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Vol 45, No 5 (2019)


Flow Cytometry as a Method to Study Marine Unicellular Algae: Development, Problems, and Prospects

Markina Z.V.


For more than the past three decades, flow cytometry has been successfully applied in various, including phytoplankton, studies that require rapid qualitative assessment of the physiological condition, chemical composition, and number of microalgal cells. The potential of this method for solving applied and fundamental problems in microalgae research, the parameters of main fluorescent dyes used for this method, the features of microalgae as study objects, as well as the challenges associated with the use of the method, are discussed in the present review.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):333-340
pages 333-340 views

Original Papers

The Distribution of Chlorophyll a in the Bottom Sediments of Aniva Bay (Sea of Okhotsk)

Koreneva T.G., Sigareva L.E.


This paper reports the first data on the content of plant pigments in the upper bottom sediment layer of Aniva Bay (Sea of Okhotsk) located in the temperate-monsoon climatic zone. A positive relationship was found between the concentration of sedimentary chlorophyll a and its total content in the water column, which reflects a prevalent role of phytoplankton in the formation of the sedimentary pigment complex. A significant variability of the spatial distribution of the pigments in the bay is shown to be caused by the hydrological–hydrochemical parameters and characteristics of the bottom sediments. The contents of chlorophyll a and phaeopigments in sediments showed values of the oligotrophic category and averaged 6.5 ± 0.7 μg/g of dry sediment or 0.47 ± 0.06 mg/g of organic matter.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):341-349
pages 341-349 views

Postembryonic Development of the Hydrothermal Vestimentiferan Oasisia alvinae Jones, 1985 (Annelida, Siboglinidae)

Gantsevich M.M., Karaseva N.P., Rimskaya-Korsakova N.N., Malakhov V.V.


Allometric growth in post-embryonic development was studied in the hydrothermal vestimentiferan Oasisia alvinae Jones, 1985. In the process of growth, the length of the trunk region increases relative to the total body length from 51 to 83.4%, whereas the relative sizes of the obturacular region, vestimental region, and the opisthosoma decrease. This is connected with a strong development of the trophosome and gonads in the trunk region. It is suggested that the predominant growth of the trunk region during ontogeny is a common pattern for all vestimentiferans. We discuss the differences in body proportions of vestimentiferans that live in hydrothermal vents and vestimentiferans of cold hydrocarbon seeps.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):350-354
pages 350-354 views

The Prevalence of Macroparasite Infection in the Mud Shrimp Upogebia major (De Haan, 1841) (Decapoda: Gebiidea) from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan

Selin N.I.


The peculiarities of infection with the parasitic bopyrid isopods Gyge ovalis and Progebiophilus sp. and the rhizocephalan Sacculina upogebiae among the mud shrimp Upogebia major population in Vostok Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) were investigated in April–November 2017. Parasites were found from spring to late autumn. The prevalence of isopod infection in U. major was 5.42%, females and males were equally infected. The prevalence of Sacculina upogebiae was 1.26%; this parasite was more common on the female hosts. Isopods were found on mud shrimp larger than 42 mm; rhizocephalan externae occurred in individuals larger than 57 mm. The highest prevalence of parasites was observed in the summer (7.44%). No cases of simultaneous infection with different species of parasites were noted in U. major.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):355-362
pages 355-362 views

Marking of Salmon Juveniles and the Efficiency of Fish Farming

Myakishev M.S., Ivanova M.A., Zelennikov O.V.


This study deals with the distribution of pink salmon spawners, which were tagged during embryogenesis at the Anivsky salmon farm, in the water area of the Sakhalin region. A majority of the tagged salmon were caught in the Bystraya River near the salmon farm. As well, the pink salmon spawners with the fish farm tag in the otoliths were found all over the water area of southern Sakhalin and Iturup Island. Here, the number of farm-reared salmon that were caught in the common migration routes or settled in the different water courses exceeded the number of fish that returned to the basic river of the Anivsky salmon farm by several times.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):363-369
pages 363-369 views

The Validity of Otolith-Based Age Estimates for the Walleye Pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas, 1814) from the Eastern Sea of Okhotsk

Buslov A.V., Ovsyannikov E.E.


Data on age of the walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas, 1814) from the eastern Sea of Okhotsk, determined by otolith analysis, are considered. A comparison of the age–length relationships, as inferred from variations in modal body size of fish of strong year-classes and from otolith-based age estimates, has shown no significant differences. This confirms the accuracy of the otolith-based estimates of walleye pollock age.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):370-376
pages 370-376 views

Marine Centrohelid Heliozoans (Centroplasthelida Febvre-Chevalier et Febvre, 1984) From Bays of Sevastopol (the Black Sea Shore)

Prokina K.I., Zagumyonnyi D.G., Mylnikov A.P.


The species diversity and morphology of centrohelid heliozoans from the Black Sea shoreline (Southern Crimea) were studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopy to supplement our knowledge on the species composition and the features of the siliceous covering of centrohelids. Six species and forms (Acanthocystis trifurca, A. turfacea, Pterocystis foliacea, P. pontica sp. n., Raineriophrys fortesca, and Heterophrys-like organism) were found. Acanthocystis trifurca was the only species of centrohelids previously recorded in the Black Sea among observed heliozoans. The new species Pterocystis pontica sp. n. is described. Two variations of Acanthocystis turfacea cells, significantly different in the morphology of scales, were observed. Two species (Pterocystis foliacea and Raineriophrys fortesca) had an unusual morphology of scales and significantly differed from those most frequently encountered in literature.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):377-384
pages 377-384 views

Molecular Phylogeny of Gobies (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from Iranian Water Bodies with a New Record

Ghanbarifardi M., Lagzian M.


The members of the family Gobiidae are usually small, secretive and are often overlooked in scientific studies of coastal marine communities. This family comprises the subfamilies of Sicydiinae, Gobionellinae, Oxudercinae, Amblyopinae, and Gobiinae. The Oxudercinae, Amblyopinae, and Gobiinae inhabit intertidal and subtidal zones of southern Iran. Stonogobiops nematodes has been identified in the study area for the first time. This research presents molecular reconstructions of seven goby species from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Makran, using the nuclear Rag1 and Rhodopsin genes. The phylogeny combines sequences of 51 species from GenBank with those of the new species. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis were used to determine that the monophyly of the Oxudercinae and Amblyopinae, as suggested by previous morphological studies, cannot be supported by the present and other molecular studies. The subfamily Gobiinae contains Gobiopsis and Cryptocentrus lineages. Close phylogenetic relationships between Istigobius and Exyrias, and Stonogobiops and Cryptocentrus are verified by morphological and molecular examination. The present molecular reconstruction uses gobies from southern Iranian waters to present more precise phylogenetic relationships among the Gobiidae than have been presented in previous studies.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):385-392
pages 385-392 views

Brief Notes

A Study of Uncinariasis in Northern Fur Seal Pups, Callorhinus ursinus, on the Rookeries of Bering Island, 2011–2012

Fomin S.V., Konovalova L.I., Belonovich O.A., DeLong R.L., Spraker T.R.


Carcasses of northern fur seal pups, Callorhinus ursinus, collected from the rookeries of Bering Island (n = 133), were examined for hookworms Uncinaria spp. The parasite was found in 90% of the pups from the Severo-Zapadnoe rookery and in 45% of the pups from the Severnoe rookery. This difference in prevalence of nematode infection between the rookeries is associated with the type of substrate, as well as with the pattern of distribution of the seal reproductive groups on each of the rookeries.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(5):393-396
pages 393-396 views

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