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Vol 44, No 6 (2018)


The Bacteriocinogenic Potential of Marine Microorganisms

Andryukov B.G., Mikhaylov V.V., Besednova N.N., Zaporozhets T.S., Bynina M.P., Matosova E.V.


One of the modern antibacterial strategies to control various infectious pathogens in agriculture, veterinary medicine, and the food industry is the use of bacteriocins, which are potent antimicrobial peptides produced by almost all species of bacteria. The wide distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, as well as the increasing awareness of the importance of the normal human biocenosis for health, necessitates the study of this new class of antimicrobial agents, whose application is recognized an alternative strategy for the treatment of infectious diseases. Among diverse marine organisms, bacteria are considered the most numerous. They are a promising source of bacteriocins, which play an important role in regulating competitive interactions in marine microbial systems. In the marine environment, with its high competition for space and resources, bacteria produce more potent bacteriocins than those isolated from other ecosystems. The scientific substantiation of the relevance of the research on the biological properties of these peptides is associated with the prospect of industrial cultivation of their producers in maricultures, as well as with the use of bacteriocins for medical and veterinary purposes.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):433-441
pages 433-441 views

Original Papers

A Rare Case of Permanent Introgressive Hybridization in Char of the Genus Salvelinus (Salmonidae: Salmoniformes) in the Utkholok River, Western Kamchatka

Gruzdeva M.A., Kuzishchin K.V., Semenova A.V., Ponomareva E.V., Volkov A.A., Pavlov D.S.


Hybrids between the whitespotted char Salvelinus leucomaenis and the northern Dolly Varden S. malma malma have been found to regularly occur and exist in the Utkholok River in western Kamchatka and constitute a significant part of the local char stock. Initially, hybrids were recorded in 1970–1971; however, a detailed description is provided for the first time. The diagnosis, description, morphometry, and skull morphology, as well as an analysis of the mtDNA CO1 gene and nuclear TNFα gene sequences and variation in six microsatellite loci, are considered. It has been established that in some of the craniological and meristic morphological traits and genetic markers the hybrids hold an intermediate position between the whitespotted char and northern Dolly Varden, whereas in other traits they are closer to whitespotted char or northern Dolly Varden. According to data of the genetic marker analysis, the hybrids are produced by female whitespotted char and male northern Dolly Varden. It has been shown that in the Utkholok River hybridization occurs constantly due to the disruption of the prezygotic isolation mechanism. A hypothesis is made that the process of permanent hybridization and the large number of hybrids are caused by the close proximity of the spawning grounds of the whitespotted char and northern Dolly Varden in the river tributaries. During the spawning of the whitespotted char, anadromous males, as well as mature male parr of both the whitespotted char and northern Dolly Varden, form a “gamete cloud” resulting in fertilization of whitespotted char eggs.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):442-451
pages 442-451 views

Erythroid Elements of Hemolymph in Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906) under Conditions of the Combined Action of Hypoxia and Hydrogen Sulfide Contamination

Soldatov A.A., Kukhareva T.A., Andreeva A.Y., Efremova E.S.


The effect of the combined action of hypoxia (0.05 mg O2/L) and hydrogen sulfide contamination (4–8 mg S2–/L) on the morphometric characteristics of the bivalve mollusk Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906) was studied under experimental conditions in vivo; the exposure lasted for 24 hours. A significant increase in the size of granular inclusions in cells was observed. The number of these granular inclusions increased by 72–178%, in comparison with the control values (normoxia). The volume of erythrocytes increased by 15–74% and reached 608.1 ± 15.2 μm3 in some individuals. The cells formed aggregates of different shapes and sizes against the background of pronounced poikilocytosis. A significant increase in the number of erythrocyte shadows became a mass phenomenon. Simultaneously, granular inclusions containing hematin entered into the hemolymph of the mollusk. It is assumed that these granular inclusions reacted with H2S to form Fe2S3 and thus neutralized the toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):452-457
pages 452-457 views

Peptide Modulators of ASIC Channels of the Sea Anemone Urticina aff. coriacea (Cuvier, 1798) from the Sea of Okhotsk

Gladkikh I.N., Kvetkina A.N., Kostina E.E., Kalina R.S., Grebnev B.B., Koshelev S.G., Kozlov S.A., Monastyrnaya M.M., Kozlovskaya E.P.


A search for biologically active peptides has been performed in an aqueous extract of the sea anemone Urticina aff. coriacea (Cuvier, 1798) (Actiniidae) from the Sea of Okhotsk. A separation of the peptides by size-exclusion chromatography and subsequent electrophysiological testing have shown that peptides of three fractions can completely inhibit currents of mammalian ASIC1a channels. The sea anemone Urticina aff. coriacea is believed to be a promising source of novel peptides that interact with ASIC channels.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):458-464
pages 458-464 views

The Biological Activity of Extracts of Marine Invertebrates from Troitsa Bay (Sea of Japan)

Kozlovskii S.A., Sintsova O.V., Pislyagin E.A., Yurchenko E.A., Pivkin M.V., Leychenko E.V.


The biological activity of extracts from nine species of marine invertebrates (the phyla Cnidaria, Annelida, Sipunculida, and Nemertea) that inhabit Troitsa Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) was determined using in vitro and in vivo models. It was found that extracts of marine worms, that is, the polychaete Eularia viridis and sipunculida Phascolostoma agassizii, have an antibacterial effect and reduce the adhesion of macrophages, whereas extracts of the jellyfish Gonionemus vertens exhibit neurotoxic effects and are also able to increase or decrease the adhesion of macrophages, depending on the method of extraction. These marine animals can be a source of antimicrobial, antioxidant, antitumor, and immunostimulating compounds.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):465-470
pages 465-470 views

Sprat (Sprattus sprattus) as a Possible Source of Invasion of Marine Predators with Contracaecum osculatum in the Southern Baltic Sea

Nadolna-Ałtyn K., Szostakowska B., Podolska M.


Sprat is one of the most important fish in the food webs of the open part of the Baltic Sea. It is a crucial element in the diet of predators, which include salmonid and gadoid fish, marine mammals and sea birds. Sprat might also be a source of parasitic invasion for piscivorous organisms. We evaluated the level of sprat invasion with zoonotic nematodes in the southern Baltic Sea (Polish EEZ) from two sampling periods (1987–1989–1990: 3511 fish examined; and 2015–2016: 180 fish examined). While there was no evidence for zoonotic nematode parasites in sprats sampled during the first period, or in those from 2015, we found larvae of the liver worm Contracaecum osculatum in sprat sampled in 2016 from the central off-shore area of the Polish EEZ. Together with other recent reports, this suggests that sprat recently may play a role as a transmitter of this parasite to piscivorous organisms in several areas of the Baltic Sea.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):471-476
pages 471-476 views

Preliminary Characterization of a Blue Pigment Extracted from “Cannon Ball” Jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris

Lugo-Magaña O., García X.G., Barrientos R.G., Legarreta I.G.


Due to consumers’demand for natural pigments new sources have been explored, the marine environment among others. This paper studied the optimal extraction conditions and preliminary characterized a blue pigment obtained from Stomolophus meleagris jellyfish. Specimens were collected from State of Sonora seashore, at the Gulf of California, Mexico. The umbrella color was not homogeneous where a more intense blue color was observed at the edge. The pigment was obtained after tissue sonication at 35 kHz and extraction with artificial seawater, and purified by ultrafiltration through 30 and 100-kDa MCD membranes.The pigment is not a carotenoid, as concluded by its insolubility in non-polar solvents. A 100 kDa protein was associated to the chromophore, conversely with other jellyfish species where the protein moiety is around 30 kDa. This higher protein molecular weight was possible due to a multimeric glycoprotein. By using PAS staining it was concluded that this pigment includes a glycoprotein, showing similar characteristics to the blue pigment extracted from Casiopea xamachana and Rizostoma pulmo.The associated protein was separated from the pigment-protein complex using two commercial proteases. Pigment stability was followed during storage for 35 days at 4 and –20°C. The obtained partially purified pigment was efficiently extracted with 10% ethanol, stable at pH 3 to 9, but not stable to heating.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):477-483
pages 477-483 views

Microsatellite Markers and Genetic Diversity of Four Scleractinian Corals

Jigui Y., Xinlong Y., Li L., Yanping Z., Zegeng W., Yuanjia H.


Eighteen microsatellite sequences were isolated from Platygyra acuta through magnetic bead hybridization enrichment method, and the site primers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of P. acuta, Platygyra daedalea, Favites flexuosa, and Porites lutea. Results showed that among the 18 microsatellites of P. acuta, 12 (66.67%) were perfect, 3 (16.67%) were imperfect, and the remaining 3 (16.67%) were compound type. P. acuta, P. daedalea, F. flexuosa, and P. lutea were detected to have 39, 28, 40, and 21 alleles using 12 pairs of common primers. The genetic diversity analysis of the four scleractinian populations indicated that the average polymorphism information contents were 0.5168, 0.4250, 0.5286, and 0.3409; the average expected heterozygosity values were 0.6667, 0.6042, 0.5972, and 0.4702; and the average effective numbers of allele were 2.7112, 2.5376, 2.6860, and 2.0081, respectively. All results indicated that the P. acuta and the F. flexuosa populations had high levels of genetic diversities, whereas P. daedalea and P. lutea had moderate levels of genetic diversities. In addition, environment stresses and the modes of reproduction of corals may be the main reasons for the deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):484-490
pages 484-490 views

Brief Notes

Identification of Larvae of Stichaeus fuscus Miki et Maruyama, 1986 (Perciformes: Stichaeidae) and Their Distribution in the Far Eastern Seas

Balanov A.A., Shelekhov V.A., Zemnukhov V.V.


Larvae of Stichaeus fuscus from the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk have been identified and their diagnostic traits described. Larvae of this species were collected in August to early October at a water temperature of 9.9–19.0°C and a salinity of 31.4–33.6‰. The size of larvae varies from 3.5 to 10.0 mm. The areas of finds of S. fuscus larvae fit the known range of this species well.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):491-495
pages 491-495 views

Ontogenetic Variation in the Byssal Attachment Strength of Modiolus kurilensis Bernard, 1983 (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in Connection with Spatial Organization in Druses

Selin N.I.


In October 2015, the strength of attachment to the substrate was studied in the bivalve Modiolus kurilensis in druses on silty sand at a depth of 6–11 m. The byssal attachment strength of M. kurilensis was found to increase substantially during ontogeny. It was dependent on the spatial position of mussels within the druse and differed by a factor of 2–2.5 for individuals of the same size.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):496-499
pages 496-499 views

Finding of the Carposporophyte of Pleuroblepharidella japonica (Okamura) M.J. Wynne (Rhodophyta: Bonnemaisoniaceae)

Zhigadlova G.G.


The female fertile samples of the red alga Pleuroblepharidella japonica (Okamura) M.J. Wynne from coastal waters of Matua Islet (Kurile Islands) have been found for the first time. The carposporophyte is described and illustrated; some features of development of the alga in this habitat are discussed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):500-502
pages 500-502 views

A Model for the Stochastic Multidimensional Growth of Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857) (Bivalvia: Pectinidae)

Sukhanov V.V., Selin N.I.


A mathematical model that describes the growth of a complex of characters in an organism that inhabits a stochastic environment is discussed. The concepts of noise-induced and structural variability of characters are determined. The model is demonstrated based on the example of the bivalve Mizuhopecten yessoensis.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(6):503-506
pages 503-506 views

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