
On the most typical structure of three-dimensional magnetic reconnection
Dumin Y., Somov B.
Investigation of the dependence of rare-earth element abundances on the effective temperature and magnetic field in the atmospheres of chemically peculiar (Ap) stars
Ryabchikova T., Romanovskaya A.
NuSTAR observations of the X-ray pulsar LMC X-4: A constraint on the magnetic field and tomography of the system in the fluorescent iron line
Shtykovsky A., Lutovinov A., Arefiev V., Molkov S., Tsygankov S., Revnivtsev M.
Solar cycle 24 from the standpoint of solar paleoastrophysics
Ogurtsov M.
Differential Rotation of the Solar Corona from Magnetic Field Data
Badalyan O., Obridko V.
Influence of the magnetic field on the density distribution of solar wind protons and cometary ions in the shock layer ahead of cometary ionospheres
Baranov V., Alexashov D.
Meridional component of the large-scale magnetic field at minimum and characteristics of the subsequent solar activity cycle
Obridko V., Shelting B.
Breakdown of the Goldreich–Julian relation in a neutron star
Sob’yanin D.
Two populations of sunspots and secular variations of their characteristics
Nagovitsyn Y., Pevtsov A., Osipova A., Tlatov A., Miletskii E., Nagovitsyna E.
Investigation of OH and H2O masers in the star-forming region G 188.946+0.886
Ashimbaeva N., Colom P., Lekht E., Pashchenko M., Rudnitskii G., Tolmachev A.
On the negative correlation between solar activity and solar rotation rate
Obridko V., Shelting B.
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