
The Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1275: Superfine Structure
Matveyenko L., Sivakon S.
Determination of Supermassive Black Hole Spins Based on the Standard Shakura–Sunyaev Accretion Disk Model and Polarimetric Observations
Afanasiev V., Gnedin Y., Piotrovich M., Buliga S., Natsvlishvili T.
Active region of the nucleus of the blazar 3C 454.3
Matveyenko L., Sivakon’ S.
Optical Identification of New Candidates for Quasars at 3 <z < 5.5 from the XMM-Newton X-ray Survey
Khorunzhev G., Burenin R., Sazonov S., Zaznobin I., Eselevich M., Afanasiev V., Dodonov S.
Two-Component Structure of the Radio Source 0014+813 from VLBI Observations within the CONT14 Program
Titov O., Lopez Y.
Short variability of the radio flux density from the blazar J0530+1331
Gorshkov A., Ipatov A., Ipatova I., Konnikova V., Mardyshkin V., Mingaliev M., Kharinov M., Evstigneev A.
A Deep Extragalactic Survey with the ART-XC Telescope of the Spectrum-RG Observatory: Simulations and Expected Results
Mereminskiy I., Filippova E., Burenin R., Sazonov S., Pavlinsky M., Tkachenko A., Lapshov I., Shtykovskiy A., Krivonos R.
Analysis of the activity of the blazar BL Lacertae over the period 1998–2011
Strigunov K., Zhovtan A.
Long-Term Observations of the Blazar Mrk 501 with the GT-48 Cherenkov Telescope
Strigunov K., Zhovtan A., Neshpor Y., Borman G.
The possibility of investigating ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray sources using data on the extragalactic diffuse gamma-ray emission
Uryson A.
Catalog of candidates for quasars at 3 < z < 5.5 selected among X-Ray sources from the 3XMM-DR4 survey of the XMM-Newton observatory
Khorunzhev G., Burenin R., Meshcheryakov A., Sazonov S.
Contribution of Cosmic Rays from Sources with a Monoenergetic Proton Spectrum to the Extragalactic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Emission
Uryson A.
Polarization and brightness of the blazar S5 0716+714 in 1991–2004
Doroshenko V., Kiselev N.
Fine structure of the nucleus of the galaxy NGC 1275
Matveyenko L., Seleznev S.
Optical Identification of X-ray Sources from the 14-Year INTEGRAL All-Sky Survey
Karasev D., Lutovinov A., Tkachenko A., Khorunzhev G., Krivonos R., Medvedev P., Pavlinsky M., Burenin R., Eselevich M.
Study of the nuclear activity of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469 over the period of observations 2008–2014
Ugol’kova L., Artamonov B., Shimanovskaya E., Bruevich V., Burkhonov O., Egamberdiev S., Metlova N.
X-ray Luminosity Function of Quasars at 3 < z < 5 from XMM-Newton Serendipitous Survey Data
Khorunzhev G., Sazonov S., Burenin R.
Optical spectroscopy of candidates for quasars at 3 < z < 5.5 from the XMM-newton X-ray survey. A distant X-ray quasar at z = 5.08
Khorunzhev G., Burenin R., Sazonov S., Amvrosov A., Eselevich M.
Optical Identification of Four Hard X-ray Sources from the INTEGRAL Sky Surveys
Karasev D., Sazonov S., Tkachenko A., Khorunzhev G., Krivonos R., Medvedev P., Zaznobin I., Mereminskiy I., Burenin R., Pavlinsky M., Eselevich M.
Fine Structure of the Core of the Blazar OJ 287. II. Wavelength 2 cm
Matveyenko L., Sivakon’ S.
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