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Volume 45, Nº 8-9 (2016)


Prospects of the polysilicon market

Nekrasov A., Naumov A.


In the article the supply-demand balance for semiconducting polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon) is investigated and an attempt is made to make a forecast until 2018. The assessment of the condition of solar power and global polysilicon production in 2014 is provided. Currently, the capacities of polysilicon producers in the world exceed the demand for it; however, there is no consensus view regarding estimated consumption in the next few years and when overproduction is exhausted. The large producers manufacturing polysilicon with low production costs are prevailing at present. The top-10 producers—Hemlock, REC, OCI, Wacker, GCL, TBEA XinJiang Silicon, LDK, Daqo New Energy, Tokuyama, and SunEdison (ex-MEMC)—have a total production capacity of about 250000 tons of polysilicon. There is also an area of uncertainty in which there are about 80–90 producers with different degrees of production readiness and different achieved efficiencies and productivity. The description of the modern polysilicon market is given, including the technology assessments, supply capabilities, manufacturing costs, and silicon utilization trends, as well as an estimate and prospects until 2018. Theree possible scenarios are considered, which were chosen to outline the area of the most probable development variants. It is established that in the absence of a slowdown in the global economy, the probability of solving the problems of polysilicon overproduction due to growing consumption is high and demand for new polysilicon production capacities will return within the next 3–4 years.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):537-544
pages 537-544 views

Formation of three-dimensional structures in the silicon carbide substrates by plasma-chemical etching

Seidman L.


A survey dealing with the technology of the formation of three-dimensional structures in silicon carbide substrates is presented. As for technology, this problem can be solved by variational ion-stimulated plasma-chemical etching, and most successfully by the source of inductively coupled plasma (ICP). Silicon carbide consists of silicon and carbon that form volatile fluorides in the reaction with fluorine. The etching reaction takes place in the interaction of silicon and carbon with reactive intermediates and fluorine ions. That is why the fluorine-containing gas, sulfur hexafluoride SF6 in most cases (often with an admixture of oxygen and sometimes argon), is used for the plasma-chemical etching of silicon carbide. The materials that do not react with fluorine are applied for masking during the plasma-chemical etching of silicon carbide. The films of metals such as Cu, Al, and Ni are mainly used and silicon oxide is less used. The formation of through-holes in these substrates followed by the metallization of the holes is a particularly important technological concept related to the plasma-chemical etching of the SiC substrates with the deposited GaN epitaxial layers. Examples of the use of ICP sources for the formation of micro- and nanosize three-dimensional structures in silicon carbide are given. Among them, the formation of the through-holes in the substrates of silicon carbide with epitaxial layers of gallium nitride is discussed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):545-558
pages 545-558 views

The nature of thermoacceptors in electron-irradiated high-resistance silicon

Kobeleva S.


We have carried out an analysis of the possibility for the deep acceptor centers in silicon to participate in the formation of the thermoacceptor effect observed experimentally in a number of works, which consists in a change of conductivity from the n- to the p-type by annealing after irradiation of high-resistance silicon with electrons or neutrons. Based on the solution of the electroneutrality equation in a compensated monocrystalline silicon, we have estimated the concentration of the deep acceptor centers which are needed for obtaining p-type conductivity depending on the acceptor ionization energy and concentration of a shallow donor impurity. It is shown that deep acceptor centers (with ionization energy of up to 0.4 eV) can substantially contribute to the thermoacceptor effect in high-resistance n-type silicon prepared by floating zone melting. The concentrations of deep acceptors needed to overcompensate a sample with a low initial donor concentration (1012–1013 cm–3) are on the order of 1012–1014 cm–3 and seem to be quite achievable. Such centers can be divacancy–impurity (Fe, P) complexes with the ionization energy of up to 0.34 eV. In this case, the thermal activation of interstitial boron is also not excluded.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):559-561
pages 559-561 views

Directed crystallization of multicrystalline silicon under weak melt convection and gas exchange

Gonik M.


For the first time, the multicrystalline silicon is grown via directed crystallization using a heater submerged into the melt. The interaction of the heater casing material with molten silicon is studied on a model heater in the form of a graphite plate coated with a special structure SiC protective layer. During the crystallization, the plate has been kept on the melt surface and has almost completely overlaid the melt mirror, which favored a significant decrease in the rate of gas exchange between the melt and the atmosphere in the furnace. Marangoni convection was not observed in the absence of the free surface of the melt and the crystal was grown on the reduced melt convection, especially at the final stages of crystallization, when the thickness of the melt layer was inferior to the cross size of the crucible. The crystal is established to have a strongly pronounced columnar structure. The measured specific resistance varies over the ingot height from 1 to 1.3 Ω cm, and the lifetime of minority carriers is about 3.7 μs. The carbon and oxygen content in the ingot has been measured via FTIR spectroscopy, and the carbon concentration through the ingot height is shown to strongly differ from the linear dependence typical of directed crystallization.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):562-569
pages 562-569 views

The development of a purification technique of metallurgical silicon to silicon of the solar brand

Maronchuk I., Maronchuk I., Sanikovich D., Shirokov I.


The experimental results that show the possibility of obtaining silicon of the solar brand by the recrystallization of metallurgical silicon in fusible metals, e.g., tin, and growing monocrystalline silicon ingots from the obtained silicon scales by the Czochralski method are presented. The experiments on purifying fusible metal (tin) after ending a cycle to obtain silicon scales for the purpose of its repeated use were made. Tin purification was carried out by the method of vacuum decontamination of tin melt, its filtration, and then zone recrystallization. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the initial materials (silicon and tin) and their structure after various stages of the technological process was carried out by the method of the roentgen-fluorescent analysis on the Elvax light device. The structural features of the obtained silicon scales were considered by means of raster electronic microscopy on the REMMA106I device. The conductivity type and the specific electric resistance of the obtained silicon monocrystalline ingot were measured by the fourprobe method on the PIUS-1UM-K device. It was shown that the grown monocrystalline silicon ingot has silicon content of at least 99.999% weight, n-type conductivity, and specific electric resistance of at least 2.0 Оhm сm. The described parameters correspond to the silicon the solar brand and confirm the possibility of obtaining it from metallurgical silicon by recrystallization in fusible metals, for example, tin.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):570-575
pages 570-575 views

Investigation of ion-electron emission in the process of reactive ion-beam etching of dielectric thin film heterostructures

Kurochka A., Sergienko A., Kurochka S.


This work presents a series of experimental studies to confirm the main theoretical aspects of ionelectron emission and it searches for the possibility of the practical implementation of the operative control method of reactive ion-beam etching processes of different dielectric thin film materials of electronic engineering. The series of experiments was carried out to study the electron emission on the specially formed thinfilm multilayer heterocompositions of Si3N4/Si, Ta2O5/Al/Si, and Al/TiO2/Si. The evaluation of the effect of the induced surface potential in the dielectric film on the integral signal of the secondary electrons at reactive ion-beam etching was carried out. The dependence of the emission properties of thin dielectric films on the electric field generated in the dielectric by the surface potential induced by ion beam during reactive ionbeam etching was established. It is noted that the current level of secondary electrons from the surface of dielectric films deposited on the substrates of different materials differ in magnitude; i.e., it is determined by the substrate emission properties. It is shown that the electric field strength arising in the dielectric film under the influence of the induced potential creates the conditions for the emergence of Malter’s emission determined by the properties of its own dielectric and substrate.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):576-581
pages 576-581 views

Formation of a bidomain structure in lithium niobate wafers for beta-voltaic alternators

Malinkovich M., Bykov A., Kubasov I., Kiselev D., Ksenich S., Zhukov R., Temirov A., Timushkin N., Parkhomenko Y.


The possibility of increasing the efficiency of a beta-voltaic generator due to using a single-crystal bimorph element made of lithium niobate as a piezoelectric converter. The known beta voltaic alternators consist of a piezoelectric cantilever and a source of β-electrons. The cantilever represents a resilient member made, for example, of silicon, on which a piezoelectric element made of PZT piezoceramics is mounted. It is proposed to replace the silicon cantilever structure with a piezoelectric element by a uniform cantilever that represents a thin wafer made of a bidomain single-crystal lithium niobate. Due to this, the efficiency of the mechanical oscillation conversion into electrical power, the system Q-factor, and the stability of the operating parameters simultaneously increase; and the operation temperature range also significantly increases (by several hundred degrees). The solution of the main problem—the formation of a bidomain structure in a thin wafer of lithium niobate—is considered in detail. A method for the high-temperature annealing of samples in a nonuniform electric field is proposed. It is demonstrated that one can predict the domain structure based on the developed model. Samples are obtained having the occurrence depth of the interdomain boundary ranging from 120 to 150 μm. At the same time, it is shown that the sharpness of the boundary depends on the potential difference between the striated electrodes of the technological cell and the external electrode. The method is efficient for manufacturing a bidomain structure in a wafer up to 300 μm thick.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):582-586
pages 582-586 views

A study of magnetic and electronic hyperfine interactions in epitaxial film of yttrium-iron garnet by the method of conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy

Moklyak V.


Magnetic and electric hyperfine interactions in the near-surface layers of epitaxial films of yttrium-iron garnet of the (111) orientation grown by the liquid-phase epitaxy method are studied by the method of the conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEMS). The studies reveal a stoichiometric violation of the anion sublattice in the near-surface layers (≈8 × 10–8 m) of yttrium iron garnet film and, as a consequence, the formation of two types of d-sites, which is associated with a significant concentration of point defects in the anion sublattice of the near-surface area and the growing weight of the covalent bonding in the transition film–air layer. This also causes the presence of a fixed doublet component corresponding to iron ions in a paramagnetic state with an intermediate degree of valency between +2 and +3. It is shown that interpretation of the spectroscopic results using the Hamiltonian of mixed magnetic and quadrupole interactions makes it possible to obtain a vector diagram of the spatial orientations of the effective magnetic fields at the Fe57 nuclei and, as a consequence, to reconstruct the formation mechanism of the resulting vector of the magnetic moment of the yttrium iron garnet epitaxial film. Our studies reveal a slight noncollinearity of ≈4° in the orientations of the magnetic moments in the a- and d-sites of iron. The obtained results complement the picture of the magnetic and electronic hyperfine interactions in the epitaxial ferrite-garnet films and should be considered in the practical applications of the magnetic properties of such materials.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):587-592
pages 587-592 views

The effect of the base composition and microstructure of nickel-zinc ferrites on the level of absorption of electromagnetic radiation

Andreev V., Men’shova S., Kostishyn V., Chitanov D., Klimov A., Kirina A., Vergazov R., Bibikov S., Prokof’ev M.


Promising absorbing materials include Ni—Zn ferrites, as they quite intensively absorb electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 50 to 1000 MHz. The electromagnetic properties of Ni—Zn ferrite absorbing materials obtained by different technological methods were studied in this paper. A model making it possible to evaluate the dielectric permeability of the ferrite material, depending on the microstructure parameters and electrophysical properties of grain boundaries, was proposed. The influence of base composition and microstructure on the amount of absorption of electromagnetic radiation by Ni—Zn ferrite absorbing materials was determined. It was stated that the increase of the content of excess Fe2O3 to 51.0 mol % leads to the shift of the frequency range of the absorption of electromagnetic radiation towards lower frequencies. It can be explained by the increase of the dielectric and magnetic permeability of ferrite. Moreover, the introduction of an excess of Fe2O3 in the grinding stage of the synthesized burden is more efficient. It was revealed that increasing the sintering temperature to 1350°C also shifts the frequency range of absorption of electromagnetic radiation towards lower frequencies. Probably it is caused by the increase of the dielectric and magnetic permeability of ferrite and the shift of the resonance frequency of domain walls as a result of the formation of a coarse-grained structure.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):593-599
pages 593-599 views

Theoretical investigation of the electronic and structural properties of AlN thin films

Abgaryan K., Bazhanov D., Mutigullin I.


Studying the electronic and structural properties of AlN thin films is an important problem because such films are widely used as a buffer layer when growing GaN-based semiconductor heterostructures on Si substrates. In this paper, we carry out a theoretical investigation of the properties of an Al-terminated AlN(0001) surface in the framework of the density functional theory. Ab initio calculations allow us to analyze the effect of the in-plane lattice strain on the energy of this surface. It is shown that compressive strain causes a decrease in the AlN(0001) surface energy, while tensile strain leads to its increase. Knowing the surface energy values allows us to evaluate the stress of the surface under investigation. In addition, the curvature of the AlN surface is calculated for various AlN film thicknesses in the case of free growth. The obtained values of the surface curvature are in close agreement with the known experimental results.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):600-602
pages 600-602 views

High efficiency photoelectrodes based on porous silicon

Tynyshtykbayev K., Glazman V., Muratov D., Rakhmetov B., Tokmoldin N., Tokmoldin S.


Using the por−Si electrodes promotes the separation of water molecules inside por−Si nanopores and efficient emission of hydrogen during water electrolysis. The por−Si/c−Si heterostructure makes it possible to solve the basic problem of water photoelectrolysis on the silicon electrodes—their energetic insufficiency. The combined electrochemical and physical deposition of Ni on the surface of por−Si, the formation of NiSi−silicide coatings on the surface of the pores, and the subsequent production of por−Si photoelectrodes based on the NiSi/por−Si/c−Si/Al heterostructure makes it possible to improve their corrosion resistance to oxidation and anodic dissolution, increase the efficiency of hydrogen emission, and extend the lifetime of photoelectrodes.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):603-612
pages 603-612 views

Photosensitive heterostructures based on porous nanocrystalline silicon

Latukhina N., Rogozhin A., Saed S., Chepurnov V.


The features of the manufacturing process, as well as the results of studies on the morphology, electrophysical, and photoelectric properties of photosensitive structures based on silicon containing siliconcarbide and porous silicon layers, are considered. A porous layer is created on the surface of a monocrystalline silicon substrate via electrolytic etching in fluorine-containing solutions. Wafers with a different surface microrelief such as a ground, polished, and textured one, has been used. The carbonization of the samples resulting in the formation of SiC/Si heterostructures has been carried out via gas transport endotaxy in a hydrogen flow using a vertical reactor with cold walls and a graphite container. The structure and composition of the manufactured SiC/Si heterostructures formed on different types of structured surfaces on polycrystalline and monocrystalline silicon, including the surface porous silicon layer, are investigated. It is shown that the process of endotaxy on all the types of surfaces leads to the formation of a single-crystal phase of silicon carbide by cubic modification. Using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the morphology of the produced structures is investigated. Filiform entities with a different structure have been revealed on nonporous surfaces identified as silicon carbide, whereas the cylindrical or conical structures, whose nature is uncertain, have been observed on porous surfaces. The current-voltage and current-power curves are plotted for all types of manufactured structures, the general form of which indicates the presence of several potential barriers there. The photoelectric properties of the structures and the prospects of their use in photoelectric converters of solar cells are analyzed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):613-618
pages 613-618 views

Surface dipole ordering in submicron polydiphenylenephthalide films

Karamov D., Kiselev D., Malinkovich M., Kornilov V., Lachinov A., Gadiev R.


This work is dedicated to the elucidation of surface dipole ordering in nanoscale thin polymer layers. The experimental study of submicron-film dielectric electroactive polydiphenylenephthalide polymer has revealed that it is composed of the side phthalide groups with a relatively large dipole moment. The interest in this polymer is due to the abnormally high conductivity of the polymer/polymer interface, which has previously been associated with the possible superficial ordering of phthalide groups. Piezoresponse force microscopy has been used to explore the surface of submicron films produced by centrifugation. The manifestation of the spontaneous polarization indicates the dipole ordering. Besides this, the polarization and relaxation in samples with different thicknesses have been investigated in order to determine the volume and the surface contribution to the polarization films. A reduction in the thickness is established to amplify the piezoelectric response of the signal and the electrically generated domains acquire the ideal radial shape. This confirms the predominant contribution to the orientation processes from the surface layers of the polymer film. The polarization switching manifested as the alteration of the contrast of the piezoelectric response signal in the applied different-polarity fields has been highlighted. The presence of these surface phenomena is involved to explain the unique electronic properties of the interfaces in the polar organic dielectrics.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):619-624
pages 619-624 views

Influence of the yttria dopant on the structure and properties of (ZrO2)0.91–x(Sc2O3)0.09(Y2O3)х (x = 0–0.02) crystals

Agarkov D., Seryakov S., Myzina V., Milovich F., Lomonova E., Kuritsyna I., Kulebyakin A., Iskhakova L., Bublik V., Bredikhin S., Borik M., Tabachkova N.


We have studied the influence of the yttrium oxide (Y2O3) dopant (1 and 2 mol %) on the phase composition, structure, and electrical properties of ZrO2–9 mol % Sc2O3 solid solution. Stabilization of ZrO2 jointly with 9 mol % Sc2O3 and 2 mol % Y2O3 is shown to allow the acquisition of high phase stability transparent homogeneous crystals with a cubic structure. Their mechanical grinding is established to cause no change in the phase composition of these crystals, whereas the powders retain the initial fluorine structure. The powders preserved the original structure of the fluorite crystals. All the probed crystals reveal high microhardness and low fracture toughness. Increasing the Y2O3 concentration in the crystals led to a reduction of the maximum loads on the indenter, which the sample withstood without cracking. As is shown, the specific conductivity exhibits nonmonotonic behavior depending on the Y2O3 concentration in the crystals. Increasing the Y2O3 content to 2 mol % in the solid electrolyte reduces the conductivity of the crystals in the entire temperature range that is attributed to a decrease in the carrier mobility due to the increasing ion radius of the stabilizing ion.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(8-9):625-632
pages 625-632 views

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