the peak position of the phonon mode E2(high) in the Raman spectra of gallium nitride films at a wave vector of 572 cm–1 depends on the initial orientation of sapphire substrate and is low-frequency shifted when passing from Ga-polar to partially N-polar orientation. Additional modes are found in the spectra of GaN layers grown on substrates with m and r orientations. It is shown that a decrease in the composition deviation from stoichiometry, caused by reducing the HCl flow through the gallium source during the growth of GaN layers, leads to an increase in the phonon-mode intensity in the Raman spectrum.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):428-431
pages 428-431 views

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Atomistic and Ab initio modeling of CaAl2O4 high-pressure polymorphs under Earth’s mantle conditions

Eremin N.N., Grechanovsky A.E., Marchenko E.I.


Semi-empirical and ab initio theoretical investigation of crystal structure geometry, interatomic distances, phase densities and elastic properties for some CaAl2O4 phases under pressures up to 200 GPa was performed. Two independent simulation methods predicted the appearance of a still unknown super-dense CaAl2O4 modification. In this structure, the Al coordination polyhedron might be described as distorted one with seven vertices. Ca atoms were situated inside polyhedra with ten vertices and Ca–O distances from 1.96 to 2.49 Å. It became the densest modification under pressures of 170 GPa (density functional theory prediction) or 150 GPa (semi-empirical prediction). Both approaches indicated that this super-dense CaAl2O4 modification with a “stuffed α-PbO2” type structure could be a probable candidate for mutual accumulation of Ca and Al in the lower mantle. The existence of this phase can be verified experimentally using high pressure techniques.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):432-442
pages 432-442 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Vickers microhardness of K2Co(SO4)2 · 6H2O single crystals and fracture geometry around impressions of vickers, knoop, and spherical indenters

Sizova N.L., Novikova N.E., Manomenova V.L., Rudneva E.B., Voloshin A.E.


The microhardness on the (010) and (001) planes in K2Co(SO4)2 · 6H2O crystal has been measured by the Vickers indentation method. Its values are, respectively, 11500 and 1300 MPa. No microhardness anisotropy of the first kind is revealed on either plane. The fracture geometry under indentation by a spherical indenter and Vickers and Knoop indenters is studied. The crystal has lower brittleness than the isomorphic Cs2Ni(SO4)2 · 6H2O crystal.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):443-448
pages 443-448 views

Temperature dependences of the electric polarization and wave number of incommensurate structures in multiferroics

Pikin S.A.


It is shown that the electric polarization and wave number of incommensurate modulations, proportional to each other, increase according to the Landau law in spin multiferroic cycloids near the Néel temperature. In this case, the constant magnetization component (including the one for a conical spiral) is oriented perpendicular to the spin incommensurability wave vector. A similar temperature behavior should manifest itself for spin helicoids, the axes of which are oriented parallel to the polarization vector but their spin rotation planes are oriented perpendicular to the antiferromagnetic order plane. When the directions of axes of the magnetization helicoid and polarization vector coincide, the latter is quadratic with respect to magnetization and linearly depends on temperature, whereas the incommensurate-modulation wave number barely depends on temperature. Structural distortions of unit cells for multiferroics of different types determine their axial behavior.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):449-455
pages 449-455 views

Conversion acoustic resonances in orthorhombic crystals

Lyubimov V.N., Bessonov D.A., Alshits V.I.


A classification of acoustic-beam reflection resonances in orthorhombic crystals under conditions where a proximity to conversion is implemented in the vicinity of total internal reflection is proposed. In this case, the energy from the incident pump beam falls almost entirely into a narrow intense reflected beam propagating at a small angle with respect to the surface. The crystal boundary is parallel to one of the elastic symmetry planes, and the excited beam propagates near one of axes 2 in this plane. Depending on the relations between the elastic moduli and the chosen propagation geometry, 18 types of resonances may occur, but no more than three in each crystal. The developed theory combines an approximate analytical description and accurate computer analysis. The relations between the elastic moduli providing minimum energy loss over the parasite reflected wave are determined. Some crystals with resonant excitation very close to conversion are revealed.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):456-465
pages 456-465 views

Electrical conductivity of Cs2CuCl4 crystals

Sorokin N.I.


The electrical conductivity of Cs2CuCl4 single crystals, synthesized by crystallization from aqueous solutions in the CsCl–CuCl2–H2O system, has been investigated. The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of crystals in a temperature range of 338–584 K exhibits no anomalies. The electrical transfer activation enthalpy is ΔHσ = 0.72 ± 0.05 eV and the conductivity is σ = 3 × 10–4 S/cm at 584 K. The most likely carriers in Cs2CuCl4 are Cs+ cations, which transfer electric charge according to the vacancy mechanism.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):466-468
pages 466-468 views

Ionic conductivity of crystallization products of Ba1–xYbxF2 + x melts (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.25)

Sorokin N.I., Sul’yanova E.A., Sobolev B.P.


The ionic conductivity σ of the crystallization products of Ba1 - xYbxF2 + x melts with 10, 20 and 25 mol % YbF3 has been studied. A Ba0.9Yb0.1F2.1 sample is a solid solution with the CaF2 structure type, sp. gr. Fm\(\overline 3 \)m. A Ba0.8Yb0.2F2.2 sample contains two cubic forms with sp. gr. Fm\(\overline 3 \)m and Pm\(\overline 3 \)m. The σ values for Ba0.9Yb0.1F2.1 and Ba0.8Yb0.2F2.2 coincide and are equal to ~3 × 10–5 S/cm at 500 K. A Ba0.75Yb0.25F2.25 sample is heterogeneous, despite its monolithic nature and transparency. A greater part of its volume has a cubic lattice with sp. gr. Pm\(\overline 3 \)m, while the smaller part is a phase crystallizing in the orthorhombic system. A change of composition from x = 0.2 to 0.25 leads to a change in the symmetry group and type of the cluster defects in the Ba1 - xYbxF2 + x phase. The sp. gr. Fm\(\overline 3 \)m is replaced by the sp. gr. Pm\(\overline 3 \)m, and octahedral‒cubic {Ba8Yb6F69} clusters are transformed into “inverse” octahedral‒cubic {Yb8Ba6F71} clusters. These changes in the defect structure lead to an increase in conductivity by a factor of about 100. The fluorine-ionic conductivity of Ba0.75Yb0.25F2.25 is 2.5 × 10–3 S/cm at 500 K. This value exceeds the conductivity of Ba0.69La0.31F2.31 crystal by a factor of 15 (Ba0.69La0.31F2.31 has the best conducting properties among the fluorite phases of the Ba1 - xRxF2 + x family, for which σ was found to increase with a decrease in the atomic number of rare earth element (REE)).

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):469-473
pages 469-473 views

Optical properties and refractive indices of Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Се3+ crystals

Kozlova N.S., Busanov O.A., Zabelina E.V., Kozlova A.P., Kasimova V.M.


Crystals of cerium-doped gadolinium–gallium–aluminum garnet have been grown by the Czochralski method. The transmission and reflection spectra of these crystals in the wavelength range of 250–800 nm have been obtained by optical spectroscopy. Refractive indices are calculated based on the measured Brewster angles, the experimental results are approximated using the Cauchy equation, and a dispersion dependence is obtained.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):474-478
pages 474-478 views

Liquid Crystals

Properties of freely suspended liquid crystal films and their applications

Yablonskii S.V., Bodnarchuk V.V., Yoshino K.


We report the review on the physical properties of the liquid crystal freely suspended films. The importance of the freely suspended films for the study of the fundamental problems of the self-confined systems as well as their practical implementations are demonstrated.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):479-492
pages 479-492 views

Surface and Thin Films

Structure and physicochemical properties of thin film photosemiconductor cells based on porphine derivatives

Kazak A.V., Usol’tseva N.V., Smirnova A.I., Bodnarchuk V.V., Sul’yanov S.N., Yablonskii S.V.


Photosemiconductor thin films based on two organic porphine derivatives have been investigated. These compounds have different pendent groups; the film morphology, along with the specific fabrication technique, is determined to a great extent by these groups. The films have been fabricated by vacuum sputtering and using the Langmuir−Schaefer method. According to the atomic force microscopy (AFM) data, the Langmuir−Schaefer films are more homogeneous than the sputtered ones. It is shown that the sputtered films based on substituted porphine have a looser stacking than the initial analog. A spectroscopy study revealed a bathochromic shift of the Soret band in the Langmuir−Schaefer films–sputtered films series. This shift is explained by the increase in the concentration and size of molecular aggregates in sputtered films. It is shown that a polycrystalline C60 fullerene film deposited onto an amorphous substituted porphine layer improves the photoelectric characteristics of the latter. Both the time stability of the photodiode structure and its ampere‒watt sensitivity increase (by a factor of 10 in the transition regime). The steady-state current does not change. The effect of polarity reversal of the photovoltaic signal is observed in a planar С60‒substituted metalloporphine heterostructure, which is similar to the pyroelectric effect. The polarity reversal can be explained by the contribution of the trap charge and discharge current at the interface between the amorphous photosemiconductor and crystalline photosemiconductor to the resulting photoelectric current.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):493-498
pages 493-498 views

Crystal Growth

Fluorine-ion conductivity of different technological forms of solid electrolytes R1–yMyF3–y (LaF3 Type ) (M = Ca, Sr, Ba; R Are Rare Earth Elements)

Sorokin N.I., Sobolev B.P.


We have investigated the conductivity of some representatives of different technological forms of fluoride-conducting solid electrolytes R1–yMyF3–y (M = Ca, Sr, Ba; R are rare earth elements) with an LaF3 structure: single crystals, cold- and hot-pressing ceramics based on a charge prepared in different ways (mechanochemical synthesis, solid-phase synthesis, and fragmentation of single crystals), polycrystalline alloys, etc. It is shown (by impedance spectroscopy), that different technological forms of identical chemical composition (R, M, y) exhibit different electrical characteristics. The maximum conductivity is observed for the single-crystal form of R1–yMyF3–y tysonite phases, which provides (in contrast to other technological forms) the formation of true volume ion-conducting characteristics.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):499-505
pages 499-505 views

General principles of the synthesis of chalcogenides and pnictides in salt melts using a steady-state temperature gradient

Chareev D.A.


The possibilities of growing crystals of metals, alloys, chalcogenides, and pnictides in halide melts using a steady-state temperature gradient are analyzed. Halides of alkali metals and aluminum can be used as transport media. The choice is determined by the melting temperature of salt mixtures. A conducting contour can also be applied to increase transport efficiency. This technique of crystal growth is similar to the electrochemical method. To eliminate interference during migration, some elements can be isolated and forced to migrate through independent channels to the crystal formation region. The technique considered here makes it possible to grow crystals of necessary quality without special equipment; the small crystal sizes are sufficient for laboratory study.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):506-511
pages 506-511 views

Morphological stability of the solid‒liquid interface during melt crystallization of Pb1–xCdxF2 solid solution

Fedorov P.P., Buchinskaya I.I., Chernova E.V.


The stability function of the solid‒liquid interface for PbF2–CdF2 solid solution with respect to constitutional supercooling is calculated using the phase diagram of the system. The calculated curve is typical of the systems with continuous solid solutions, having minima points in the liquidus and solidus curves. This dependence can be used to estimate the technological parameters of the process which are required for growing crystals with the high optical quality.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):512-516
pages 512-516 views

Accumulated distribution of material gain at dislocation crystal growth

Rakin V.I.


A model for slowing down the tangential growth rate of an elementary step at dislocation crystal growth is proposed based on the exponential law of impurity particle distribution over adsorption energy. It is established that the statistical distribution of material gain on structurally equivalent faces obeys the Erlang law. The Erlang distribution is proposed to be used to calculate the occurrence rates of morphological combinatorial types of polyhedra, presenting real simple crystallographic forms.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):517-522
pages 517-522 views


Study of the influence of the parameters of an experiment on the simulation of pole figures of polycrystalline materials using electron microscopy

Antonova A.O., Savyolova T.I.


A two-dimensional mathematical model of a polycrystalline sample and an experiment on electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) is considered. The measurement parameters are taken to be the scanning step and threshold grain-boundary angle. Discrete pole figures for materials with hexagonal symmetry have been calculated based on the results of the model experiment. Discrete and smoothed (by the kernel method) pole figures of the model sample and the samples in the model experiment are compared using homogeneity criterion χ2, an estimate of the pole figure maximum and its coordinate, a deviation of the pole figures of the model in the experiment from the sample in the space of L1 measurable functions, and the RP-criterion for estimating the pole figure errors. Is is shown that the problem of calculating pole figures is ill-posed and their determination with respect to measurement parameters is not reliable.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):523-531
pages 523-531 views


Erratum to: “Crystal Structure and Genesis of the Hydrated Analog of Rastsvetaevite”

Rastsvetaeva R.K., Aksenov S.M., Rozenberg K.A.
Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(3):532-532
pages 532-532 views

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